February 18 2024

President Donald Trump spoke before a big crowd of supporters in Waterford Township, Michigan on Saturday. 


Michigan Rep. Lisa McClain said: “The special counsel said the other day that President Biden’s not fit to stand trial… If President Biden’s not fit to stand trial, how in God’s name is he fit to be the commander-in-chief of this great nation?”


Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman: "We on the global stage have become to be viewed as not the leader of the free world. That's not an option... so what do we do? We elect Donald Trump!"


A Michigan auto worker took the stage and said: "Thank you, President Trump--we got your back. The auto workers are going to support this guy like we did in '16, '20, we're going to do it again in '24!"


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: "Just ten days from now, we're going to win a monumental victory in the Michigan Republican primary."


President Trump: "The decision yesterday in New York... by a radical, left-wing judge was a lawless and unconstitutional atrocity that sets fire to our laws like no one has ever seen in this country before. That happens in banana republics."


President Trump: "All you see is bitterness and revenge and hatred. Judge Engoron just fined me $355 million for doing everything right. And these repulsive abuses of power are not just an attack on me, they're really an attack on you and all Americans."


President Trump: "Nikki Haley... wants to extend the minimum age of Social Security by ten years."


President Trump: "A vote for Joe Biden is a vote to send tens of thousands of Michigan jobs to China and other places... A vote for Trump is a vote to keep those manufacturing jobs in America."


President Trump: "Biden always puts America last—he didn't even have the decency to go to East Palestine, Ohio until yesterday."


President Trump: "Crooked Joe is not working for you, he's working for himself... As President Harry Truman said, 'show me a man that gets rich by being a politician and I'll show you a crook.' "


President Trump: "...Crooked Joe Biden... backed NAFTA... and China's entry into the World Trade Organization... TPP and every other globalist betrayal of Michigan workers... Just as I promised, I withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership in my very first week."


President Trump: “Under the Trump Administration, you were better off, your family was better off, your neighbors were better off, your communities were better off, and our country was A LOT better off.”

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