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July 27 2024

President Trump Highlights Kamala’s Radical Views

President Donald Trump highlighted Kamala Harris' radical agenda and failed record in a speech Friday night at a Turning Point Action event.


President Trump: "As a Senator, she viciously attacked highly qualified judicial nominees simply because they were members of the Knights of Columbus suggesting that their Catholic faith disqualified them from serving on the federal bench."


President Trump: Four more years of Kamala Harris means America "will be decimated by migrant crime" and "ravaged by rampant inflation."


President Trump: "She supports the Biden-Harris Title IX policy of forcing every public school in America to let men in women's and girls' locker rooms."


President Trump: "Harris will appoint hundreds of extreme far-left judges to forcibly impose crazy San Francisco liberal values on Americans nationwide."


President Trump: "If Kamala Harris gets in, she will be the most extreme radical liberal president in American history...As a Senator, Harris was ranked number one most far-left Democrat in the entire Senate, and that includes Bernie Sanders."


President Trump: "She supports free government healthcare for illegal aliens, abolishing ICE, decriminalizing illegal immigration... mass amnesty for illegals, banning fracking... she wants to outlaw private health insurance... she wants to defund the police."


President Trump: "Border Czar Harris will let murderers, child predators, and bloodthirsty rapists and drug dealers charge across our borders by the tens of thousands a day. I will throw the killers, criminals, and illegal aliens and gang members the hell out of our country."

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July 26 2024

Kamala Says You Shouldn’t Use The Term ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’

Washington Free BeaconVice President Kamala Harris said the public should no longer use the terms "radical Islamic terrorism" and "illegal alien" during a speech she gave at a Los Angeles mosque in July 2016.


"We must have the courage to object when they use that term, ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ which ignores how Muslims have overwhelmingly been the greatest victims of terror," she told the crowd at the Islamic Center of Southern California. "We must also have the courage to reject the term ‘illegal alien.’"


Harris’s remarks, which are available on her Facebook page, are yet another example of her history as one of the most left-wing lawmakers in the Senate as well as a potential electoral liability. Her failed 2020 presidential campaign was predicated on the idea that she was a more palatable alternative to socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).


The result was Harris staking out far-left positions such as abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, endorsing "Medicare for All," and applauding cities that slashed the budgets of their police departments. Harris’s comments about Islamic terrorism came well before she threw her hat into the presidential ring, but nonetheless give a window into how she may govern in the White House.

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July 26 2024

ICYMI: J.D. Vance On The Megyn Kelly Show

Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance went on The Megyn Kelly Show Friday. 


Senator Vance: "If you want higher inflation, vote for Kamala Harris. If you want lower prices, vote for Donald Trump. Do you want a wide open border? Then vote for Kamala Harris. If you want to close down that border and get the drug dealers and the fentanyl out of our communities vote for President Trump. Kamala Harris has supported all of the most unpopular policies...she's extremely liberal. Her policies have been bad for this country, they'd be even worse if we gave her another 4 years."

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July 26 2024

CNN: Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in June 2020 radio interview



CNNVice President Kamala Harris voiced support for “defund the police” in a radio interview in June 2020 amidst nationwide protests for police reform, just months before denouncing the movement after she had joined the Biden presidential campaign.


Harris said in the June radio interview the movement “rightly” called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety.


“This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” Harris said on a New York-based radio program “Ebro in the Morning” on June 9, 2020, adding that US cities were “militarizing police” but “defunding public schools.”

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July 26 2024

New York Post: ‘Kamala Harris championed sanctuary city policies — and these migrant crimes could come back to haunt her’

The New York PostVice President Kamala Harris championed sanctuary cities when she served as district attorney in San Francisco, with her office saying at the time that “we are a sanctuary city, a city of refuge, and we always will be.”


Now as the Democrats’ leading presidential nominee candidate, Republicans are pointing back to her liberal policies that were soft on illegal migrants.


Harris was elected as San Francisco’s DA in 2004, running on a campaign vowing to never impose the death penalty and supporting the city’s decades-old sanctuary city policy while in office.


Harris argued at the time that the policy allowed illegal migrants to come forward about crimes without fear of retribution for their immigration status.


Throughout the decades of her career, Harris has also stressed as late as 2019 that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”


Now that she’s the clear frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, The Post is looking back at some of the crimes committed on her watch by illegal migrants who benefited from sanctuary city policies — including migrants who had previous criminal records and weren’t deported.


Edwin Ramos


Edwin Ramos, an illegal migrant from El Salvador, committed a triple murder in 2008 in San Francisco when Harris was district attorney.


Ramos’ gruesome killings of three members of the Bologna family — Tony Bologna, 48, and his two sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16 — rocked national headlines and led to then-mayor Gavin Newsom to change the city’s policies on juvenile crimes.


Before the triple shooting, Ramos has been arrested several times as a juvenile for being involved in a gang-related assault on a bus passenger and an attempted robbery of a pregnant woman, per the San Francisco Chronicle.


In both cases, he was not referred to federal authorities because it was a city policy not to question the immigration status of juveniles.


In the weeks after the shooting, Newsom changed city policy so that illegal youths would be reported to federal authorities if they were arrested.


Harris did not seek the death penalty against Ramos, keeping with her campaign promise, despite calls from the mother and widow Danielle Bologna.

“It was senseless,” Danielle Bologna said at the time, per the San Francisco Chronicle.

“And to think they didn’t deport him back, knowing that he did not have papers and he was here illegally, it is a big issue.”

“They need to take responsibility, the city,” she said.

“They didn’t do anything. … He should have been deported. This is huge. I’m extremely angry about this.”

“They need to take responsibility, the city. They didn’t do anything. … He should have been deported. This is huge. I’m extremely angry about this.”

Rony Aguilera

Rony Aguilera, an illegal migrant from Honduras, was another juvenile who was arrested during Harris’ reign and not turned over to federal authorities for his immigration status after being found guilty for a federal assault in a juvenile court, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

After being set free in 2007 despite the assault, Aguilera was involved in the gruesome gang-related murder of Ivan Miranda in 2008.

Miranda was walking on the street, returning an iPad to his friend, when Aguilera attacked him with a sword, nearly decapitating him.

Aguilera was sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Alexander Izaguirre

Along with her support for sanctuary city policies, Harris also led a program that allowed low-level drug offenders to enter the “Back on Track” program, which gave them job training and could expunge their criminal records.

The DA’s office was in charge of picking candidates for the program, and notably took in illegal migrant Alexander Izaguirre, who came into the country from Honduras.

Izaguirre was chosen for the jobs program despite being arrested twice in eight months for allegedly snatching a purse and for selling cocaine, the LA Times reported.

While in the program in 2008, Izaguirre assaulted San Francisco resident Amanda Kiefer.

He snatched her purse, jumped into an SUV, and ran down Kiefer with the vehicle, leaving her with a fractured skull.

At the time, Harris said accepting Izaguirre into the “Back on Track” program was a mistake.

But she allowed the other illegal migrants in the program to continue their terms and graduate.

“The immigration issue, as it relates to the Izaguirre case, obviously is a huge kind of pimple on the face of this program,” Harris told the LA Times.

She then said, “I don’t mean to trivialize it, nor do I mean to cover it up.”

Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate and Kate Steinle

Harris has also previously opposed a bill that would increase penalties for illegal migrants who repeatedly enter the US illegally.

As senator in 2017, Harris helped strike down the Stop Illegal Reentry Act, also known as “Kate’s Law.”

The bill came in response to the 2015 killing of 32-year-old Kathryn “Kate” Steinle by Mexican national Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate.

At the time, Harris was California state Attorney General and had announced she was running for US Senate.

Steinle was walking along a pier in San Francisco with her dad when she was hit in the back by a stray bullet and killed. Garcia-Zaratel claimed he found a gun under the bench he was sitting on and that it went off when he picked it up, killing Steinle by mistake.

Garcia-Zaratel had seven prior felony convictions by the time he was arrested, and had been deported six times, only to re-enter each time.

“Kate’s Law” first came up for a vote in 2015, only to be struck down by Senate Democrats.

The bill was brought up again in 2017, but Democrats — including then-Senator Harris — struck it down again.

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July 25 2024

Majority Of Americans Say Kamala Covered Up Joe Biden’s Decline

Americans know that Kamala Harris was in on it. She covered up Joe Biden's cognitive decline and put American national security at risk.


A new YouGov poll shows 68 percent of registered voters say that Kamala was "a great deal" involved in covering up Joe Biden's health. Just 4 percent say she was "not at all" involved.


Lyin' Kamala Harris can't be trusted. She lied and claimed Joe Biden is "tireless" and in "good shape."

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July 25 2024

‘Harris wants more restrictions on cops and fewer restrictions on criminals’

Washington Free BeaconThe elimination of cash bail and court-ordered fines are just two ways Vice President Kamala Harris wants to "transform the criminal justice system" and "end mass incarceration," according to a memo from her failed 2020 presidential campaign.


The memo, which is no longer available on her campaign website, describes what would be the most dramatic overhaul of how the nation confronts criminality. The "guiding principles" listed by Harris include an "end [to] mandatory minimums."


Harris's proposals put a spotlight on her history as one of the most left-wing lawmakers in the Senate. They also offer a preview into how she could govern as president. On the campaign trail, Harris enthusiastically supported a number of left-wing criminal justice initiatives not outlined in her plan, such as slashing the budgets of police departments and allowing convicted murderers and rapists the right to vote in federal elections.


"It is long past time to re-envision public safety by strengthening and supporting our communities and drastically limiting the number of people we expose to our criminal justice system," the memo reads. "As president, Kamala will fundamentally transform how we approach public safety."


Harris's campaign did not respond to a request for comment.


The document lists several ways in which a President Harris would lower the nation's prison population. Ideas include an "end" to the "War on Drugs" and allow judges to issue "sentences below the mandatory minimums."


Felons who committed crimes that are "not serious" and have been out of prison for five years would see their criminal records automatically expunged under the Harris plan. Harris did not say what she considers a "not serious" felony. Cash bail, which Harris described as "criminalizing poverty," would also be eliminated.


Crime has increasingly become a top issue for voters as homicide rates spiked across the country in the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdowns. More than 60 percent of voters, according to a Pew Research Center survey, believe that "the criminal justice system in the United States is not tough enough on criminals." Just 13 percent say it is "too tough."

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July 25 2024

Bipartisan Condemnation Of Kamala Harris’ Failed Border Record

House Democrats joined Republicans in voting Thursday to condemn Border Czar Kamala Harris' failure to secure the border.


Harris utterly failed in her role leading the response to the border. A record number of illegal immigrants have poured across the southern border. The surge in crossings came after a rollback of President Trump’s policies.


Harris was not only derelict in her duties, but she lied to the nation. Just days after Laken Riley's alleged killer crossed the border, Harris told NBC that "we have a secure border."

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July 25 2024

President Trump Holds Electric Rally In North Carolina

President Donald Trump held an electric rally Wednesday in Charlotte, North Carolina.


President Trump received the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations.


National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said: "Kamala Harris knows what she needs to do...I gave her all of the policies she needed and she refused to implement them. She does not care about you...[Trump] does. This is the man for the presidency."


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: "As you know, 3 days ago we officially defeated the worst president in the history of our we have a new victim to defeat: Lyin' Kamala Harris -- the most incompetent and far-left vice president in American history."


President Trump: "For three and a half years, Lyin' Kamala Harris has been the ultra-liberal driving force behind every single Biden catastrophe."


President Trump: "As border czar, Kamala threw open our borders and allowed 20 million illegal aliens to stampede into our country from all over the world."


President Trump: "In addition to her horrendous record as vice president, Kamala Harris has also been caught red-handed perpetrating the biggest scandal in American political history...Harris shamelessly lied to the American public to cover up Joe Biden's mental unfitness."


President Trump: "One of the dangerous criminals Kamala helped bail out of jail was Shawn Michael Tillman—a repeat offender who, with Harris’s help, was set free. He then went on to murder a man on a train platform in St. Paul, Minnesota, shooting him in cold blood six times in the head and torso. Kamala Harris wants to be the president for savage criminals and illegal aliens—I will be the president for law-abiding Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed."


President Trump: "As Senator, Harris was ranked the #1 most left-wing Democrat in the Senate."


President Trump: "Lyin' Kamala supported abolishing ICE. She compared ICE agents to members of the KKK, can you believe it?"


President Trump: "If Border Czar Harris stays in charge, every week will bring a never ending stream of illegal alien rapists, bloodthirsty killers and child predators to go after our sons and our daughters."


President Trump: "We already gave you the largest tax cuts in history, but we will pass massive tax cuts for workers -- and that includes no tax on tips!"


President Trump: "To bring down the prices of all goods, we will stop the Biden-Harris war on American energy and we will drill, baby, drill."


President Trump: "If you want to save America, get your friends, get your family, get everyone you know and vote. Vote early, vote absentee, vote Election Day -- I don't care how you vote -- you gotta get out."

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July 24 2024

BREAKING: ‘Kamala Harris picked illegal migrant for jobs program who brutally attacked woman while she was San Francisco DA’

New York PostVice President Kamala Harris is touting her time as a prosecutor in her 2024 run, with her campaign saying she has never “shied away from taking on those who harm the American people.”


But as district attorney of San Francisco, Harris ran a program that allowed illegal immigrants arrested for drug crimes to get job training and have their records expunged — all while avoiding deportation because of the city’s sanctuary policies.


Harris touted “Back on Track,” even though one of the offenders she picked for the program — illegal Honduran migrant Alexander Izaguirre — allegedly brutally assaulted a young woman, leaving her with a skull fracture and longterm trauma.


Harris later referred to the attack as, “a huge kind of pimple on the face of this program.”


The DA’s office chose Izaguirre for the program after he was arrested twice in eight months for allegedly snatching a purse and for selling cocaine, the LA Times reported at the time.


In July 2008, while in the “Back on Track” program, Izaguirre committed another crime. According to authorities, he stole the purse of Amanda Kiefer, a San Francisco resident who had been walking with her friend to a restaurant in the Pacific Heights area.


After taking her purse, Izaguirre got into an SUV and attempted to run her down, authorities said. Kiefer got onto the hood of the car and hit the brakes, throwing the 29-year-old into the road and fracturing her skull.


Kiefer told the LA Times in 2009 that the attack led her to flee California for good, and that she didn’t understand why illegal criminals were not being deported.

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July 24 2024

NYPOST: Kamala Harris won’t fix the open border — she doesn’t even think illegal immigration is a crime

Todd Bensman in The New York PostNo matter what she might spin now that she is the Democratic Party’s heir apparent, Kamala Harris made her views on immigration clear many times: Complete open borders.


During a Senate confirmation hearing on President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Ronald Vitiello, she legitimized leftist militant narratives in accusing the agency of racism.

“Certain communities saw ICE as comparable to the Ku Klux Klan for administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation, particularly among immigrants and specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America,” Harris accused.

Harris told MSNBC in 2019 that the United States should “probably think about starting from scratch” on enforcing immigration laws, while a spokesperson for Harris said the senator was weighing “a complete overhaul of the agency, mission, culture, operations.”

None of this could be said to be opportunistic, either.

Back in 2015, while serving as California’s attorney general, Harris told KCBS-TV in Los Angeles that “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal. I know what a criminal looks like who’s committing a crime. An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”

In fact, illegally crossing the southern border is a federal misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in prison for a first offense and more time with subsequent violations.

She was one of the candidates who raised a hand at another debate when asked if she supported decriminalizing illegal crossings.

In a 2019 interview with National Public Radio, candidate Harris expressed a willingness to declare all illegal border crossers refugees from unconfirmable claimed political violence, even if that meant ignoring the law, despite well-known reporting that millions let inside on such claims run and disappear into the nation’s permanent illegal immigrant population.

“I disagree with any policy that would turn America’s back on people who are fleeing harm. I frankly believe that it is contrary to everything that we have symbolically and actually said we stand for,” she said. “And so, I would not enforce a law [emphasis added] that would reject people and turn them away without giving them a fair and due process to determine if we should give them asylum and refuge.”

Harris’ presidential campaign website took a page from Antifa and BLM ideology handbooks about dismantling immigration enforcement, declaring her belief that “we must fundamentally overhaul our immigration enforcement policies and practices — they are cruel and out of control.” She promised to “increase oversight” of agencies like the US Border Patrol once she commands the agency.

Expect claims from Harris supporters that, well, this was a primary campaign intended to appeal to the party base. She didn’t really mean any of it.

Harris kept her feelings close to the vest after becoming vice president, but repeatedly lied and obfuscated on whether a mass migration crisis was underway at the southern border for years, refusing to visit it and, when she finally did under pressure, staying indoors in controlled environments with the TV cameras.

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent some illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard to make a political point in September 2022, Harris was quoted insisting the administration’s policies had “closed” the border when hundreds of thousands had just crossed in.

Local TV quoted one of the Martha’s Vineyard immigrants refuting the vice president’s absurd claim.

“It’s open, not closed. The border is open,” the gentleman responded when asked about Harris’ claim that it was closed. “Everybody believes the border is open. It’s open because … we entered! We come in. Free. No problem.”

As vice president, Harris has regularly blamed “root causes” and “climate change” for the vast influx that began right after she and President Biden took office and implemented an extremist vision from the burning streets of blue cities.

Immigration was all so very “complex,” Harris explained during a state visit to Central America to get the strategy up and running.

So complex that Harris’ answer to it is … nothing.

Whatever the Democratic Party nominee might float about her plans for border security over the next four months, American voters who disagree with what she and Biden did at the border should know that, in her case, past definitely is prologue.

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July 24 2024

MUST READ: ‘17 Facts Expose Kamala Harris’ Far-Left Record’

From Breitbart News' Wendell Husebo: "Below are 17 examples of Harris’ far-left record:


  1. Co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation
  2. Backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation
  3. Backed banning private health insurance
  4. Supported giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants
  5. Supported banning fracking
  6. Backed defunding the police
  7. Compared ICE to the KKK
  8. Wanted to ban plastic straws
  9. Defended banning offshore drilling
  10. Wanted to “undo” the Trump administration’s border security, taking 94 executive actions in their first 100 days to rescind nealy every Trump-era measure
  11. Supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings
  12. Said she wouldn’t 'treat' illegal aliens as 'criminals'
  13. Called for 'starting [ICE] from scratch'
  14. Argued that temporarily closing the border violated federal law
  15. Raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization that pays to bail out of jail violent criminals, including accused murderers and rapists.
  16. Supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department
  17. Called efforts to add more police to the streets 'wrongheaded thinking'"
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July 24 2024

Kamala Harris’ Anti-Police Record

Kamala Harris doesn't think the police keep people safe. 


Kamala Harris: "It is outdated and it is actually wrong and backward to think that more police officers will create more safety."


Kamala Harris: "For far too long, the status quo thinking has been to believe that to put more police on the street, you’re going to have more safety. And that’s just wrong. That’s not how it works."


Kamala Harris: "We have confused the idea that to achieve safety, you put more cops on the street."


Kamala Harris: "It is outdated. It is wrong headed thinking to think that the only way you are going to get communities to be safe is to put more police officers on the street."


Kamala Harris: "The status quo has been to determine and create policy around the idea that more police equals more safety, and that's just wrong."


Kamala Harris even applauded Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for cutting police funding by $150 million.

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July 23 2024

Kamala Harris Still Raising Money for ‘Freedom Fund’ That Busts Murderers and Rapists Out of Jail

Washington Free Beacon: Vice President Kamala Harris is actively raising money for a bail fund that busts violent criminals from jail as her nascent presidential campaign signals her candidacy will lean heavily on her roots as a tough-on-crime former prosecutor.


Harris urged her followers to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund in June 2020 as Black Lives Matter rioters wreaked havoc in Minneapolis in the days following George Floyd’s death. Harris’s fundraising efforts helped the fund raise more than $41 million in 2020, but the group only used a small fraction of that bounty—$210,000—to bail rioters out of jail. The remaining funds helped post bail for violent criminals such as Christopher Boswell, a twice-convicted rapist who was freed from jail in 2020 pending kidnapping and sexual assault charges after the Minnesota Freedom Fund paid $350,000 for his release.


"The last time we were down there, the clerk said, ‘we hate it when you bail out these sex offenders, that is what they said,’" former Minnesota Freedom Fund interim executive director Greg Lewin told Fox9 in August 2020.


The Minnesota Freedom Fund continues to reap dividends from Harris’s fundraising efforts well into 2024. The vice president’s fundraising page for the group, which contains a photo of a triumphant Harris before a crowd of supporters alongside her 2020 campaign logo, is active and accepted a contribution from this reporter on Monday morning.

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July 22 2024

Senator J.D. Vance Holds Two Big Rallies

GOP vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance held two big rallies Monday in Middletown, Ohio and Radford, Virginia.


Highlights from Senator Vance's speeches:


Senator Vance: "When I think about the American Dream, I don't think about writing a book, becoming a business guy, -- I don't even think about running for Vice President...I think about becoming a husband and a father. That's the way in which this community and this country was best to me."


Senator Vance: "My message to Democrats who are disgusted by this process -- disgusted by how anti-democratic it is: you are welcome in the Republican Party, where we think we should persuade voters and not lie to voters."


Senator Vance: "History will remember Joe Biden as not just a quitter — which he is — but one of the worst presidents in [history]...But my friends, Kamala Harris is a million times worse...She signed up for every single one of Joe Biden's failures, and she lied about his mental capacity to serve as president."


Senator Vance: “On her very first day in office, she and Biden suspended deportations, they stopped construction of the border wall and they reimplemented catch and release. The border crisis is a Kamala Harris crisis.”


Senator Vance: "Kamala Harris is actually even more extreme than Biden...She wants to totally decriminalize illegal immigration."


Senator Vance: “She said a couple of days ago that I…have no loyalty to the United States…I don’t know Kamala, I served in the United States Marine Corps and built a business. What the hell have you done other than collect a government check for the past 20 years?”


Senator Vance: "I happen to believe...that we should make more of our own stuff in this country...Do you know where 95% of the manufactured? China.  Do you know where the gross majority of the antibiotics that we put into the bodies of our children come from? China."


Senator Vance: "My message to America's seniors is simple: I will fight for you because if it wasn't for a grandma like that, I wouldn't be standing here today getting to run as your next Vice President of the United States."

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July 22 2024

Kamala Harris Was Ranked The Most Left-Wing Senator

Kamala Harris was ranked the most left-wing senator in 2019, even more left-wing than Bernie Sanders, according to GovTrack, which is an independent government tracking website. 


That year in the Senate, Kamala Harris co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation and backed Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All legislation. Kamala even backed banning private health insurance and giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants.


Kamala Harris is an extreme radical whose views are out of touch with voters. 


She supports banning fracking, defunding the police, and compared ICE to the KKK.

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July 22 2024

Washington Examiner: Kamala Harris-backed bail fund that freed violent criminals back in spotlight

The Washington Examiner: "Vice President Kamala Harris is coming under renewed scrutiny as she embarks on her second White House bid over her promotion in 2020 of a bail fund that helped free convicts, including murderers and serial domestic abusers.




The Minnesota Freedom Fund, a previously little-known organization that tax forms show raised a staggering $41 million in 2020, was notably promoted in June of that year by then-Sen. Harris, who posted on social media, 'If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.' Formed in 2016, the MFF 'has paid more than $26 million to free 3,000+ people from pre-trial jailing and immigration detention' and 'pays criminal bail and immigration bonds for those who cannot otherwise afford to as we seek to end discriminatory, coercive, and oppressive jailing,' according to MFF’s website.




Court records show that the Harris-endorsed MFF was used to bail out violent criminals, including Shawn Michael Tillman of St. Paul, who was sentenced to life in prison this March for first- and second-degree murder. George Howard, another man that the MFF freed, pleaded guilty in 2023 to second-degree murder for shooting and killing another man in 2021 in Minneapolis.




One person who benefited from the MFF, Christopher Boswell, is a twice-convicted rapist.... Another person, Darnika Floyd, was later sentenced in 2021 to prison after being charged with second-degree murder in 2018 for stabbing a man to death who did not want to have sex with her."

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July 22 2024

FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Compared ICE To KKK, Said Agency Should Be Restarted ‘From Scratch’

The Daily Caller: "Vice President Kamala Harris, now a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, once compared federal immigration agents to white supremacists and suggested their agency should be completely reformed.


Harris in 2018 compared Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to the Ku Klux Klan, and she suggested earlier that year that the entire agency should be abolished and started again 'from scratch.'"

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July 22 2024

BREAKING: ‘Last 2 Border Patrol chiefs say Harris has not spoken with them’

Kamala Harris was asleep at the wheel while millions of illegal immigrants stormed across her open border.


NewsNation: "Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens says Vice President Kamala Harris has not spoken with him since he was appointed in July 2023.


President Joe Biden tapped Harris to lead his administration’s border efforts in March 2021. She made trips to some South American countries in the following months to plead with people not to make the dangerous trip, but has not been visible in the years since as the problem ballooned.


Retired Border Patrol chief Raul Ortiz told CBS in March he also never spoke with Harris during his tenure from August 2021 through June 2023."

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July 22 2024

Kamala’s Radical Record

Here are the facts about California liberal Kamala Harris' radical record


  • Kamala Harris encouragedpeople to contribute to a bail fund to free violent rioters. One of those freed ended up being charged with murderKamala Harris bails out criminals, and Americans pay the price.


  • Kamala Harris was a weak-on-crime prosecutor when she served as San Francisco’s District Attorney She granted probation to a man that went on to murder two people. Kamala Harris would do nothing to make your neighborhood safer.


  • Kamala Harris might love criminals, but she hates the police. Shesupported the Defund The Police movement and said we need to "reimagine" public safety. She even applauded the Los Angeles Mayor for slashing police funding by $150 million.


  • Kamala Harris wants murderers and rapists to live without fear of deportation. She backed abolishing ICE, the agency that arrests and deports dangerous criminals. Harris said we need to think about "starting from scratch." 


  • Kamala Harris wants to give your hard-earned money to illegal immigrants that are abusing the system. Harris supportsgiving taxpayer-funded healthcare coverage to illegal immigrants.


  • Kamala Harris wants you to pay more in taxes. She voted against the Trump Tax Cuts and said that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s 70% income tax rate idea was “fantastic.”


  • Kamala Harris owns Joe Biden’s open border. Since she has been put in charge of securing our southern border, more than10 millionillegal immigrants have illegally entered the United States. Kamala Harris evensaid the border was “secure” just days after Laken Riley’s killer illegally crossed the border.


  • Kamala Harris not only wants you to pay more taxes, but she wants to control what you can eat. Harris wants to change the country's dietary guidelines to reduce the amount of red meat you can eat.
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July 21 2024

MAGA Inc. Sunday Note: July 21, 2024

Good evening,


According to Biden's letter announcing he is dropping out of the presidential race (we haven't actually seen or heard from Biden himself), he is not stepping down as President.


The obituary-style stories on Biden's announcement should send chills down every American. We are a country without a Commander-in-Chief. We have a White House full of liars and snakes.


The threats from Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are real. Global transportation came to a screeching halt just days ago. Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt after being declined additional protection.


Now, Kamala Harris is the anointed candidate while claiming Joe Biden is coherent enough lead for another 6 months.


The Democrats are so obsessed with power, they are putting American lives, our economy, and global security at risk as they continue the biggest cover-up in world history.


They are sick and should all be voted out.


Taylor Budowich, 

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc.


Radical California liberal Kamala Harris: 


  • Kamala Harris encouraged people to contribute to a bail fund to free criminals. One of those freed ended up being charged with murder. 


  • Kamala Harris was a weak-on-crime prosecutor. She granted probation to a man that went on to murder. 


  • Kamala Harris supported the Defund The Police movement and said we need to "reimagine" public safety. She even applauded the Los Angeles Mayor for slashing police funding by $150 million.


  • Kamala Harris backed abolishing ICE and said we need to think about "starting from scratch." 



Kamala Harris owns all of Joe Biden's failures:


  • MAGA Inc's latest ad highlights how Kamala Harris covered up Joe Biden's cognitive decline and America paid the price. 


  • Harris is a co-conspirator in Joe Biden's failed agenda that has led to record high prices, a border invasion, and global instability. The White House will regret calling it the Biden-Harris administration. It was a joint effort to destroy America. 



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July 21 2024

Kamala Harris Was In On It

Kamala Harris was in on it. She lied and claimed Joe Biden is "tireless" and in "good shape."


MAGA Inc's latest ad "Paid the Price" highlights how Kamala Harris knew Joe Biden couldn't do the job, so she did it herself. As the ad states: "Look what she got done: a border invasion, runaway inflation, the American Dream dead."


The ad will be airing ASAP in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. 


Statement: "Kamala Harris has lied for years now about Joe Biden's mental condition and America suffered for it. It's time now for her to tell the truth and answer this one question: If Joe Biden is unfit for the campaign trail, then how is he fit for office?" -- Alex Pfeiffer, spokesman for MAGA Inc.

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July 20 2024

President Trump And Senator Vance Hold Massive Rally In Michigan

President Donald Trump and Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance held a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan Saturday before a massive crowd.


Highlights from Senator Vance's and President Trump's speeches:


Senator Vance: "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart — for giving me such a warm welcome, for giving me and President Trump the opportunity to win your vote, and for working so hard over the next 4 months — because we want an America that works for Americans."


Senator Vance: "Kamala Harris said that I have no loyalty to this country...Well, I don't know Kamala. I did serve in the US Marine Corps and build a business. What the hell have you done?"


Senator Vance: "When you think about the biggest mistakes we've made as a China the sweetheart trade deal and letting them into the WTO, the Iraq war in 2003. On every single one of those issues, Joe Biden was wrong and President Donald J. Trump was right."


President Trump: "Let me begin this evening with a very special thanks to Americans nationwide...for your extraordinary outpouring of love and support in the wake of...last Saturday's event."


President Trump: "At this very moment, Democrat Party bosses are frantically trying to overthrow the results of their own Party's primaries to dump Crooked Joe Biden from the ballot. As you're seeing , the Democrat Party is not the Party of democracy."


President Trump: “Under our leadership, the Republican Party is now the party of the people. We are the party of hardworking Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed.”


President Trump: "Last week I took a bullet for democracy! What did I do against democracy?"


President Trump: "We will seal the border and we will stop this terrible invasion that's destroying our country...we're going to crush migrant crime."


President Trump: "In four short years under my leadership, I did more for Michigan auto workers and manufacturers than any president in the history of our country."


President Trump: "As soon as I take the oath of office, we will begin the largest deportation operation in the history of our country."


President Trump: "To bring down the prices of all goods, we will end the Biden-Harris war on American energy and we will drill, baby drill."


President Trump: "We will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare...Biden wants to raise the retirement age, and they're going to -- you know why? All of these immigrants coming in...not only do they want them to vote, they want to destroy Social Security and Medicare.


President Trump: "If you want to help us ensure election integrity, sign"

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July 19 2024

Biden’s Week In Review

Joe Biden's weakness is putting Americans in danger. 


  • On Thursday, a drone exploded near the U.S. consulate in Tel Aviv. The Iranian-funded Houthi terrorists took responsibility for the attack. One of the first things Joe Biden did in office was reverse President Donald Trump's decision to designate the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. 


  • On Friday, Democrat Congressman Seth Moulton wrote in The Boston Globe that he recently met with Joe Biden and Biden "didn't seem to recognize me." Moulton wrote: "As I watched the disastrous debate a few weeks ago, I have to admit that what I saw in Normandy was part of a deeper problem."


  • On Wednesday, an illegal immigrant, who crossed the border sometime after September 2022, was arrested for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in Florida.


  • On Wednesday, Gold Star families spoke about Joe Biden's disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal at the Republican Convention. Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, said, "Joe Biden has refused to recognize their sacrifice."
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July 19 2024

President Trump Delivers A Powerful Speech At The RNC

President Donald Trump delivered a powerful speech at the Republican National Convention Thursday, where he formally accepted the Republican nomination for President of the United States.


Eric Trump said: "He stood tall, fueled not by personal ambition, but by a profound love for this country and a love for all of you -- the American people. That man is the 45th President and soon to be 47th President of the United States."


Journalist Tucker Carlson: "I think it was divine intervention. But the effect it had on Donald Trump, he was no longer just a political party's nominee, or a former president, or a future president. This was the leader of a nation."


UFC President Dana White: "I'm in the tough guy business and this man is the toughest, most resilient human being that I have ever met in my life. The higher the stakes, the harder he fights -- and this guy never ever gives up!"


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: “Four months from now, we will have an incredible victory...I am running to be president for ALL of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America.”


President Trump: “As you already know, the assassin’s bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life. So many people have asked me what happened, and therefore, I’ll tell you what happened, and you’ll never hear it from me a second time, because it’s too painful..."


President Trump: "In an age where our politics too often divide us, now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. We are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


President Trump: "I'm here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation. To every citizen...I extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. Together, we will lead America to new heights of greatness like the world has never seen before."


President Trump: "I am thrilled to have a new friend and partner fighting by my side: the next Vice President of the United States, the current Senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, and his incredible wife, Usha."


President Trump: "So tonight, I make this pledge to the great people of America: I will end the devastating inflation crisis immediately, bring down interest rates and lower the cost of energy."


President Trump: "Whether you've supported me in the past or not, I hope you will support me in the future because I will bring back the American dream...With great humility, I am asking you to be excited about the future of our country."


President Trump: "A very special thank you to the extraordinary people of Milwaukee and the great state of Wisconsin...And by the way, Wisconsin, we are spending over $200 million dollars here, creating jobs and other economic development all over the place—I hope you will remember this in November!"


President Trump: "The greatest invasion in history is taking place right here in our country. They are coming in from every corner of the earth...and this administration does absolutely nothing to stop them."


President Trump: "Just a few short years ago under my presidency, we had the most secure border and best economy in the history of our country."


President Trump: "I'm going to protect Social Security and Medicare. Democrats are going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because all of these people -- by the millions they're coming in...they are destroying your Social Security and your Medicare."


President Trump: "Tonight America, this is my vow: I will not let these killers and criminals into our country. I will keep our sons and daughters safe."


President Trump: "For too long, our nation has settled for too little...You have been told to lower your expectations and to accept less for your families. I am here with the opposite message. Your expectations are not big enough."


President Trump: "Just like our ancestors, we must now come together, rise above past differences...and go forward, united as one people -- one nation -- pledging allegiance to one great, beautiful American flag."

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July 18 2024

Make America Great Once Again

As Donald J. Trump takes the stage tonight to formally accept the Republican Party’s nomination for President of the United States of America, it is evident that he is the only man for this moment. Only President Trump has the will, the strength, and the expertise to right the wrongs inflicted upon America by the Biden administration and set this country back on a path to greatness.


In this defining hour, we stand at the crossroads of history. The stakes have never been higher, and the choice has never been clearer. Under Joe Biden, we’ve witnessed a relentless assault on our freedoms, our economy, and our American way of life. But today, on this final day of the Republican National Convention, a beacon of hope shines brighter than ever before.


As we look toward the future with renewed hope and determination, it’s crucial to remember the character and actions that define true leadership. President Trump’s commitment to the American people goes beyond policy and politics; it is rooted in compassion, decisive action, and an unwavering dedication to making a difference in the lives of individuals.


These stories illustrate the heart and humanity of the man who stands ready to lead our nation back to greatness:


  • In 1980, then-Mayor Ed Koch closed New York City’s beloved Wollman Rink, a Central Park icon, due to failed reconstruction efforts that had spiraled over budget. By the summer of 1986, it seemed the rink might never reopen. Frustrated by the lack of progress, Donald Trump stepped in and promised Koch that if given the project, he’d have it open by Christmas. Utilizing his private sector construction expertise, Trump accomplished what government bureaucracy could not. On November 1, 1986, the Wollman Rink was reopened, saved by Trump’s determination and skill.


  • In 1988, three-year-old Andrew Ten was suffering from a rare breathing illness and required special medical care available only in New York. Commercial airlines, however, refused to let Andrew travel from California due to his condition. When Andrew’s parents, Harold and Judy, reached out to Donald Trump for help, he did not hesitate: “Yes, I’ll send my plane out.” Harold told reporters that future-President Trump lived the Talmudic expression, “He who saves one person’s life is as if he saved the entire world.” Andrew’s grandmother, Feigy Ten, declared, “Donald Trump is a miracle, just a miracle.”


  • In 2013, Darnell Barton, a bus driver from Buffalo, NY, was on his regular route when he saw a young woman standing on an overpass, staring down at the busy expressway below. Without a second thought, Barton stopped his bus, approached the distressed woman, and gently helped her back over the guard rail. He stayed with her, offering words of comfort and hope until first responders arrived. After saving her life, Barton quietly returned to driving his route, embodying true heroism. When Donald Trump heard of Barton's selfless act, he announced he would give him $10,000, saying, “He’s a special guy and he has to be rewarded for that.”


  • In 2014, U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi was released from a Mexican prison after enduring over two hundred days of abuse and torture. Despite pleas for help, then-President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden refused to intervene, leaving the family to spend tens of thousands on legal fees. Moved by their plight, Donald Trump donated $25,000 to the family, providing much-needed relief and support.
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July 18 2024

Future Vice President J.D. Vance Delivers A Powerful Speech

Ohio Senator J.D. Vance formally accepted the Republican nomination for Vice President of the United States.


Donald Trump Jr. said: "Look at me and my friend J.D. Vance. A kid from Appalachia and a kid from Trump Tower...We grew up worlds apart, yet now we're both fighting side by side to save the country we love. And by the way, J.D. Vance is going to make one hell of a vice president."


Future Second Lady Usha Vance: "[J.D.'s] goals in this new role are the same that he has pursued for our family: to keep people safe, to create opportunities, to build a better life and to solve problems with an open mind."


Highlights from Senator Vance's speech:


Senator Vance: "Tonight is a night of hope -- a celebration of what America once was, and with God's grace, what it will soon be again. And it is a reminder of the sacred duty we have to preserve the American experiment -- to choose a new path for our children and grandchildren."


Senator Vance: "That's the man I've gotten to know personally over the last few years. He's tough, but he cares about people. He can stand defiant against an assassin one moment and call for national healing the next."


Senator Vance: "Some people tell me I’ve lived the American Dream, and of course, they are right...But the American Dream that always counted most was not starting a business or becoming a senator...My most important American dream was becoming a good husband and a good dad. I wanted to give my kids the things I never had growing up."


Senator Vance: "After 9/11, I did what thousands of other young men my age did in that time of soaring patriotism and love of country: I enlisted in the United States Marines."


Senator Vance: "Things didn't work out well for a lot of kids I grew up with. Every now and then, I will get a call from a relative from back home who asks, 'did you know so and so?... they died of an overdose.' America's ruling class wrote the checks. Communities like mine paid the price."


Senator Vance: "Joe Biden has been a politician in Washington for longer than I've been alive...For half-a-century, he's been the champion of every major policy initiative to make America weaker and poorer."


Senator Vance: "From Iraq to Afghanistan, from the financial crisis to the great recession, from open borders to stagnating wages, the people who govern this Country have failed and failed again...That is of course, until a guy named Donald J. Trump came along."


Senator Vance: "Joe Biden's inflation crisis is really an affordability crisis, and many of the people that I grew up with can't afford to pay more for groceries, more for gas, more for rent. And that's exactly what Joe Biden's economy has given them."


Senator Vance: "Mr. President, I will never take for granted the trust you have put in me. And what an honor it is to help achieve the extraordinary vision that you have for this country. Now I pledge to every American, no matter your Party, I will give you everything I have."

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July 17 2024

Top Dems Scheme To Steal Nomination From Biden

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries are working to buy time to replace Joe Biden as the nominee.


Why are Schumer and Jeffries trying to rig the nominating process and throw out the votes of millions of Americans? 


This effort from Schumer and Jeffries comes as Biden ally Bernie Sanders admitted to the New Yorker about Joe Biden that "sometimes he doesn't put three sentences together," and that Biden often struggles to finish even one sentence.

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July 17 2024

Make America Strong Once Again

Under President Donald Trump, the world was safe because the United States projected unmatched strength across the planet. America's enemies feared and respected our resolve. Worldwide peace was maintained, knowing President Trump would swiftly demonstrate American power if challenged.


Under Joe Biden, America has never been less respected. Our allies are shocked by our feeble Commander-in-Chief, while our enemies exploit our vulnerabilities with spy balloons. Military-aged men flood our southern border, while authoritarians across the globe now see Biden's weakness as an open invitation to push their agendas.


Upon his return to the White House, President Trump will instantly revive American strength. From Day One, the Trump-Vance Administration will rebuild our military might, bring peace to Europe and the Middle East, secure our borders, and deliver a clear message to those who seek to destabilize our country and the world: America will not be trifled with.


As Obama's former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

  • The Biden administration's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan surrendered $85 billion in military equipment to the Taliban and resulted in the tragic deaths of 13 U.S. service members.
  • Violating a Trump-era law, Biden's administration funneled funds to the Palestinian government while they paid salaries to imprisoned terrorists and their families.
  • In April 2021, despite clear warnings from State Department officials, Biden approved $235 million in aid to Palestinians, knowing Hamas could benefit.
  • In September 2023, Biden unfroze $6 billion in Iranian assets in exchange for five U.S. hostages, emboldening Tehran.
  • Biden's administration handed $100,000 to a university in Gaza that praises Hamas terrorists as "righteous martyrs."
  • Biden reversed Trump’s decision to designate Iran-backed Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, easing pressure on a known terrorist group.
  • By relaxing Trump's sanctions on Iranian oil sales, Biden allowed billions to flow to Iran, funding global terrorism.
  • Under Biden, Iranian oil exports more than doubled after reversing Trump’s successful pressure campaign.
  • Iranian-backed militias have launched over 165 attacks on American forces since October, killing three U.S. soldiers.
  • Shockingly, just a month after 9/11, Biden suggested sending $200 million, no strings attached, to Iran.
  • On his first day, Biden reversed a Trump rule aimed at preventing Chinese influence over America's power grid.
  • Biden’s DOJ ended Trump’s “China Initiative,” which was crucial in combating Chinese economic espionage and protecting our infrastructure.
  • Biden re-engaged with the World Health Organization, reversing Trump’s decision to cut ties over their role in China’s COVID cover-up.
  • Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” could handChinese solar companies up to $1.4 billion annually in taxpayer subsidies.
  • In 2000, Biden told Chinese state media, "China is not our enemy," downplaying the threat the Communist regime poses.
  • In 2011, Biden reiterated his belief that a rising China is beneficial, ignoring the risks to U.S. interests.
  • As a Senator, Biden voted to normalize trade with China, paving the way for trade abuses against the U.S.
  • Biden waived sanctions on the Russian company building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
  • Putin openly prefers Biden over Trump, citing Biden's predictability as an “old formation” politician.
  • Biden halted new LNG export permits in January 2024, allowing Russia to overtake the U.S. as Europe’s primary natural gas supplier.
  • Biden's blunders extend to Africa, where U.S. troops were declared illegal, forcing abandonment of a crucial $110 million air base.


A nation without borders is no nation at all:

  • Joe Biden reversed the successful Trump policies that protected our nation from illegal immigration. As DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted, "We have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them."
  • Biden's executive actions include halting construction of the border wall, suspending deportations, ending Remain in Mexico, and reinstating catch-and-release.
  • Over 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed our border under Biden's watch, without proper vetting. His open-border policies have led to numerous heinous crimes.
  • Deportations of illegal immigrants with criminal charges or convictions have plummeted by 67 percent under Biden.
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July 17 2024

RNC Wraps Up A Great Second Day

The Republican National Convention reconvened for day two in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Tuesday under the theme "Make America Safe Once Again."


Here are some highlights from day two:


Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley: "When Barack Obama was president, Vladimir Putin invaded Crimea. With Joe Biden as president, Putin invaded all of Ukraine. But when Donald Trump was president, Putin did nothing -- no invasions, no wars. That was no accident..."


Philadelphia resident Michael Coyle: "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the ones who opened our southern border and allowed Chinese fentanyl to pour in unconditionally...In Donald Trump, I see a leader who will end the urban nightmare. I ask you to join me in supporting him this fall -- because a vote for President Trump is a vote to restore our cities and to make America safe again."


Florida Governor Ron Desantis: "I am alarmed that the current President of the United States lacks the capability to discharge the duties of his office. We need a Commander-in-Chief who can lead [24/7]. America cannot afford 4 more years of a 'Weekend at Bernie's' presidency."


National Federation of Republican Women President Julie Harris: "Parents across the country know what it's like to have a pro-family president in the White House...he's a businessman. He understands what it's like to build something of your own. Joe Biden has never built anything of his own. He uses the government to destroy things, and to make it impossible to give your children the life you dreamed of for them."


RNC co-chair Lara Trump: "Tonight, I come to you not as the co-chair of the RNC, not as the daughter-in-law of the candidate. Tonight, I come to you as a mom and as a citizen of this country. For those of you watching who have never voted for Donald Trump, I know what the media and his political opponents have tired to tell you about this man...but I have also seen the truth. I am proud to know Donald Trump -- to campaign for him, to vote for him and to raise his grandchildren."


U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake"The hardest thing I've had to do on the campaign trail is talk to Moms and Dads who come up to me and tell me that their 19-year-old son has died because of fentanyl poisoning...We are losing a generation of young people to this fentanyl crisis and it's got to stop."


Texas Senator Ted Cruz"11.5 million people have crossed our border illegally under Joe Biden. Look around you. This arena holds about 18,000 souls. Now imagine 639 arenas just like this, filled to the brim. That is 11.5 million people -- larger than all but 8 states in the nation."


Brother of Rachel Morin: "My sister's death was preventable. The monster arrested for killing Rachel entered the U.S. unlawfully after killing a woman in El Salvador. Joe Biden and his designated 'border czar' Kamala Harris opened our borders to him...this day, we have not heard from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris...But when Rachel was killed, President Trump called my family."


Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "With God as our guide and President Trump back in the White House we will show the world that America is the place where freedom reigns and liberty will never die."


Florida Senator Marco Rubio: Leading us in this fight will be a man who, although wounded and facing danger, he stood up, and raised his fist, and reminded us: our people and our country are always worth fighting for!" 


House Majority Leader Steve Scalise: "I was the survivor of a politically motivated shooting in 2017. While I was fighting for my life, Donald Trump was one of the first to come console my family at the hospital. That's the kind of leader he is."


U.S. Senate candidate Mike Rogers: "In all my time working to protect America, I have never seen anything like the Biden-Harris open border policy. They are rolling out the red carpet for violent gangs, fentanyl, Chinese spies, individuals on the terror watch list."


U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy: "I fight wildfires for a living, so take it from me -- the world is on fire under Joe Biden. Consider for a minute, Biden's disgraceful retreat from Afghanistan, when he let our enemies steal billions of dollars of equipment and kill 13 brave service members."

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July 16 2024

Make America Safe Once Again

The theme of the second night of the Republican National Convention is "Make America Safe Once Again."


Democrats have done everything in their power to undermine public safety and law enforcement. Radical activist prosecutors let criminals walk free within hours of arrest, while an open border floods our communities with untraceable, potentially dangerous criminals. President Trump will make American towns and cities safe once again, allowing them to flourish and grow without the constant fear of crime. By closing the border, standing with police, and actually enforcing the law against those who break it, President Trump will restore safety and stability to our nation.


  • MIGRANT CRIME: Thanks to Joe Biden's open border, Americans are facing a new, and tragically avoidable, type of crime:
    • Laken Riley was killed by an illegal immigrant that Joe Biden released into the country.
    • Kayla Hamilton was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant MS-13 gang member that was released into the country by Joe Biden in 2022.
    • An illegal immigrant released into the country by the Biden administration was arrested in Pennsylvania for killing a mother and her toddler.
    • Police in Palm Beach arrested an illegal immigrant for "allegedly snatching an 11-year-old girl off the street in front of her" home. The illegal immigrant crossed the border in January and was released into the country by Joe Biden. 
    • Police in Maryland arrested an El Salvadorian illegal immigrant for the brutal 2023 murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five.
    • Five illegal immigrants were arrested for kidnapping a 14-year-old girl from Indiana with the intent of trafficking her to California.
    • Two Venezuelan illegal immigrants who were released into the country this year by the Biden administration were charged with the murder of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl in Houston.
    • Police in Albany, NY arrested an illegal immigrant for raping a 15-year-old girl. The illegal immigrant crossed the border in November 2023 and was released into the country by the Biden administration.
  • Law enforcement officers face greater danger under the Biden administration:
    • There has been a 21% increase in the number of police officers shot in the line of duty since Biden took office.
    • In 2023, the rate of assaults on police officers reached its highest point in the last decade.


  • American cities are on the frontlines of the Biden crime wave. Since President Trump’s last year in office:
    • Washington, D.C., has experienced a 38% increase in homicides, a 74% increase in robberies, and a staggering 166% increase in carjackings.
    • New York City has seen a 75% surge in carjackings and a 42% rise in grand larcenies.
    • Atlanta has witnessed a 66% increase in carjackings and a 16% increase in aggravated assaults.
    • Chicago has faced a 40% increase in robberies, a 24% increase in assaults, and a shocking 155% increase in stalking cases.
    • Philadelphia has endured a 135% spike in retail theft and a 152% increase in carjackings.
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July 16 2024

RNC Wraps Up A Great First Day

The Republican National Convention kicked off day one in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Monday under the theme "Make America Wealthy Once Again."


Ohio Senator J.D. Vance was nominated for Vice President of the United States to wide praise.


President Donald Trump made an entrance to raucous applause.


Here are some highlights from day one: 


Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin: "Under President Trump, America had high growth and low inflation. Under Joe Biden, America has low growth and high inflation...Under Donald J. Trump we once again will have that rip-roaring economy that lifts up all Americans."


South Carolina Senator Tim Scott: “If you didn’t believe in miracles before Saturday—you better be believing right now…Because on Saturday, the devil came to Pennsylvania holding a rifle—but an American lion got back up on his feet, and he roared!”


Florida Rep. Byron Donalds: "Donald Trump believes every parent deserves a choice and every child deserves a chance."


President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Sean O'Brien: "Never forget, American workers own this nation. We are not renters. We are not tenants. But the corporate elite treat us like squatters and that is a crime. We've got to fix it."


Moms For America Action Executive Director Vanessa Faura: “To my fellow Hispanic Americans and to ALL Americans: If you believe in faith, family, freedom, financial stability—join me in voting for Donald Trump this November!"


Model Amber Rose: "When you go to the store and buy food for your family, you're shocked. When you fill up your gas tank, you're pissed...Inflation is out of control and you know in your heart it was not like this under Donald Trump."


Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue: "Donald Trump loves this country, he loves us, and he knows how to build and create. He understands that lasting prosperity is built on the foundation of family, faith, work, and freedom."


Arizona mother Sara Workman: "The Democrats' open border policies have shattered my husband fell victim to the drug epidemic. It tore our family apart and now I raise my son alone. But I know there is hope...with God in our hearts and Donald Trump back in the White House."

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July 15 2024

Republicans Praise President Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick

Republicans are praising President Donald Trump's great pick of Senator J.D. Vance as the Vice Presidential nominee. 


Governor Glenn Youngkin: "Congratulations to [Senator J.D. Vance] on your nomination to be the next Vice President of the United States! His passion for America's prosperity, service as a U.S. Marine, and commitment to our commonsense conservative values are what we need for a stronger America."


Governor Doug Burgum: "[President Donald Trump] is the strongest leader to enter the political arena in modern American history! Today he selected [Senator J.D. Vance] as his running mate, whose small town roots and service to country make him a powerful voice for the America First Agenda. I look forward to campaigning for the Trump-Vance ticket to Make America Great Again!"


House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik: "President Trump made a strong VP choice to win this November and govern to save America. J.D. Vance is a strong America First leader and proven conservative. I have enjoyed getting to know J.D. on the campaign trail as surrogates for President Trump and I look forward to campaigning and working with him closely in the months and years ahead. I am humbled and honored to have been considered by President Trump throughout this process. Thank you to my constituents in NY-21, House Republican Conference colleagues, and family for their love, support, and encouragement. As I have always said, I will proudly work my very hardest to elect President Trump and Vice President Vance this November to win the White House, flip the Senate, and expand the House Republican Majority."


Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "Congratulations to Senator Vance on being America’s next Vice President! He’s a businessman, a Marine, and a proud son of Ohio. I know he’s going to do great things by President Trump’s side."


Senator Roger Marshall: "I couldn’t be more proud of [Senator J.D. Vance]. Trump made the perfect choice. JD is not only a colleague of mine, but he’s become a trusted friend that I have gotten to know very well. At this hour in America, we need a new generation of fighters, and there's no better name to aid President Trump than JD Vance. He will be fearless in dismantling the radical Left’s chokehold on the federal government that is plaguing our nation."


Senator Marsha Blackburn: "JD is a true freedom fighter, who will champion the issues important to Americans: secure borders, safer communities, lower taxes, a lethal fighting force, and the rule of law."


Senator Eric Schmitt: "A working class kid from a small midwestern town offers a sorely needed perspective in the executive branch of our American government. He has become a close personal friend during our time together in the Senate and he is a tireless leader for working people in this country. He understands what makes America great. JD is a star in the Senate and he’s going to make a terrific vice president."


Congressman Byron Donalds: "Congratulations to [Senator J.D. Vance] on being the VP nominee. JD is an American Patriot, and he has my full support. I am all in to make Trump-Vance the winning ticket this November!"


Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "A great pick. He'll be a fantastic Vice President...I'm excited about the ticket and I'm excited about what this means for America in the years to come."


Senator Lindsey Graham: "Senator J.D. Vance has one of the most compelling stories in American politics, overcoming so much adversity in life. He understands the struggles of working Americans, as he has walked in their shoes and has become one of their best champions. Bright, articulate, and a Marine veteran, he will serve President Trump well on the campaign trail. It is imperative we win this election to end the disastrous policies of the Biden Administration and Make America Great Again. J.D. is a hard worker with a beautiful family who will be a great spokesperson for the America First agenda. This is a clear choice for America."


Michigan Republican Party Chair Pete Hoekstra: "Vice President JD Vance! A son of the Midwest, he will be great for Michigan and help to carry Michigan for the Trump Vance ticket in November!"

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July 15 2024

Congratulations to Senator J.D. Vance

President Donald Trump has made a brilliant pick for vice president with the choice of Senator J.D. Vance. 




Senator Vance has a record of delivering for America first: 



  • J.D. Vance served our nation in the United States Marine Corps and wrote the bestselling memoir Hillbilly Elegy, capturing the values and the struggles of the forgotten men and women of America that President Trump and he fight for. 


  • Like President Trump, Senator Vance is a champion for the renewal of American manufacturing and has worked to defend and revive domestic automotive production.


  • Senator Vance knows what President Trump has long said: Without borders, you cannot have a nation. Sen. Vance has called out Joe Biden’s open border policies for harming schools, hospitals, and communities and will work with President Trump on Day One to shut down the border. 


  • Like President Trump, Senator Vance stands up to China. He introduced legislation to ban China from manufacturing inventions funded by American taxpayers.


  • When it comes to American energy, President Trump and Senator Vance are on the same page: DRILL, BABY, DRILL. Like President Trump, Sen. Vance supports expanding oil drilling to lower gas prices in order to help struggling families.


Congratulations to President Trump for a tremendous pick, and congratulations to Senator J.D. Vance on receiving the GOP Vice Presidential nomination.


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July 15 2024

Make America Wealthy Once Again

The RNC today will have the theme of making America wealthy once again.


President Donald Trump built the most robust economy in history, and he stands ready to do it again. By unlocking our nation's economic potential and reversing the disastrous policies of the past three years, President Trump will elevate every community, uniting our nation in shared prosperity.


President Trump ignited a historic economic boom once before, and he's the only candidate who can do it again:

  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act—the largest tax reform package in history—into law, lowering taxes for all Americans and especially benefiting the working and middle classes. Filers earning less than $50,000 a year enjoyed a tax cut of up to 26%, while those earning less than $100,000 saw a tax cut of up to 17%.
  • President Trump left office with the inflation rate at mere 1.4%. Throughout his term, inflation never exceeded 2.9%, averaging just 1.89%.
  • Under President Trump, real median household income soared to a historic high of $78,250, marking a 6.34% increase during his administration.
  • President Trump presided over a 19% decline in food stamp rolls, lifting 8.5 million people out of government dependency and saving the federal government $11 billion.
  • President Trump’s economic policies lowered the percentage of people living in poverty by 15% during his administration.


We cannot afford to continue down the path Joe Biden has set us on:

  • Since January 2021, overall prices have risen by 20.1%. A closer look at the data reveals many more everyday expenses are even more expensive:
    • School Meals: Up 65.1%
    • Car Insurance: Up 52.9%
    • Unleaded Regular Gasoline: Up 49.1%
    • Auto Repair: Up 40.1%
    • Eggs: Up 38.9%
    • Airfares: Up 32.0%
    • Electricity: Up 31.6%
    • Baby Food and Formula: Up 30.5%
    • Chicken: Up 23.7%
    • Shelter: Up 21.9%
    • Groceries: Up 21.3%
  • A report from the U.S. Joint Economic Committee calculates that Bidenflation has robbed the average U.S. household of a staggering $27,007 since January 2021.
  • When adjusted for inflation, average weekly earnings for Americans dropped by nearly 4% under Joe Biden. Under President Trump, they grewby over 8%.
  • Nearly four-in-five Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck.
  • Total household debt has reached a record $17.7 trillion under Joe Biden.
  • The amount of credit card debt held by Americans is up nearly 42% since January 20, 2021.
  • The number of Americans who are seriously delinquent on their credit card payments is at its highest level since 2010.
  • The percentage of Americans who have become seriously delinquent on their auto loan payments has soared nearly 73% since Biden took office.
  • The American Dream of homeownership has turned into a nightmare under Joe Biden:
  • Biden's proposed budget for FY2025 includes $5.3 trillion in tax hikes on individuals and businesses, which is projected to lower wages by 1.1% and eliminate 666,000 jobs.
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July 14 2024

MAGA Inc. Sunday Note: July 14, 2024

Good afternoon,


The United States of America is a nation built by consequential men who stood up in consequential moments. Last night’s assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump should underscore the gravity of this moment in our nation's history and the strength of the man destined to restore America’s greatness.


By the grace of God last night, President Trump survived a coward’s bullet, and before leaving the stage he roared, "Fight!" So, we shall. We will fight by mobilizing the most epic political movement in history. We will fight by prosecuting the case against the worst president in American history, Joe Biden. And we will fight by delivering President Trump an electoral landslide to provide him the opportunity to unite our divided country and Make America Great Again.


Taylor Budowich, 

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc.



The world unites against this tragedy:

  • World leaders issued statements condemning the attempted assassination.
    • French President Emmanuel Macron said: “My thoughts are with President Donald Trump, the victim of an assassination attempt. I send him my wishes for a speedy recovery. A spectator has died, several are injured. It is a tragedy for our democracies. France shares the shock and indignation of the American people.”
    • Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said: “I express my solidarity and wishes for a speedy recovery, with the hope that the coming months of electoral campaigning see dialogue and responsibility take the upper hand against hatred and violence.”
    • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “Deeply concerned by the attack on my friend, former President Donald Trump. Strongly condemn the incident. Violence has no place in politics and democracies. Wish him speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the deceased, those injured and the American people.”
    • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, "This wasn't just an attack on Donald Trump. This was an attack on a candidate for the presidency of the United States. This was an attack on America. It was an attack on democracy, it was an attack on all the democracies. On behalf of myself, my family, the Government and people of Israel, we wish President Trump a speedy recovery, continued good health and continued strength."
    • Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said, "We must stand firm against any form of violence that challenges democracy. I pray for former President Trump's speedy recovery."
    • British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said, "I am appalled by the shocking scenes at President Trump's rally and we send him and his family our best wishes. Political violence in any form has no place in our societies and my thoughts are with all the victims of this attack."
    • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said, "The despicable. I wish him a speedy recovery. My thoughts are also with the people who were affected by the attack. Such acts of violence threaten democracy."


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July 12 2024

Biden’s Week In Review

It’s been arguably Joe Biden’s worst week ever. After late June’s disastrous debate performance, journalists and politicians are suddenly pretending to notice what has been obvious to us all along: Biden is unfit for office.


Here are some lowlights from this week:


  • Axios scooped on Sunday that Biden requires staff to prepare a detailed briefing document for every event—not for talking points, but to outline his walking route to the podium in large print. 
  • During a visit to a campaign office in Pennsylvania on Sunday, Biden bizarrely thanked Philadelphia “in particular” for helping him win his Senate races… in Delaware.
  • White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lost control of the press briefing on Monday after dodging questions about whether Joe Biden is being treated for Parkinson’s disease. Reports revealed a Parkinson’s specialist visited the White House, including the residence, eight times in as many months over the last year.
    • Karine Jean-Pierre was forced to admit that she gave out false information about Biden's visit with neurologist Kevin Cannard.
  • The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that Biden skipped an early evening G7 event with German Chancellor Scholz because he had to go to bed, sending Secretary of State Blinken instead.
    • This was after German officials scheduled the meeting early, “aware of Biden’s fatigue at night.”
    • The WSJ also noted that, at a June fundraiser, Biden appeared “fragile” and couldn’t recall the word “veteran,” asking attendees for help.
  • It was reported Tuesday that after just 20 days and $320 million in wasted taxpayer dollars, Biden’s ill-conceived “Gaza aid pier” will be permanently dismantled, having delivered just "the equivalent of a single day’s" aid.
  • The Cook Political Report on Tuesday moved six Electoral College ratings towards President Trump: Arizona, Georgia, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Nevada, and in Nebraska’s second congressional district.
  • Senior White House aides expressed“disquiet” this week over the ever-expanding role of Hunter Biden as a “gatekeeper” to Joe Biden.
  • After raising Biden over $30 million less than a month ago, George Clooney—with Barack Obama’s implicit blessingpenned an op-ed in The New York Times on Wednesday calling on Crooked Joe to step aside.
  • NBC News reported on Wednesday that Biden’s campaign has “suffered a major slowdown in donations” since President Trump’s decisive victory over him in June’s debate.
    • In another major fundraising blow, The New York Times reported Friday morning that Democrat megadonors to Biden’s Super PAC will withhold a massive $90 million in funding unless he steps aside.


  • Thursday’s inflation report proves that, despite White House and media gaslighting, prices are 20.1% higher than when Biden took office in January 2021. A closer look at the data reveals that prices of essential expenses are even higher:
    • School Meals: Up 65.1%
    • Car Insurance: Up 52.9%
    • Unleaded Regular Gasoline: Up 49.1%
    • Auto Repair: Up 40.1%
    • Eggs: Up 38.9%
    • Airfares: Up 32.0%
    • Electricity: Up 31.6%
    • Baby Food and Formula: Up 30.5%
    • Chicken: Up 23.7%
    • Shelter: Up 21.9%
    • Groceries: Up 21.3%
    • A report from the U.S. Joint Economic Committee calculates that Bidenflation has robbed the average U.S. household of a staggering $27,007 since January 2021.


  • CNN reported on Thursday that a Cabinet secretary told the outlet that "they are uncertain of Biden’s condition because they so rarely see him."


  • Politico reported Thursday that a "senior European diplomat" said, "You’re worried if he knows which direction he’s going or whether he’s going to fall or what he’s going to forget or if he’ll say ‘North Korea’ when he meant ‘South Korea.’ It’s just a weird experience."


  • In his make-or-break “big boy” press conference Thursday evening, Biden did little to reassure the country of his mental capacity when he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as Vice President Trump.
    • Hours earlier, he introduced Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin.”
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July 11 2024

Who Can Joe Biden Trust?

Joe Biden is turning to Hunter Biden as his "acting chief of staff," while his supposed allies all betray him. 


  • Joe Biden's favorite show -- Morning Joe -- said Thursday morning: "The Biden campaign and many Democratic officials do believe that Barack Obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this."


  • A cabinet secretary told CNN that "they are uncertain of Biden’s condition."


  • Joe Biden's own campaign staff is telling NBC News they now "see his chances of winning as zero."



  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer dodged Stephen Colbert's question on Biden's debate performance.


  • Gov. J.B. Pritzker was caught on a hot mic saying Biden's campaign isn't doing well.
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July 10 2024

Big Boy Questions For Biden’s Big Boy Press Conference

Joe Biden is going to have a "big boy press conference" tomorrow.


Here are some big boy questions the press should ask:


  • You say that "no one is above the law," but you deport 67 percent fewer criminal illegal immigrants than President Trump did. Why do you put illegal immigrants above the law?


  • Your aides say that you are not fully with it outside of the six-hour time window of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Outside of that time window, ISIS killed 13 Americans in Kabul, Russia invaded Ukraine, and Hamas attacked Israel. Furthermore, you told Democrat governors that you need to stop working at 8 p.m. What happens if there is a nuclear missile fired at 1 a.m. Do you feel confident you could handle that?


  • Will you acknowledge any responsibility for the inflation crisis that is making life difficult for everyday Americans? Nearly 80 percent of Americans say fast food is now a "luxury."


  • Why is your administration trying to force states to allow boys in girls' sports and bathrooms? 


  • Do you regret rescinding President Trump's border policies? Why do you oppose a border wall? 
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July 10 2024

President Trump Rallies Huge Crowd In Florida

President Donald Trump rallied a huge crowd Tuesday in Doral, Florida.


Florida Rep. Carlos Gimenez said: “We need to vote for Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. He will turn this country around. He will set us in the right direction...We’ve been lied to for the last 3 years under President Biden.”


Florida Senator Rick Scott: "We are going to vote for a secure border. We're going to vote for a strong, lethal military. We're going to vote for low inflation, lower mortgage rates...if we vote for Donald Trump, all of those things are going to happen."


Florida Senator Marco Rubio: “It’s the most important election we’ve had…Can we afford another four years like this?…while they’re trying to figure out who their nominee is…we know who our nominee is. He’s going to be the next President of the United States and his name is Donald Trump.”


Highlights from President Trump's speech: 


President Trump: "As the world can see...the Republican Party is bigger, stronger, more vibrant and more united than ever, ever, ever before."


President Trump: "Our victory was so absolute that Joe's own party wants him to throw in the towel and surrender the presidency after a single 90-minute performance. They want Crooked Joe out of the race."


President Trump: "Joe, Kamala and the entire Democrat establishment have been caught red handed in the biggest cover up...They are all co-conspirators in the sinister plot to defraud the American public about the cognitive abilities of the man in the Oval Office."


President Trump: "On Day One, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country."


President Trump: "Under Biden and Harris, half of Americans are not taking a vacation at all this summer because they cannot afford to do it...Meanwhile, Crooked Joe has spent almost 50% of his presidency on vacation."


President Trump: "Every time you leave a tip for the next four months...make sure you write on the receipt, 'vote Trump for no tax on tips!'"


President Trump: "As president, I will again stand with the people of Cuba in their long quest for justice, liberty and freedom."


President Trump: "I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare and I will not raise the retirement age by one day...If the millions of Biden migrants became citizens, Medicare and Social Security will be gone."

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July 09 2024

Joe Biden’s agenda to destroy America

Joe Biden lies about his record and lies about President Trump's agenda.


However, Joe Biden rarely talks about what a second Biden term would look like because he doesn’t want voters to realize his agenda will destroy America.


Higher Taxes


  • Joe Biden has promised to let the Trump Tax Cuts expire. Biden's plan would mean higher taxes for hardworking Americans. Data shows that due to the Trump Tax Cuts, filers earning less than $50,000 a year saw a tax cut of up to 26%, while filers earning less than $100,000 saw a tax cut of up to 17%.


More Illegal Immigration


  • The Biden administration's budget for 2025 aims to carry out fewer deportations. New York Post: "Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has set a target of just 125,000 deportations in the next fiscal year, according to an agency budget request. That number is lower than the 142,000 removals conducted in fiscal year 2023, which runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30, and less than half of the 267,258 individuals deported in fiscal year 2019, according to federal data."



Higher Gas Prices


  • Biden will continue targeting America's energy industry and gas prices will skyrocket. Biden's friends in the Congressional Progressive Caucus have a detailed plan to shut down America's oil production.
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July 09 2024

President Trump’s Strong Record On NATO

Ahead of this week's NATO summit, a reminder that President Donald Trump strengthened the NATO alliance and ensured that our NATO allies paid their part:


  • President Trump secured commitments from NATO member nations to increase their defense contributions by over $100 billion.


  • NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg praised President Trump for his “strong leadership, for his “commitment to the Alliance,” and thanked him for spurring increased defense investment.


  • Foreseeing the issue, President Trump sanctioned the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline and even warned Germany and other European nations against relying on Russian energy.


  • President Trump’s sanctions on Russia curtailed their ability to purchase goods that could threaten U.S. national security, in a move that one State Department official said could have affected up to 70% of the Russian economy. 


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July 08 2024

ICYMI: ‘Biden Speaking Errors Doubled In Last Year, Analysis Of Official Transcript Corrections Finds’

The Daily Wire: "The White House’s own official transcripts suggest that President Joe Biden’s speaking errors have grown steadily worse, with his rate of missteps doubling in the 12 months leading up to his disastrous debate performance in June.


White House staff tasked with preparing transcripts of his 'speeches and remarks' cross out Biden’s erroneous words — or insert the words he should have said using brackets. They had to do that a staggering 51 times in May 2024."

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July 07 2024

MAGA Inc. Sunday Note: July 7, 2024

Good afternoon,


Joe Biden campaigned on bringing "decency" and "transparency" to the White House. The past week has made it clear these were empty promises.


How is it "decent" to have Hunter Biden as a senior adviser and gatekeeper to the President? Hunter is awaiting federal trial on evading taxes on the money he made selling the Biden "brand" overseas in China and Ukraine. Hunter's elevated role in the Biden administration is surely helping the Biden Crime Family Business. 


How is it transparent to hide the President's cognitive condition from the nation and repeatedly lie once it is exposed? As New York Magazine reported, there has been a "conspiracy of silence" to hide Joe Biden's mental decline. The White House is continuing this dishonesty with ridiculous excuses like "jet lag" for Joe Biden's poor debate performance, lying about his visit with a doctor, and scripting Biden's interviews.


Taylor Budowich, 

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc.


Questions that Kamala Harris and Democrats need to answer: 


  • Many outlets are reporting that more Congressional Democrats will call on Joe Biden to drop out of the race this upcoming week. These Democrats need to answer a key question: if Joe Biden is unfit for the campaign trail, then how is he fit to govern?


  • Kamala Harris needs to explain what she knew about Biden's condition and when? Harris has participated in the years-long cover-up of Joe Biden's mental decline. A 6-minute long compilation shows Harris saying that Biden is "very bold and vibrant" and in "good shape."



Democrat lies about Joe Biden's record:


  • Democrats that are calling on Joe Biden to drop out of the race have made it a point to preface their statement by celebrating the "great" record Joe Biden has had as president.


  • What record are they referring to? The record-high inflation, the nonstop flood of drugs and illegal immigrants across our border, or the wars starting overseas? Joe Biden has had an awful record in office. That's why nearly 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the job he's done in office.
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July 05 2024

Biden’s Week In Review

For months, we've been sounding the alarm about Crooked Joe's failing faculties and his America Last agenda. After last week's disastrous debate, the floodgates have burst open. Now, Democrat staffers, officials, and their media lapdogs are reluctantly admitting what we've all witnessed over the last three and a half years -- Joe Biden is unfit for office.


  • The New York Times reported on Tuesday: "Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome."
    • The story noted: "Asked if one could imagine putting Mr. Biden into the same room with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia today, a former U.S. official who had helped prepare for the trip went silent for a while, then said, 'I just don’t know.' A former senior European official answered the same question by saying flatly, 'No.'"


  • Joe Biden met with Democrat governors at the White House and said that he needs to work a less demanding schedule. This follows Axios' story that Joe Biden doesn't function well outside of the 6-hour window of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


  • New York Magazine published a shocking story on July 4th about Joe Biden's mental faculties. 
    • NY MAG: "Those who encountered the president in social settings sometimes left their interactions disturbed. Longtime friends of the Biden family, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names. At a White House event last year, a guest recalled, with horror, realizing that the president would not be able to stay for the reception because, it was clear, he would not be able to make it through the reception. The guest wasn’t sure they could vote for Biden, since the guest was now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as right-wing propaganda: The president may not really be the acting president after all."
    • NY MAG: "Saying hello to one Democratic megadonor and family friend at the White House recently, the president stared blankly and nodded his head. The First Lady intervened to whisper in her husband’s ear, telling him to say 'hello' to the donor by name and to thank them for their recent generosity. The president repeated the words his wife had fed him."



  • Hunter Biden has started attending White House meetings, which raised eyebrows among staff this week, with some staffers asking, “What the hell is happening?”


  • White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lied repeatedly this week to the nation. 
    • She falsely claimed that Joe Biden didn't see a doctor after his disastrous debate performance.
    • Jean-Pierre also tried to blame Joe Biden's awful performance on "jet lag," but Biden had been in same time zone as the debate site for over a week. 
  • The June jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics painted a grim image of a weak economy barely propped up by government jobs and part-time, foreign workers:
    • Unemployment ticked up to 4.1%–the highest unemployment rate since the end of 2021.
    • The BLS revised the last two jobs reports down by 111,000 jobs—that’s over one hundred thousand jobs the government falsely reported.
    • 1.2 million foreign-born workers gained employment over the last year while 943,000 native-born Americans lost employment.
    • Over the last year, 1.6 million full-time jobs vanished, replaced by 1.8 million part-time jobs.


  • Polls from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times both showed President Trump with a six-point lead over Joe Biden. 
  • The week endedwith three sitting House Democrats calling on Biden to step aside from the ticket.
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July 05 2024

Americans Are Suffering In Joe Biden’s Weak Economy

Native-born Americans are losing out in Joe Biden's economy, and full-time work is being replaced by part-time work.


The latest jobs numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show there are 1.5 million fewer full-time workers employed over the last year and 1.7 million more part-time workers employed.


The data also shows that 1.1 million foreign-born workers got jobs over the last year, while 943,000 native-born Americans lost employment over the last year.


 Jun. 2023Jun. 2024Difference
Foreign-Born    29,710,000    30,867,000   1,157,000
Native-Born  131,849,000  130,906,000     (943,000)
 Jun. 2023Jun. 2024Difference
Full-Time  135,860,000  134,301,000  (1,559,000)
Part-Time    25,699,000    27,472,000   1,773,000
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July 03 2024

WSJ, NYT, And CNN Polls All Show President Trump With A Strong Lead

America is ready to turn the page on Joe Biden's failed economy, open border, and weak leadership.


Wall Street Journal

Trump 48%

Biden 42%


New York Times

Trump 49%

Biden 43%



Trump 49%

Biden 43%

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July 03 2024

Joe Biden Is Unable To Do The Job

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre just blamed "jetlag" for Joe Biden's awful performance during last week's debate.


Jean-Pierre cited travel Joe Biden took to the G7, to Los Angeles, and back to Washington D.C.


There's just one problem with her theory: Joe Biden was in the Eastern Time Zone from June 16 through the debate on June 27. 


The White House continues to lie about Joe Biden's mental acuity with this latest excuse. Joe Biden could hardly talk during Thursday's debate because he is unfit for office, not because of jetlag.

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July 03 2024

Is Invasion Czar Kamala Harris The Best They Got?

Democrats are starting to line up behind Kamala Harris as it becomes undeniable that Joe Biden is unfit for office.


So what would a Kamala Harris candidacy for President look like? 


  • Kamala is a California liberal that supported getting rid of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. She wanted to destroy the agency that deports rapists and murderers.
  • Laken Riley's alleged murderer illegally crossed the border the same month Kamala Harris said the border is "secure."
  • The majority of voters have an unfavorable opinion of Kamala Harris.
  • Kamala Harris voted against the Trump Tax Law, which cut taxes for hardworking Americans. She has called for scrapping it. 
  • Kamala lied and said the Biden administration takes lowering inflation "very seriously."
  • Kamala lied about Joe Biden's failing mental faculties, which has allowed war and destruction to break out across the world.
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July 02 2024

NYT: Biden’s Mental Lapses ‘Are Increasingly Common’

A shocking report from The New York Times published Tuesday paints a dire picture of Joe Biden's "increasingly" deteriorating mental condition according to staff, advisers and foreign officials who have spent time with him over the last few months:


  • “Mr. Biden was drained enough from the back-to-back trips to Europe that his team cut his planned debate preparation by two days so he could rest at his house in Rehoboth Beach, Del., before joining advisers at Camp David for rehearsals. The preparations, which took place over six days, never started before 11 a.m. and Mr. Biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day, according to a person familiar with the process.”


  • “On June 10, he appeared to freeze up at an early celebration of the Juneteenth holiday. On June 18, his soft-spoken tone and brief struggle to summon the name of his homeland security secretary at an immigration event unnerved some of his allies at the event, who traded alarmed looks and later described themselves as ‘shaken up,’ as one put it. Mr. Biden recovered, and named Alejandro N. Mayorkas.”


  • “A senior European official who was present said that there had been a noticeable decline in Mr. Biden’s physical state since the previous fall and that the Europeans had been ‘shocked’ by what they saw. The president at times appeared ‘out of it,’ the official said, and it was difficult to engage him in conversation while he was walking.”


  • “Ms. Meloni and the other leaders were acutely sensitive to Mr. Biden’s physical condition, discussing it privately among themselves, and they tried to avoid embarrassing him by slowing their own pace while walking with the president. When they worried that he did not seem poised and cameras were around, they closed ranks around him physically to shield him while he collected himself, the official said.”


  • “Asked if one could imagine putting Mr. Biden into the same room with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia today, a former U.S. official who had helped prepare for the trip went silent for a while, then said, ‘I just don’t know.’ A former senior European official answered the same question by saying flatly, ‘No.’”
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July 02 2024

July 4 Costs Have Gone Up Like Fireworks Under Joe Biden

As families, friends, and neighbors gather this week to celebrate our nation’s founding, hardworking Americans can’t help but notice that this is one of the most expensive Fourth of July celebrations in U.S. history. A cookout for ten people will cost 5% more than last year, and nearly 30% morethan five years ago. Fireworks will also give you less bang for your buck, with the average bulk import price of fireworks up 42%since 2021.


Whether you’re traveling to spend time with loved ones or hosting a party yourself, Independence Day staples are unaffordable compared to when Biden took office.


Price Increases Since January 2021:


  • Unleaded Gasoline: Up 55.3%
  • Hotels: Up 53.5%
  • Airfares: Up 39.9%
  • Salad Dressing: Up 31.5%
  • Ketchup & Mustard: Up 27.7%
  • Pickles & Relish: Up 27.4%
  • Steaks: Up 26.5%
  • Cakes, Cupcakes, Cookies: Up 24.9%
  • Buns: Up 24.8%
  • Ground Beef: Up 23.3%
  • Sodas: Up 22.5%
  • Potato Chips: Up 22.0%

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July 01 2024

Poll: President Trump Is Now Leading In New Hampshire

President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in New Hampshire, according to the latest poll from St. Anselm College/WMUR.


The poll was conducted after Thursday's debate. A Republican hasn't won New Hampshire since 2000. The poll shows a 12-point swing in President Trump's favor since December.


WMUR: "A new poll shows President Joe Biden trailing former President Donald Trump among New Hampshire registered voters by two points.


The St. Anselm College Survey Center polled more than 1,700 registered voters in the first two days after the recent presidential debate.


In the poll, 44% said they support Trump, compared to 42% who said Biden was their choice. Another 4% said they planned to vote for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points.


'I think it's now conclusive that New Hampshire is really a competitive state in the presidential election,' said Neil Levesque, of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics.


The results show a significant swing since the last St. Anselm College poll in December, which showed Biden up by 10 percentage points."

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July 01 2024

BREAKING: ‘Biden Admin Flying Migrants Deported by Trump Back Into the US’

Washington Free Beacon: "The Biden administration is flying previously deported Cameroonians whose asylum claims were determined to be invalid back into the United States, according to interviews with Immigration and Customs Enforcement staff and internal agency memos reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.




The decision to fly back the previously deported Cameroonians is the latest instance of the Biden administration reversing its predecessor’s immigration initiatives. On his first day in office, President Joe Biden rolled back a number of former president Donald Trump’s border policies and paused southern border wall construction. Biden later ended a policy that forced asylum seekers to wait in Mexico before their court hearing, which critics blame for the sharp uptick in illegal border crossings.


'Gutting deportations isn't enough for the Biden administration, so now they're apparently bringing back previously deported illegal aliens,' said former ICE official and director of investigations at the Center for Immigration Studies Jon Feere. 'These are people who have already had their cases closed, one way or another, and they've been returned home.'


Internal memos reviewed by the Free Beacon show an ICE official working with outside nonprofits to help relocate the Cameroonians. One email from earlier this year reviewed by the Free Beacon shows the director of the Immigrant Rights Clinic at Texas A&M University, Fatma Marouf, informing an ICE official where one migrant will arrive.


In that incident, the migrant arrived at Washington-Dulles airport in Virginia. ICE officials familiar with the program say airports around the country are being used as ports of entry for the Cameroonians in an attempt to keep the public in the dark about the program and avoid concentrating the migrants in a single location."

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June 30 2024

MAGA Inc. Sunday Note: June 30, 2024

Good afternoon,


Joe Biden's staff, high-profile supporters, and voters all agree that Joe Biden is unfit to be president.


Two Axios articles this weekend reveal that Joe Biden is only fully functional between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M., and that White House aides aren’t sure whether Biden can“fulfill a second term.”


Even Never Trumper Bill Kristol, a high profile Biden supporter in 2020, said on ABC's This Week that “You can’t unsee what we've seen. And it was not just a bad debate… He has a health problem. I'm going to put it that way.”


And CBS News found that a whopping 72 percent of voters don’t think Joe Biden is mentally capable of serving as president. 


High-profile liberal pundits are calling for Biden to step down, but the reality is that Democrats are stuck with Joe Biden as their nominee. Do we want the nation to be stuck with an incapable president until 2029?


Joe Biden’s presence in the Oval Office is a national security threat. It’s never been more evident that we need President Donald Trump back in the White House. 

Taylor Budowich

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc. 


Panic from the Biden campaign:

  • The Biden campaign is resorting to calling its worried supporters the "bedwetting brigade." They even sent out polling in a fundraising email that highlighted that Joe Biden and every other Democrat alternative loses to President Trump in head-to-head polling.


  • Biden's team can't help but panic as Biden's supporters now realize the videos of Biden struggling weren't "cheap fakes," but in fact very real. Even Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin acknowledged Sunday that there was a "big problem with Joe Biden's debate performance."


President Trump's historic dominance:


  • President Trump dominated Thursday's debate. CBS found that 56 percent of voters said President Trump won the debate, while just 16 percent said Biden won it.


  • Sen. J.D. Vance said on Fox News Sunday that the debate was a clarifying moment for the nation. "We have two candidates. One who can't do the job and one who has failed to do the job and that's Joe Biden. And Donald Trump, who both could do the job and has already done it successfully."





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June 29 2024

The World Is On Fire While Joe Biden Is Out Of It

Joe Biden is not up to the task of being President of the United States.


Axios reported Saturday that from "10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged," however, outside of that time window, "Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued," according to White House aides.


Taylor Budowich, MAGA Inc's CEO, remarked, "So if North Korea launches a nuke or China wages a cyber attack during the other 18 hours of the day we are just shit out of luck?"


In fact, several key world events have happened during the time window that Joe Biden is out of it. 


  • The Abbey Gate terrorist attack in Kabul that killed 13 Americans occurred at 9:20 AM eastern.
    • Joe Biden subsequently lied and denied on Thursday night that any American troops have died on his watch.  
  • Russia invaded Ukraine at 8:59 PM eastern
  • Hamas launched its October attack on Israel at 11:30 PM eastern.
  • The Tower 22 drone attack in Jordan that killed 3 American servicemen ocurred in the "early morning" in Jordan, which given the 7-hour time difference would have been after 4pm. 


Not only is Joe Biden currently not up to the task of being President, but Axios reported that Biden's own aides are worried "whether the president can carry out his duties through another four-year term."



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June 28 2024

President Trump Rallies Huge Crowd In Virginia

President Donald Trump rallied a huge crowd Friday in Chesapeake, Virginia.


Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin said: "All roads do lead through Hampton Roads, and Joe Biden's road to retirement is going right through Hampton is time to elect strength back into the White House...let's join together and welcome the next President...Donald J. Trump."


Highlights from President Trump's speech: 


President Trump: "As you saw on television last night, we had a big victory against a man that really is looking to destroy our country. He's the worst -- he's the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country."


President Trump: "He got the debate rules that he wanted. He got the date that he wanted. He got the network that he wanted, with the moderators he wanted. No amount of rest or rigging could help him defend his atrocious record. It's indefensible."


President Trump: "The Joe Biden on stage yesterday was the same Joe Biden who gave us open borders, crushing inflation, rampant crime, two new wars, a disastrous Afghanistan embarrassment...and one international humiliation after another."


President Trump: "Joe Biden's radical-left Democrat Party is now the party of open borders, massive tax hikes, the destruction of Social Security...endless wars, weaponization of law enforcement...The Republican Party is now the party for all Americans."


President Trump: "Yesterday's debate should make it clearer than ever how important it is to elect a competent president, who will prevent World War 3. I'm the only one that can say that."


President Trump: "Under the Trump administration, we will not rest until we have found every radical Islamic terrorist who Joe Biden has let into America. We will arrest them or we will throw them the hell out of our country immediately."


President Trump: "12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was laid to rest by her grieving mother, who I spoke to yesterday...her precious daughter became yet another victim of Biden migrant crime...Crooked Joe proved last night he has no regret, no compassion."


President Trump: "Instead of a Biden tax increase, I will deliver a Trump middle class tax cut."


President Trump: "Under the Trump administration, we fully rebuilt the U.S. military and we created Space Force. We totally defeated the ISIS territorial caliphate -- 100%."


President Trump: "So if you want to save America, get your family, get your friends, get everyone you know and vote. Vote early, vote absentee, vote on Election have to go out and vote. And if you want to ensure election integrity sing up:"

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June 28 2024

Biden’s Week In Review

After spending the entire week in hiding, Joe Biden emerged last night to demonstrate once again why he is the worst president in American history. Beyond his disastrous performance, the most shocking moment came when Biden blatantly lied about no U.S. service members dying under his watch—perhaps he forgot while he was too busy looking at his watch. Whether it was a lapse in mental faculty or a deliberate falsehood, Biden’s words were a profound insult to the 18 Gold Star Families who have tragically lost their brave sons and daughters under his failed leadership.



Aside from the debate—which over two-thirds of CNN viewers declared President Trump won—Biden’s disastrous leadership continued to wreak havoc on America this week.



Here are some lowlights:



  • Biden campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon admitted on Monday that they were abandoning Florida, after claiming it was in play.


  • Department of Homeland Security officials acknowledged this week that over 400 illegal immigrants have been trafficked into the country by an ISIS-affiliated smuggling ring, with the whereabouts of over 50 of them currently unknown.


  • The New York Times reported on Tuesday that the Biden administration has been pushing medical experts to remove age restrictions on transgender surgeries for minors.


  • Pollster Nate Silver released his election forecast model on Wednesday, giving President Trump a 66% chance of winning.


  • Axios reported on Thursday that the Obamas are frustrated with the Bidens over their treatment of Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, with Barack Obama allegedly calling the Biden family dynamic “weird sh*t.”


  • It was revealed this week that an illegal immigrant from Turkey raped a 15-year-old girl in Albany, New York, after being released into the country in November 2023.
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June 28 2024

Post Debate Polls: Voters Say Trump Won

President Donald Trump won Thursday night's debate. Voters want economic prosperity and secure borders, not Joe Biden's weakness.


CNN's post debate flash poll found that "debate watchers say, 67% to 33%, that Trump turned in a better performance Thursday."


And a poll conducted by J.L. Partners for The Daily Mail found that "68 percent said Donald Trump came out on top of the clash."


The Daily Mail poll even found that "some 30 percent of people who voted Biden in 2020 concluded that Trump won the debate."

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June 28 2024

Joe Biden Wants To Raise Your Taxes

Joe Biden wants to raise your taxes by letting the Trump Tax Cuts expire.


Joe Biden said, "It’s going to expire, and if I’m reelected it’s going to stay expired.”


As President Trump said tonight, "He wants to raise everybody's taxes."


Analysis shows "if the Trump tax cuts are not extended, working Americans would face a record tax hike and the economy would suffer in the years to come. The average family of four making $75,000 will see their taxes increase by over $1,500 if Congress does not take action.


The 2017 tax bill overwhelmingly helped low- and middle-income Americans. As a result of the Trump tax cuts, Americans earning under $100,000 received an average tax cut of 16%."

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June 28 2024

ICYMI: ‘Migrant crisis has US taxpayers on the hook for up to $451B’

Joe Biden's open border crisis is destroying hospitals. 


WSVN: "Manatee Memorial Hospital is calling for additional resources to manage an overwhelming number of visits by migrants, putting a financial strain on its operations and potentially impacting the quality of care for all patients.


Over the past six months, the hospital has recorded nearly 600 hospital stays and 3,500 emergency room visits by undocumented immigrants. This surge has led to significant operation challenges and financial struggle."

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June 28 2024

Joe Biden’s Real Environmental Record

Biden’s radical climate agenda forces higher costs and worse choices onto Americans while accomplishing nothing—it’s about control, not a clean environment:


  • Upon taking office, Biden rejoined the globalist Paris Climate Accords, committing the U.S. to economic suicide for negligible carbon emission reductions: 


    • Achieving Biden’s climate goals through a carbon tax would slash U.S. GDP by $7.7 trillion over the next two decades and kill 1.2 million jobs.


    • Even if the U.S. eliminated all carbon emissions, it would only lower global temperatures by less than 0.2 degrees Celsius by 2100.


    • Meanwhile, China, the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, can increase their emissions through 2030. The Paris Accords are a victory for Communist China and a defeat for American industry.


  • In another win for China, Joe Biden imposed massive restrictions on the manufacture of internal combustion engine-powered cars to force Americans to buy electric vehicles:


    • Under the mandate, 67% of newly-built cars, SUVs, and light trucks must be electric by 2032.


    • Building an electric vehicle can create up to 65% more emissions than a gas-powered car due to the metals needed for lithium-ion batteries.


    • California recently discovered that electric vehicles, with their heavy batteries, experience greater tire wear, emitting more particulate pollutants than cars with internal combustion engines.


  • If Biden truly cared about carbon emissions, he wouldn’t be waging a war on clean liquified natural gas (LNG):


    • Over the last two decades, as LNG replaced coal as a primary source of generating electricity, carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. have plummeted by one billion metric tons.


    • Instead of boosting American LNG exports, creating wealth at home and lowering carbon emissions around the world, the Biden administration is halting new permits for LNG exports.


    • Biden’s SEC and Office of the Controller of the Currency have made investing in and lending to the natural gas industry harder, while the Department of Energy has increased costs for natural gas-powered boilers, water heaters, and stoves.


  • The Biden administration’s incompetence and addiction to DEI requirements is undermining its own agenda. Despite two years and $7.5 billion aimed at building 500,000 electric vehicle chargers, they’ve only managed to construct seven.


  • After a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio—a true environmental catastrophe that flooded the small community with dangerous pollutants—Biden played politics, ignoring them for over a year before finally visiting under political pressure.


President Trump championed environmental stewardship while rejecting anti-growth, anti-human green climate hysteria:


  • Under President Trump’s leadership, renewable energy production and consumption hit record highs in 2019, proving that economic growth and environmental protection can go hand-in-hand.


  • President Trump’s policies doubled electricity generated from solar power and increased wind power generation by an impressive 32% from 2016 to 2019.


  • The Trump Administration invested over $38 billion in clean water infrastructure, ensuring safer drinking water for all Americans and protecting our precious water resources.


  • In 2019, America led the world in reducing carbon emissions, achieving the largest decline of any country. This was accomplished even after withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, debunking the myth that environmental progress requires globalist agreements.


  • President Trump signed the Save Our Seas Act to target the critical issue of marine litter, holding foreign nations accountable for ocean debris and launching the first-ever federal strategic plan to address this problem.


  • The Great American Outdoors Act, signed by President Trump, marked the single largest investment in America’s National Parks and public lands, ensuring their preservation for future generations.


  • President Trump signed the largest public lands legislation in a decade, designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness, demonstrating a commitment to protecting America's natural beauty.
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June 28 2024

Border Patrol Union Calls Out Joe Biden On His Lie

Joe Biden can barely talk tonight, but when he does talk he is lying.


Biden said that the Border Patrol "endorsed me."


That is a lie and the Border Patrol Union called him out on it Thursday night -- "To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden."

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June 28 2024

Joe Biden’s Attacks On Democracy

Joe Biden is an election denier.


In 2016, Joe Biden said that he thought "Al Gore won" the 2000 election. 


Joe Biden has additionally abused his power as president to target his political opponents.


  • Biden directed his Justice Department to indict his main political opponent. 
    • The New York Times reported in March 2023: "In the past, Mr. Biden privately told his close circle of advisers that Mr. Trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the events of Jan. 6, according to two people familiar with his comments. He also told confidants that he wanted Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and to take decisive action."
    • In November 2022, at a press conference, Joe Biden declared, "Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run.  I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."



  • Biden-aligned Democrats backed efforts to remove President Trump from the ballot.
    • Colorado's Secretary of State Jena Griswold attended a private Biden campaign fundraiser in November.
    • Maine's Secretary of State Shenna Bellows was a Biden elector in the 2020 election and took a selfie with Biden when she visited the White House.


  • The Biden FBI raided conservative journalist James O'Keefe's home.
    • Not only did the Biden administration raid the home of a prominent conservative journalist, but it secretly accessed Project Veritas' emails.
    • University of Minnesota law professor Jane Kirtley said the FBI's raid is "beyond belief."
    • Biden has a record of targeting journalists. Journalist James Risen wrote in 2016, that under the Obama-Biden administration, "the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases."



  • The Biden FBI targeted concerned parents at school board meetings, pro-Life activists, and Catholics. 
    • Fox News: "The FBI targeted pro-life groups, Catholics, and parents attending school board meetings with investigations in an effort to 'inflate' the sense that they were a domestic terrorism threat, according to new whistleblower reports."
    • The Judiciary Committee found that "evidence shows the White House was heavily involved in the Administration’s targeting of parents."
    • The Washington Times: "Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck and his wife Ryan-Marie Houck are seeking $4.3 million in damages from the Biden administration, accusing the Justice Department and FBI of targeting him over his anti-abortion views."



  • Biden attempted to create a "disinformation czar" to censor speech.
    • New York Post: "Biden’s new board is part of a concerted liberal attack on free speech."



  • Biden colluded with Big Tech companies to censor speech.
    • The Washington Times: "More than 50 government officials across 13 agencies 'threatened, cajoled and colluded' with social media companies to silence online speech about topics the Biden administration disliked such as election integrity, the origins of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 restrictions, according to a lawsuit filed by state attorneys general."
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June 28 2024

Joe Biden’s Real Foreign Policy Record

As Obama’s former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”


  • The Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan surrendered $85 billion in military equipment to the Taliban and led to the tragic deaths of 13 U.S. service members.
  • The Biden administration ran afoul of a Trump-era law that prohibited the U.S. from granting funds to the Palestinian government while they paid salaries to imprisoned terrorists and their families.
  • In Apr. 2021, the Biden administration greenlit $235 million in aid to Palestinians for “humanitarian assistance,” despite State Department officials’ stated concerns that “there is a high risk Hamas could potentially derive indirect, unintentional benefit from U.S. assistance to Gaza.”
  • In Sep. 2023, the Biden administration unfroze $6 billion in Iranian assets held in a South Korean bank in exchange for five U.S. hostages.
  • In Sep. 2023, the Biden administration granted $100,000 to a university in Gaza which has praised Hamas terrorists as “righteous martyrs.”
  • Biden undid President Trump’s decision to place the Iran-backed Houthis on the Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist lists.
  • The Biden administration relaxed enforcement of President Trump’s maximum pressure sanctions on Iranian oil sales, allowing them access to billions of dollars to fund global terrorism.
  • Iranian-backed militia groups have launched over 165 attacks on American forces since October, including one that tragically killed three U.S. soldiers.
  • One month after the 9/11 terror attacks, Biden told staffers on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that it “seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran.”
  • On his first day in office, Biden undid a Trump-era rule that ordered a ban, replacement, and set new criteria for bulk-power system electric equipment imported from areas or individuals posing national security threats. The rule aimed to prevent Chinese Communist Party influence over the American power grid.
  • Biden’s Department of Justice ended the “China Initiative,” a program launched by the Trump Administration and tasked with “identifying and prosecuting those engaged in trade secret theft, hacking, and economic espionage,” and “protecting our critical infrastructure against external threats through foreign direct investment and supply chain compromises.”
  • Joe Biden re-engaged with the World Health Organization after President Trump cut ties with the group over their role in enabling China’s cover-up of the origins of COVID.
  • Under Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act,” Chinese solar companies stand to receive as much as $1.4 billion annually in taxpayer-funded subsidies.
  • In 2000, then-Senator Joe Biden told Chinese state media that “China is not our enemy. There’s nothing inevitable about China and the United States not being as cooperative as other nations.”
  • In 2011, then-Vice President Biden reiterated in remarks at Sichuan University that “I believed in 1979 and said so and I believe now that a rising China is a positive development, not only for the people of China but for the United States and the world as a whole.”
  • In 2000, then-Senator Biden voted to normalize trade relations with China, against going against the United Auto Workers and Teamsters and setting the stage for China’s trade abuses against the United States.
  • The Biden administration waived sanctions on the Russian company constructing the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin, after being asked if Donald Trump or Joe Biden would be better for Russia’s interested, answered Joe Biden for his “predictability” as a “politician of the old formation.”
  • Joe Biden haltedall new liquified natural gas export permits in January 2024 and now, as of May 2024, Russia has overtaken the United States as the primary supplier of natural gas to Europe.
  • Biden’s foreign policy failures extend to Africa, where our U.S. troop presence was unceremoniously declared illegal and forced to abandon a $110 million air base crucial to counterterrorism efforts.
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June 28 2024

Joe Biden’s Real Open Borders Record

Joe Biden on his efforts to systematically opened up our border to deadly drugs, rapists, murderers, and terrorists.

Even his own immigration officials have admitted that Joe Biden is not serious about border security.


  • Raul Ortiz, who served as Border Patrol Chief under Biden, told 60 Minutes:  "I've never had one conversation with the president. Or the vice president, for that matter. And so I was the chief of the border patrol. I commanded 21,000 people. That's a problem.”


  • Biden's first Border Patrol chief, Rodney Scott, said in an interview: "We handed them the most secure border in the history of the United States and a roadmap to keep it that way and make it even better. Through 94 executive actions, President Biden completely destroyed border security."


  • Border Patrol agent Chris Cabreratold NBC News that Joe Biden should not have reversed Trump's border policies. “They were very effective for us, as Border Patrol agents, in securing the border.”


Joe Biden reversed the successful Trump policies that protected our nation from illegal immigration. As DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, "We have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them."


  • Executive actions taken by Joe Biden include: halting construction of the border wall, suspending deportations, ending Remain in Mexico, and reinstating catch-and-release.


  • Deportations of illegal immigrants with criminal charges or convictions have dropped 74 percent under Joe Biden.


Over 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed and they have not been properly vetted. Biden's open border has caused many heinous crimes.


  • Laken Riley was killed by an illegal immigrant that Joe Biden released into the country.
  • Kayla Hamilton was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant MS-13 gang member that was released into the country by Joe Biden in 2022.
  • An illegal immigrant released into the country by the Biden administration was arrested in Pennsylvania for killing a mother and her toddler.
  • Police in Palm Beach arrested an illegal immigrant for "allegedly snatching an 11-year-old girl off the street in front of her" home. The illegal immigrant crossed the border in January and was released into the country by Joe Biden. 
  • Police in Maryland recently arrested an El Salvadorian illegal immigrant for the brutal 2023 murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five.
  • Five illegal immigrants were arrested last week for kidnapping a 14-year-old girl from Indiana with the intent of trafficking her to California.
  • Two Venezuelan illegal immigrants who were released into the country this year by the Biden administration were charged with the murder of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl in Houston.
  • Police in Albany, NY just arrested an illegal immigrant for raping a 15-year-old girl. The illegal immigrant crossed the border in November 2023 and was released into the country by the Biden administration.
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June 28 2024

Joe Biden’s Disgraceful Lie

Joe Biden just lied and said that he's "the only president... this decade that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world."


That is a disgraceful lie. 


During Joe Biden's first year in office, 13 American troops were killed during the Abbey Gate bombing in Afghanistan. 


And just a few months ago, three American soldiers were killed in Jordan during an attack by an Iranian-backed militia.

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June 28 2024

Joe Biden’s Real Healthcare Record

Since Joe Biden took office, healthcare costs are rising and patients have fewer options for care:

  • Private health insurance premiums have risen for the third year in a row under Biden. In 2024, Americans purchasing a plan through the marketplace will pay a record $584 a month, or $7,008 a year, for their coverage.



  • Average workplace health insurance premiums for employees and their families jumped 7% in 2023, climbing to nearly $24,000.


  • Since Biden took office, drug costs for patients are climbing—over-the-counter drugs cost 17.7% more today than in January 2021.


  • For two years in a row, Joe Biden has slashed payments to 33 million Americans—over half of the Medicare population—enrolled in Medicare Advantage, a system of private healthcare plans.


    • The Berkeley Research Group estimates that medical cost inflation will be between 4% and 6% next year for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries.


  • The rule changes in the Biden administration’s Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2024 will kick nearly 3 million people off their health plans by making over 57% of plans currently offered through the federal marketplace illegal.


  • In his first month in office, the Biden administration froze two Trump-era rules lowering drug prices for Americans, including regulations lowering costs for under-served patients needing EpiPens and insulin.


  • Biden’s so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” massively lowers research and development spending for cancer treatments and cures, and would “ultimately raise, as opposed to lower, cancer mortality.”


    • Price controls included in the “Inflation Reduction Act” will, according to research from the University of Chicago, reduce cancer research and development spending by $663 billion, or 18.5%, over the next fifteen years. The reduction in cancer R&D spending caused by the Inflation Reduction Act eclipses any new proposed cancer research spending by 9.4 times.


  • The Biden administration is enforcing DEI restrictions on medical procedures as critical as kidney transplants, rewarding hospitals for ignoring the transplant waiting list in order to favor racial “health equity.”


President Trump increased competition, spurred medical research and innovation, and lowered costs for patients:


  • President Trump took executive action to make it the official policy of the United States to protect patients with pre-existing conditions.


  • The Trump Administration cut miles of burdensome red tape across the healthcare industry, saving the medical community a projected $6.6 billion in wasteful regulatory compliance costs.


  • President Trump lowered drug prices for Americans for the first time in over fifty years, saving them almost 10% on prescription drugs. His administration finalized rules to allow patients to import cheaper prescription drugs from Canada, as well as the Most Favored Nation Rule to ensure that pharmaceutical companies offer the same discounts to Americans that they do to other nations.


    • The Most Favored Nation Rule alone is projected to save patients $85 billion over seven years, including $30 billion in out-of-pocket costs.


  • President Trump instituted unprecedented, pro-patient price transparency rules, giving Americans more access than ever to vital information about the different medical services, insurance plans, treatments, drugs, and their costs available to them.


  • President Trump promoted competition in the individual health insurance market, resulting in lower premiums for three years in a row.


  • The Trump Administration added over 2,000 new Medicare Advantage plan options during his administration, and lowered Medicare Advantage premiums to their lowest level in 14 years, saving beneficiaries nearly $1.5 billion.


  • President Trump reduced prescription drug premiums by nearly $2 billion for Medicare Part D beneficiaries.


  • President Trump enhanced Medicare Part D plans to cap insulin at $35 a month copay.


  • The Trump Administration championed access to healthcare in rural and underserved communities by expanding telehealth availability and increasing Medicare payments to rural hospitals.


  • President Trump increased funding for Alzheimer’s disease research by $1 billion, signed an executive order to fight kidney disease with improved treatment and more transplants, and initiated a campaign to provide $500 million over the next decade for childhood cancer research.


  • President Trump passed Right to Try, giving terminally ill patients access to lifesaving, cutting-edge therapies and cures.


  • President Trump willprotect Medicare: Not “a single penny” will be cut from “the benefits our seniors worked for and paid for their entire lives.”
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June 28 2024

Joe Biden’s Real Economic Record

No amount of gaslighting from Crooked Joe can undo the harm Bidenomics has done to hardworking Americans:


  • Since Biden took office in January 2021, prices have risen by over 20%. The average U.S. household now has to spend an additional $13,021 every year just to make ends meet.



  • Since he took office, Biden’s inflationary policies have robbedthe average household of a staggering $25,920.



    • A gallon of unleaded gasoline is over 55% more expensive.


    • Hotels cost nearly 54% more.


    • Car insurance payments are nearly 52% higher.


    • A car or truck lease costs over 46% more.


    • Auto repair costs nearly 41% more.


    • Egg prices are up over 40%.


    • Plane tickets are nearly 40% more expensive.


    • Tickets to sporting events cost 34% more.


    • Electricity bills are 29% higher.


    • Baby food and formula is 28% more expensive.


    • Public transportation costs over 27% more.


    • Pet food costs 23% more.


    • Dining out is 22% more expensive.


    • Grocery costs are up over 21%.


    • Rent is up 21%.


  • When adjusted for inflation, average weekly earnings for Americans dropped by nearly 4% under Joe Biden. Under President Trump, they grew by over 8%.




  • The amount of credit card debt held by Americans is up nearly 42% since January 20, 2021.


  • The number of Americans who are seriously delinquent on their credit card payments is at its highest level since 2010.


  • The percentage of Americans who have become seriously delinquent on their auto loan payments has soared nearly 73% since Biden took office.


  • The American Dream of owning a home has become a nightmare, thanks to Joe Biden:


    • NPR recently reported that home prices have risen “a whopping 47%” since 2020, putting homeownership out of reach of millions.


    • The typical salary needed to own a home has jumped to $106,500, an 81% increase from four years ago.





  • Biden's proposed budget for FY2025 includes $5.3 trillion in tax hikes on individuals and businesses, which is projected to lower wages by 1.1% and kill 666,000 jobs.


President Trump stimulated a historic economic boom once before, and he's the only candidate who can do it again:


  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the largest tax reform package in history into law—lowering taxes for all Americans and benefiting the working and middle classes the most. Filers earning less than $50,000 a year saw a tax cut of up to 26%, while filers earning less than $100,000 saw a tax cut of up to 17%.


  • President Trump left office with the inflation rate at 1.4%. In fact, inflation during Trump’s term never went above 2.9%. Average inflation during Trump Presidency: 1.89%.


  • Real median household income reached a historic high of $78,250 under President Trump. Real median household income increased 6.34% during the Trump Administration.


  • President Trump presided over a 19% decline in food stamp rolls, or 8.5 million people—a federal savings of $11 billion.


  • President Trump’s economic policies lowered the percentage of people living in poverty by 15% during his administration.
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June 27 2024

Biden’s Radical Surrogates

The Biden campaign picked the perfect surrogates for Joe Biden at the debate tonight.


One of them is Rep. Jasmine CrockettRep. Crockett voted against legislation that bashes violence against law enforcement and condemns calls to defund the police. She also voted against legislation to deport illegal immigrants that commit DUIs.


Another surrogate representing Joe Biden is former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. In June 2020, Lance Bottoms proudly declared that Atlanta "has been ‘defunding the police’ for the last few years."


These are great surrogates to represent Joe Biden's pro-crime, pro-open borders agenda.

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June 27 2024

BIDEN’S OPEN BORDER: Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Raping A 15-Year-Old Girl

Yet another illegal immigrant released into the country by Joe Biden was arrested for a heinous crime.


The New York Post reported Thursday that police in Albany arrested an illegal immigrant for raping a 15-year-old girl. The illegal immigrant illegally crossed the border in November 2023 and was released days later by Border Patrol, according to the Post.


New York Post: "His arrest adds to the slew of grim cases across the US that have allegedly been inflicted by illegal immigrants of late — including the savage murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas earlier this month.


Two illegal Venezuelan migrants — Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21 — are accused of killing the young girl after stripping her naked to the waist and assaulting her for two hours."

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June 27 2024


Will CNN challenge Joe Biden on his efforts to systematically open up our border to deadly drugs, rapists, murderers, and terrorists?

Even his own immigration officials have admitted that Joe Biden is not serious about border security.


  • Raul Ortiz, who served as Border Patrol Chief under Biden, told 60 Minutes:  "I've never had one conversation with the president. Or the vice president, for that matter. And so I was the chief of the border patrol. I commanded 21,000 people. That's a problem.”


  • Biden's first Border Patrol chief, Rodney Scott, said in an interview: "We handed them the most secure border in the history of the United States and a roadmap to keep it that way and make it even better. Through 94 executive actions, President Biden completely destroyed border security."


  • Border Patrol agent Chris Cabreratold NBC News that Joe Biden should not have reversed Trump's border policies. “They were very effective for us, as Border Patrol agents, in securing the border.”


Joe Biden reversed the successful Trump policies that protected our nation from illegal immigration. As DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, "We have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them."


  • Executive actions taken by Joe Biden include: halting construction of the border wall, suspending deportations, ending Remain in Mexico, and reinstating catch-and-release.


  • Deportations of illegal immigrants with criminal charges or convictions have dropped 74 percent under Joe Biden.


Over 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed and they have not been properly vetted. Biden's open border has caused many heinous crimes.


  • Laken Riley was killed by an illegal immigrant that Joe Biden released into the country.
  • Kayla Hamilton was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant MS-13 gang member that was released into the country by Joe Biden in 2022.
  • An illegal immigrant released into the country by the Biden administration was arrested in Pennsylvania for killing a mother and her toddler.
  • Police in Palm Beach arrested an illegal immigrant for "allegedly snatching an 11-year-old girl off the street in front of her" home. The illegal immigrant crossed the border in January and was released into the country by Joe Biden. 
  • Police in Maryland recently arrested an El Salvadorian illegal immigrant for the brutal 2023 murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five.
  • Five illegal immigrants were arrested last week for kidnapping a 14-year-old girl from Indiana with the intent of trafficking her to California.
  • Two Venezuelan illegal immigrants who were released into the country this year by the Biden administration were charged with the murder of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl in Houston.
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June 26 2024

WSJ OP-ED: Inflation Will Be Defining Topic Of Thursday’s Debate

David Malpass in the Wall Street Journal: "Inflation is the defining problem of Thursday’s presidential debate and the U.S. economy. It is preventing interest-rate cuts and slowing the economic growth rate, which sank to 1.3% in the first quarter. Inflation chews up anyone with limited disposable income. It is making housing unaffordable, especially for the young, via rent increases and high mortgage rates.


The May consumer-price index showed a stubborn 3.3% increase in prices during the past 12 months. That is too high for affordability—and for rate cuts, given the Federal Reserve’s rigid 2% inflation target. With oil and gasoline prices rising again, inflation and affordability are crucial election issues. Bill Clinton won the presidency in 1992 on the mantras that 'it’s the economy, stupid' and that change is better than 'more of the same.'


The Biden administration has argued against change. At first, it said inflation would be transitory. That idea was supported by the Federal Reserve, but like so many of the Fed’s inflation models, it didn’t pan out. The administration then blamed the supply chain, 'shrinkflation,' corporate greed and Donald Trump.


Shrinkflation didn’t work because the CPI takes smaller package size into account. The corporate-greed complaint wasn’t supported by the data. An exhaustive Fed study last month disproved it: 'Aggregate markups have stayed essentially flat since the start of the recovery.'


President Biden’s claim that he inherited 9% inflation from Mr. Trump was even shorter-lived. A New York Times article labeled Mr. Biden’s assertion false: 'Year-over-year inflation was 1.4 percent in January 2021, when Mr. Biden took office. It peaked at 9.1 percent in June 2022, more than a year into his presidency, and has fallen to 3.3 percent in May.'


Mr. Biden has blamed everything except the actual cause: expensive regulations and massive government spending. Donald Trump’s approach to inflation, should he return to office, is likely to be different: Let markets produce more so that growth goes up and prices go down. This would enable interest-rate cuts, lowering mortgage rates and housing costs.


Lower inflation and lower interest rates aren’t rocket science. They require more growth and output, not less. Mr. Trump plans regulatory changes in the energy sector to allow more production. He likely would reverse Mr. Biden’s ban on liquefied natural gas exports, encourage nuclear power, use increased U.S. output to resupply the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (which Mr. Biden depleted during the 2022 midterm elections), and take steps to increase U.S. energy output and strengthen the electricity grid.


At its heart, Mr. Biden’s approach to inflation is antibusiness and intensely anti-energy. It comes across as part of a bigger effort to blame American institutions, markets and businesses for the downward spiral created by big government. Anything to avoid admitting that big-government policies are directly causing price increases and putting the electricity grid at risk.


The administration’s latest plan is more of the same. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the administration’s new budget, submitted in March, will cause $85 trillion in spending over the next 10 years, $63 trillion in taxes and a $22 trillion increase in national debt. All are record amounts that undermine growth and production. It’s a circular process: Giant increases in government spending and national debt prop up consumption but cause inflation. The world, especially China, sees a nation chasing its tail and the dollar system at risk.


Mr. Trump has made clear that he would bring positive change by reducing harmful regulations, taxing much less than Mr. Biden, encouraging private-sector investment and defending the dollar. Markets are forward-looking, so the benefits would spread quickly through the economy. Prices and interest rates could decline relatively quickly, helping consumers make a comeback."

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June 26 2024

JOE BIDEN’S UNCHALLENGED RECORD: The failure of Bidenomics

It's debate week and Joe Biden's failing economic record remains unchallenged by his allies in the legacy media.


Will CNN ask Joe Biden about how he has failed Georgia during Thursday's debate in Atlanta? Prices in Georgia have risen by an unaffordable 21.4% since Biden took office, forcing Georgians to spend an additional $12,676 every year just to make ends meet. In total, Bidenflation has robbed the average Georgia household of $25,293.


  • Since January 2021:
    • A gallon of unleaded gasoline is over 55% more expensive.
    • Hotels cost nearly 54% more.
    • Car insurance payments are nearly 52% higher.
    • A car or truck lease costs over 46% more.
    • Auto repair costs nearly 41% more.
    • Egg prices are up over 40%.
    • Plane tickets are nearly 40% more expensive.
    • Tickets to sporting events cost 34% more.
    • Electricity bills are 29% higher.
    • Baby food and formula is 28% more expensive.
    • Public transportation costs over 27% more.
    • Pet food costs 23% more.
    • Dining out is 22% more expensive.
    • Grocery costs are up over 21%.
    • Rent is up 21%.


  • When adjusted for inflation, average weekly earnings for Americans dropped by nearly 4% under Joe Biden. Under President Trump, they grew by over 8%.




  • The amount of credit card debt held by Americans is up nearly 42%since January 20, 2021. 


  • The number of Americans who are seriously delinquent on their credit card payments is at its highest level since 2010.


  • The percentage of Americans who have become seriously delinquent on their auto loan payments has soared nearly 73% since Biden took office.


  • The American Dream of owning a home has become a nightmare, thanks to Joe Biden:

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June 26 2024

Biden Admin Lies About Its Weak Vetting Of Illegal Immigrants

Joe Biden's open border policies are putting American lives in danger and his administration is now lying to try to cover it up. 


On Tuesday night, NBC released a bombshell report that over 50 illegal immigrants with ISIS ties are in the United States with unknown whereabouts.


DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was asked about the terror threat posed by the open border on CNN Wednesday morning, and said, "In fact, in this administration the different agencies and departments across the federal enterprise are working more cooperatively and more effectively and doing more robust screening and vetting than ever before."


That is a blatant lie from Secretary Mayorkas. 


A recent report from the DHS Inspector General found that the "Department of Homeland Security's technology, procedures, and coordination were not fully effective to screen and vet non citizens applying for admission into the United States or asylum seekers whose asylum applications were pending for an extended period."


The report said, "DHS will remain at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country or enabling asylum seekers who may pose significant threats to public safety and national security to continue to reside in the United States, until these challenges are addressed."


CBS' Margaret Brennan covered the report on Face the Nation, and said, "This is the government saying, 'We can't vet everyone properly.'"

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June 26 2024

NBC News: Over 50 Illegal Immigrants Linked To ISIS Are Roaming The Country

NBC News: "The Department of Homeland Security has identified over 400 immigrants who have come to the U.S. from Central Asia and elsewhere as 'subjects of concern' because they were brought by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network, three U.S. officials tell NBC News.


While over 150 of them have been arrested, the whereabouts of over 50 remain unknown, the officials said, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement is looking to arrest them on immigration charges when they are located."

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June 25 2024


It's debate week and Joe Biden's record on attacking democracy remains unchallenged by his allies in the legacy media.


Here are the facts:


Joe Biden is an election denier.


In 2016, Joe Biden said that he thought "Al Gore won" the 2000 election. 


Will CNN ask Joe Biden about that on Thursday night?


How about Joe Biden's weaponization of government?


  • Biden directed his Justice Department to indict his main political opponent. 
    • The New York Times reported in March 2023: "In the past, Mr. Biden privately told his close circle of advisers that Mr. Trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the events of Jan. 6, according to two people familiar with his comments. He also told confidants that he wanted Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and to take decisive action."
    • In November 2022, at a press conference, Joe Biden declared, "Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run.  I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."



  • Biden-aligned Democrats backed efforts to remove President Trump from the ballot.
    • Colorado's Secretary of State Jena Griswold attended a private Biden campaign fundraiser in November.
    • Maine's Secretary of State Shenna Bellows was a Biden elector in the 2020 election and took a selfie with Biden when she visited the White House.


  • The Biden FBI raided conservative journalist James O'Keefe's home.
    • Not only did the Biden administration raid the home of a prominent conservative journalist, but it secretly accessed Project Veritas' emails.
    • University of Minnesota law professor Jane Kirtley said the FBI's raid is "beyond belief."
    • Biden has a record of targeting journalists. JournalistJames Risen wrote in 2016, that under the Obama-Biden administration, "the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases."



  • The Biden FBI targeted concerned parents at school board meetings, pro-Life activists, and Catholics. 
    • Fox News: "The FBI targeted pro-life groups, Catholics, and parents attending school board meetings with investigations in an effort to 'inflate' the sense that they were a domestic terrorism threat, according to new whistleblower reports."
    • The Judiciary Committeefound that "evidence shows the White House was heavily involved in the Administration’s targeting of parents."
    • The Washington Times: "Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck and his wife Ryan-Marie Houck are seeking $4.3 million in damages from the Biden administration, accusing the Justice Department and FBI of targeting him over his anti-abortion views."



  • Biden attempted to create a "disinformation czar" to censor speech.
    • New York Post: "Biden’s new board is part of a concerted liberal attack on free speech."



  • Biden colluded with Big Tech companies to censor speech.
    • The Washington Times: "More than 50 government officials across 13 agencies 'threatened, cajoled and colluded' with social media companies to silence online speech about topics the Biden administration disliked such as election integrity, the origins of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 restrictions, according to a lawsuit filed by state attorneys general."
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June 25 2024

MAGA Inc. Launches No Taxes On Tips Sticker Campaign

MAGA Inc. is rolling out an initiative to send free stickers to attach on receipts that highlight President Trump’s call to end taxes on tips.


The PAC launched, where supporters of President Trump can sign up to receive free stickers. The effort was inspired by the countless people that have been sharing images of them writing on receipts.


President Trump recently did so himself in Philadelphia, and has called on people to write “no tax on tips” on receipts. 


When people sign up to receive their stickers — which we are mailing to supporters at no charge — they will be redirected to a page to donate directly to President Trump’s campaign (not the Super PAC), if they’d like.


Statement from Taylor Budowich, CEO of MAGA Inc: “It’s simple: President Trump wants hardworking American to keep more money in their pocket, Joe Biden wants to take it to give to illegal immigrants. President Trump’s plan is brilliant, and our sticker campaign will make sure it’s known far and wide.”


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June 24 2024

A Fair Debate Would Include These Questions

We got a taste this morning of how CNN will handle Thursday night's debate when CNN's Kasie Hunt cut off Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt. 


CNN's anti-Trump bias will likely on display Thursday night. If CNN decides to be fair, they'd ask Joe Biden the following:


1. Why do you repeatedly lie about your record on inflation? 


2. Why do you think illegal immigrants are above the law? Your administration is deporting 74 percent fewer criminal illegal immigrants than the Trump administration.


3. Your own Justice Department just recently confirmed that Hunter's laptop is real. Do you still consider it to be Russian disinformation even though your own DOJ used it to convict Hunter? That laptop is full of emails showing your involvement in Hunter's sketchy business dealings. Do you still deny having any role in Hunter's foreign business deals or being present at meetings with his business partners?


4. Why did you rescind President Trump's effective border policies? 


5. Why do you want to raise taxes on working-class Americans by letting the Trump Tax Cuts expire?


6. Under your watch, there has been war in Europe and the Middle East. Why are America's adversaries so emboldened by your weakness?

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June 23 2024

MAGA Inc. Sunday Note: June 23, 2024

Good evening, 


America will see two contrasting visions during Thursday's debate. President Donald Trump wants low taxes, secure borders, and safe neighborhoods. 


Joe Biden, on the other hand, embraces open borders, empowers the drug cartels, and has unleashed record inflation that has destroyed American families.


Biden will be on friendly turf. The debate is hosted by CNN after all and will likely turn into a 3 v 1 fight. The debate's moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have spewed anti-Trump commentary for years.


So don't be surprised if CNN doesn't ask about how ISIS terrorists took advantage of Joe Biden's open border, about how Biden keeps lying that prices are going down, or how the DOJ confirmed that Hunter's laptop, which has emails showing the Bidens' corruption, is real.


Taylor Budowich, 

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc. 


Biden has no clue who he is letting into our country:


  • On Face the Nation, CBS' Margaret Brennan covered a recent DHS Inspector General report that showed that there isn't proper vetting at the border. Brennan said, "This is the government saying, 'We can't vet everyone properly.'" 


  • This past week was yet another week in which we saw the dangerous consequences of an open border with no vetting. 
    • An illegal immigrant that was released into the country by the Biden administration pled guilty to sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl.
    • Two illegal immigrants were charged in Texas for killing a 12-year-old girl. Both illegal immigrants illegally crossed the border this year and were released into the country.
    • Five illegal immigrants were arrested in Missouri for kidnapping a teenage girl.
    • In New York City, an illegal immigrant from Ecuador was arrested for raping a 13-year-old girl. The girl's father told the New York Post that "this is what happens" when you have an "open border policy."
    • Fox News' Jackie DeAngelis commented on the spate of illegal immigrant crime Saturday and said: "I was reading the details about the little girl in Queens that was raped as well. Rachel Morin. Laken Riley. The list goes on and on. You've got people coming across the border that are committing heinous crimes here."


  • During President Trump's rally Sunday in Philadelphia, he vowed "on Day One, I will seal the border, stop the invasion and send Joe Biden's illegal aliens the hell back home."


Biden's supporters are depressed:


  • Politico reported Sunday that "Biden's biggest fundraisers are facing "disappointment and 'depression'" as they watch President Donald Trump outraise Joe Biden.
    • Politico: "'There was the strategy of raising all this money on the front end so we could have this huge edge,' said one Biden bundler, granted anonymity to speak candidly. 'The whole point of it was to come out with a sizable cash advantage and, you know, we’re now even and it’s June. … I have no other word for it other than ‘depression’ among Biden supporters.' Another major Biden bundler, also granted anonymity, called the development 'disappointing, but not surprising.'"


  • It's not just Biden voters that are sad, a new CBS poll shows young voters are struggling in Biden's economy. 
    • The poll of voters under 30 showed that 82 percent of young Americans say it is harder to buy a home for them than it was for previous generations. 
      • NPR recently reported that home prices are "up a whopping 47% since early 2020," and that homeownership is "out of reach to all but the most advantaged households."
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June 23 2024

President Trump Holds Massive Rally In Philadelphia

President Donald Trump held a massive rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Saturday.


A Pennsylvania voter said: "When [Trump] was president, I had money in my pocket & gas in my car. I was able to feed my wife and myself on $100 a week. Now, it is $300. Gas is out of sight—over $4 a gallon. I retired twice and had to go back to work to pay for medication."


Pennsylvania Rep. Dan Meuser“Philadelphia needs a president that cares about it because Joe Biden and his administration are all talk and no action…They over promise and under deliver and we know President Trump delivers on his promises. He did his first term, he’s going to again.”


Highlights from President Trump's speech: 


President Trump: "I'm thrilled to be back in the birthplace of American freedom...With your help 5 months from now, we're going to win this Commonwealth, we're going to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House, and we're going to make America great again."


President Trump: "Joe Biden’s Open Border has also been a disaster for great African American and Hispanic American populations. When millions of people flow over, the people that are most hurt are number one, the African Americans in this country -- number two, Hispanic Americans."


President Trump: "On Day One, I will seal the border, stop the invasion and send Joe Biden's illegal aliens the hell back home."


President Trump: "With your vote, Joe Biden's wave of bedlam and death and terror will begin to recede the moment I take the oath of office."


President Trump: "I will also take immediate action to restore prosperity to every part of our land. When I left office, inflation was practically nothing...we had gasoline down to $1.87/gallon...and the 30-year mortgage rate was 2.7% -- and then Joe Biden blew it to shreds."


President Trump: "On Day One, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history."


President Trump: "I will repeal every disastrous Biden regulation, cancel Crooked Joe's insane electric vehicle mandate, and we will drill, baby, drill. The Pennsylvania oil and gas industries will boom like never before."


President Trump: "Kennedy's a fake. He's a total fake. He's more liberal than Joe Biden..."


President Trump: "No taxes on tips! Every time you leave a tip for the next five months, make sure to write on the receipt, 'vote Trump for no tax on tips!'"


President Trump: "I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare, which Joe Biden is destroying by letting millions of people come into our country...I kept that promise for four straight years...By contrast, Joe Biden has cut Medicare Advantage for the last two years."

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June 22 2024

President Trump Delivers Remarks At The Faith & Freedom Conference

President Donald Trump delivered the keynote address at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "2024 Road to Majority" conference in Washington, D.C. on Saturday.


Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin said: "We must put builders back in charge -- and that is our mission between now and November 5th. We must expand our majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, we must take control of the U.S. Senate and we must put Donald J. Trump back in the White House."


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: "Working side by side, we're going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden, we're going to defend our values and we're going to make America great again."


President Trump: "His Marxist administration is pushing gender ideology into every school and Crooked Joe has demonstrated an amazing ability to demolish the rule of law by arresting political opponents, dissidents, Christians and pro-life activists like a Third World dictator."


President Trump: "We need Christian voters to turn out in their largest numbers ever to tell Crooked Joe Biden, Joe -- you're fired!"


President Trump: "As you know, the Radical Left is trying to shame Christians, silence you, demoralize you, and keep you out of politics... If Joe Biden gets back in, Christianity will not be safe in a nation with no borders, no laws, no freedom and no future."


President Trump: "Americans of faith are not a threat to our country. Americans of faith are the soul of our country." 


President Trump: "Just this week, 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was found strangled to death and dumped in a creek in Houston, allegedly murdered by two recent illegal border crossers from Venezuela. These monsters should never have been in our country."


President Trump: "On Day One, we will throw out Bidenomics and replace it with MAGAnomics... Under Biden, the economy is in ruins—Inflation has cost the typical family $28,000."


President Trump: "On Day One, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding to any school pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content...I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate."

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June 21 2024

Biden’s Week In Review

Joe Biden's open border has deadly consequences.


  • More details emerged this week about the thrice-deported El Salvadorian illegal immigrant who was arrested for the brutal 2023 murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five.
    • Rachel’s mother, Patty Morin, said her daughter’s “senseless” death would not have happened under President Trump.
    • The murderer successfully disappeared into the country last year under Biden’s open border.
    • Rachel Morin's half-sister said Friday morning: "Biden’s first day in office was to remove every executive order that Trump had put in place to secure our border... he stopped the building of the wall. I mean, as far as I’m concerned, the Biden Administration has the blood of Rachel Morin on their hands."
  • Biden froze on stage Saturday at a Los Angeles fundraiser, forcing Barack Obama to grab Biden by the wrist and guide him offstage.
  • The Washington Times reported on Sunday that over 99% of illegal immigrants released into the country under Biden’s “parole” program have completely vanished and are currently “at large.”
  • Biden’s constant concerning on-camera moments led a desperate Karine Jean-Pierre to declare on Monday that any video evidence of Biden’s mental and physical decline is a “cheap fake" and a "deep fake."
    • The next day, Biden forgotthe name of his Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and resorted to incoherent mumbling.
  • Five illegal immigrants were arrested on Monday for kidnapping a 14-year-old girl from Indiana with the intent of trafficking her to California.
  • Axios reported on Monday that even Biden’s own aides are questioning whether he should have run for president given his personal and family scandals.
    • Staffers have to “tiptoe” around Biden and hide the truth of his dismal performance from him, or they face being cast out for disloyalty.
  • An illegal immigrant from Ecuador who crossed the border in June 2021 was arrestedon Tuesday for raping a 13-year-old girl in a park in Queens “at knifepoint.”
  • NOT A CHEAP FAKE: Biden struggled Wednesday evening getting into an SUV.
  • Two Venezuelan illegal immigrants who were released into the country this year by the Biden administration were charged with the murder of a 12-year-old girl in Houston, according to the Houston Police Department on Thursday.
  • The Washington Examiner reported on Friday that an illegal immigrant from Honduras who pled guilty to sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl in Iowa was released into the country by the Biden administration in April 2022.
  • Faced with an illegal immigrant crime crisis, Joe Biden's solution was to grant amnesty Tuesday to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, which encourages more to cross the border.
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June 20 2024

New Polling Shows President Trump Leading In Key States

President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in key states, according to the latest polling from Emerson College.


Emerson found that President Trump is leading Joe Biden in Minnesota, a state that a Republican hasn't won since 1972.



Trump:  42 percent

Biden: 41 percent

Kennedy Jr.: 6 percent

Cornel West: 1 percent

Jill Stein: 1 percent




Trump: 45 percent

Biden: 37 percent

Kennedy Jr.: 6 percent

Cornel West: 1 percent

Jill Stein: 1 percent




Trump: 42 percent 

Biden: 39 percent

Kennedy Jr.: 7 percent

Cornel West:  2 percent

Jill Stein: 2 percent



Trump: 43 percent

Biden: 39 percent

Kennedy Jr.: 8 percent

Cornel West: 1 percent

Jill Stein: 1 percent





Trump: 45 percent

Biden: 42 percent

Kennedy Jr.: 5 percent

Cornel West: 0 percent

Jill Stein: 1 percent




Trump: 44 percent

Biden: 42 percent

Kennedy Jr.: 6 percent

Cornel West: 0 percent

Jill Stein: 1 percent




Trump: 44 percent 

Biden: 42 percent

Kennedy Jr.: 5 percent

Cornel West: 1 percent

Jill Stein: 1 percent

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June 20 2024

Axios: ‘Poll: Latino voters trust Trump on immigration over Biden’

Axios: "An Equis poll released Tuesday of 1,592 registered Latino voters in seven battleground states found 41% of Hispanic voters trust Trump on immigration compared to 38% for Biden."


This new poll follows a CBS News/YouGov poll that showed the majority of Hispanic voters support President Donald Trump's plan to deport illegal immigrants. 

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June 20 2024

Rachel Morin’s mom blasts DHS chief for calling slain daughter ‘individual,’ says Biden admin hasn’t reached out

New York Post: "Rachel Morin’s mother blasted Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ for referring to her daughter, who was murdered by an illegal migrant, as an 'individual' instead of naming her in a Tuesday interview.


'It’s a completely political statement because they’re not even willing to acknowledge that she was a mother, a daughter,' Patty Morin told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night.


'It totally depersonalizes her and makes her an object,' said Patty, who also revealed no one from the Biden administration has reached out to her grieving family since her daughter’s alleged killer was arrested."

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June 18 2024

President Trump Delivers Remarks In Wisconsin

President Donald Trump delivered remarks in Racine, Wisconsin Tuesday before a huge crowd.


Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said: “Since Joe Biden’s taken office, prices in Wisconsin have gone up by more than 20%…gas has gone up by more than a buck a gallon…housing prices — 43% increase…We can’t afford four more years of Joe Biden.”


Wisconsin Rep. Derrick Van Orden: "I'm a retired Navy SEAL Senior Chief with multiple combat tours around the world and I strongly support Trump. You know why? Because we wouldn't be having this turmoil around the world if he was still president. Joe Biden has been projecting strategic weakness around the world and the world is a more dangerous place because of that."


Wisconsin Rep. Bryan Steil: "President Biden's policies of allowing the US - Mexico border to remain unsecured are having a real impact for us right here in Wisconsin. You see the impact of fentanyl deaths in Racine and Kenosha county... President Biden refuses to secure the US - Mexico border. Today, he could reinstate 'Remain In Mexico,' he could end catch and release... and restart border wall construction immediately -- but he refuses to do that. You know who won't refuse to do that? President Donald J. Trump!"


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: "We're going to evict weak, failed and incompetent Joe Biden from the White House, and quite simply, we are going to make America great again."


President Trump: "Under Crooked Joe Biden, the world is in flames, our border is overrun, inflation is raging... and the worst, most incompetent, most corrupt president in history is going to drag us into World War 3."


President Trump: "Recently in New York, an illegal alien with multiple arrests approached to 13-year-old children with a machete in broad daylight, forced them into the woods... and raped the girl... When I'm re-elected, we will begin removing these criminals from our midst."


President Trump: "Crooked Joe is sending a message to the world that he rewards illegal entry... We should not be talking amnesty, we should be talking about stopping the invasion instead."


President Trump: "The Biden betrayal is not going to stand. When I'm re-elected, Joe Biden's illegal amnesty plan will be ripped up and thrown out on the very first day that we're back in office."


President Trump: "Joe Biden wants to be the president for illegal aliens—but I will be the president for law-abiding Americans of every background, every walk of life, and every race, religion, color, and creed!"


President Trump: "During my term, we had gasoline down to $1.87/gallon and by the end, the 30-year mortgage rate was 2.7%."


President Trump: "We will make the Trump tax cuts permanent and reduce taxes even more for working families and small businesses. They want to let the Trump tax cuts expire."


President Trump: "So if you want to save America... go to to make a plan to vote -- either by mail, early in person, or on Election Day... If you want to help us turn out voters in your neighborhood, sign up to get trained at"

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June 18 2024

This Is What Biden’s Own Border Patrol Agents Say About His Polices

Raul Ortiz, who served as Border Patrol Chief under Biden, told “60 Minutes:”  "I've never had one conversation with the president. Or the vice president, for that matter. And so I was the chief of the border patrol. I commanded 21,000 people. That's a problem.”


Biden's first Border Patrol Chief, Rodney Scott, said in an interview: "I talked to these people face to face and there was not a single conversation allowed about what is best for Americans. All they ever talked about was how to get more people into the country faster. They didn't want to talk about threats. They refused to acknowledge the terrorism risk. They refused to acknowledge the criminal risk. This is all very, very intentional."


Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera told NBC News that Biden should not have reversed Trump's border policies. "They were very effective for us, as Border Patrol agents, in securing the border.”


One unnamed Border Patrol agent told CNN "that he feels pressured to allow illegal border crossings or risk receiving a complaint and even losing his job."


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June 18 2024

Biden’s Former Border Patrol Chief: This Admin Doesn’t Care About What Is ‘Best For Americans’

Rodney Scott, who served as Border Patrol Chief for the first seven months of the Biden administration, revealed Monday that the Biden administration does not care about Americans. 


Scott: "I talked to these people face to face and there was not a single conversation allowed about what is best for Americans. All they ever talked about was how to get more people into the country faster. They didn't want to talk about threats. They refused to acknowledge the terrorism risk. They refused to acknowledge the criminal risk. This is all very, very intentional."


Scott's comments come as Fox News reports that nearly 1.4 million illegal immigrants "from a staggering 177 countries traveled through Mexico to the United States from January to May."

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June 17 2024

Joe Biden Prioritizes Illegal Immigrants Over Americans

Joe Biden will announce a new program tomorrow to give amnesty and work permits to illegal immigrants. 


Biden's action will encourage more illegal immigrants to cross our border and follows the arrest of an illegal immigrant for murdering a mother of five.


Biden's executive action will hurt American job seekers.


Biden's move follows economic data that shows that“all of the net job growth over the last year has gone to foreign-born workers, (a category which the Labor Dept. admits includes illegal aliens) while native-born Americans have lost a net 300k jobs."



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June 16 2024

MAGA Inc. Sunday Note: June 16, 2024

Good afternoon,


In the past week, there have been two stories that exemplify the threat Joe Biden's open border poses to Americans.


On Tuesday, it was revealed that 8 illegal immigrants with ties to ISIS were arrested. All 8 illegal immigrants entered the country under Joe Biden, and were released into the interior by his administration. 


The New York Post reported that one of the illegal immigrants was caught on a wiretap "talking about bombs."


Joe Biden's open border policies have been enabling terrorists. It was just a couple months ago when NBC News reported that the Biden administration released a man on the terror watch list into the country.


Even Democrats are forced to admit that Biden's open border is a national security threat. On Fox News Sunday, Democrat Rep. Jim Himes said, "The fact that there are lots of people who are here on an undocumented basis is a threat."


And former CIA Director Michael Morell, a Biden ally, wrote in Foreign Affairs that "with U.S. Customs and Border Protection reporting close to 200,000 encounters with migrants at this border each month so far in 2024, and with thousands of people each week crossing the border undetected, the government will need to take additional action—including the use of national emergency authorities—to ensure that terrorists are not exploiting this overwhelmed channel to enter the country."


Biden is not planning any sort of action to lock down the border. Instead, he is reportedly planning on giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, which will just encourage more illegals to cross our border. 


And terrorism isn't the only threat due to Biden's open border. On Saturday, police in Harford County, Maryland announced that they had arrested Victor Martinez-Hernandez for the murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five.


Harford County Sheriff Jeff Gahler said that Martinez-Hernandez illegally crossed in February 2023. At one point during his press conference, Gahler said he had a message for "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," and remarked: "We are 1,800 miles away from the southern border and the American citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies. This is the second time in just two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally."


Taylor Budowich, 
CEO, Make America Great Again Inc.


USA TODAY: Joe Biden is struggling with black voters



  • USA Today: "The president has suffered significant losses among Black voters who supported him in 2020. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed in each state said they voted for Biden four years ago. Now, his support has fallen 20 percentage points in Pennsylvania (to 56%) and 22 points in Michigan (to 54%). Exit polls in 2020 showed Biden received 92% of the Black vote in each state, making his decline now even more precipitous. The top reason volunteered by respondents in the survey was discontent with the job he's done in the White House, followed by worries about his age and mental acuity."


  • On Saturday, President Trump held a roundtable at a black church in Detroit. Axios reported that there were loud cheers when President Trump spoke out against "left-wing gender ideology."


Washington Post: "President Biden has a polling problem, and he needs to admit it."



  • The Washington Post editorial board: "President Biden has a polling problem, and he needs to admit it. The president trails presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump by an average of around 1 percentage point, according to the site FiveThirtyEight, which aggregates and weights dozens of polls. Mr. Biden’s approval rating hovers around 38 percent — one of the lowest for a sitting president in decades. The picture is worse in swing states, with Mr. Biden trailing in five of the six that he won in 2020. In a recent New York Times-Siena College survey, Mr. Trump was leading Mr. Biden by 12 percent in Nevada and 10 percent in Georgia."
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June 15 2024

President Trump Delivers Remarks In Detroit

President Donald Trump traveled to Detroit, Michigan Saturday, where he delivered remarks at both a community roundtable event and Turning Point Action's 'The People's Convention.'


A Detroit restaurant owner said: "When you were in office, President Trump, the African American community, the Latino community, the Arabic community -- we all soared. The money was pumping when you were in office."


A Detroit community leader: "I look at how Joe Biden...allowed Afghanistan to collapse and allowed our soldiers to die—it angers me. We had a president who loved our soldiers, and we need to put our president back in office!"


Highlights from President Trump's remarks: 


President Trump: "We achieved the lowest African American unemployment rate and the lowest African American poverty rate ever recorded during my four years. We lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty...we gave record funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities."


President Trump: "Millions and millions of people are coming in...Every state is a border state. They're coming into your community and they're taking your jobs. They're affecting African Americans and Hispanic Americans more than any other group..."


President Trump: "Earlier this week, ICE arrested...eight suspected terrorists...According to reports, many of these terrorist savages entered through Joe Biden's open border and Crooked Joe released them immediately into the United States...The choice for every voter this November is clear: you can have a president who lets thousands of radical Islamic terrorists into our country or you can have a president who throws radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country."


President Trump: "With the help of everyone here today, we're going to win the state of Michigan this November, we're going to fire Crooked Joe Biden, we're going to evict the Biden Crime Family from the White House and we are going to make America great again."


President Trump: "For decades before I took office, Joe Biden and his cronies in Washington got rich by selling off Michigan jobs...Crooked Joe backed NAFTA...China's entry into the WTO, the Trans-Pacific Partnership...and every other globalist disaster..."


President Trump: "First day in office, we're going to close up the border. First day in office, we're going to drill, baby, drill."


President Trump: "We will make the Trump tax cuts permanent and cut taxes even more for working families and small businesses."


President Trump: "So if you want to save America, I'm asking everybody to go to to make a plan to vote...If you want to volunteer to help us turn out voters in your neighborhood, sign up, get trained at"

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June 15 2024

President Trump Delivers Remarks In Florida

President Trump delivered remarks Friday at Club 47 in West Palm Beach, Florida.


Florida Representative Cory Mills said: "We know the lawfare that is being utilized...for election interference is because they're scared of one man and one man only who can save this republic -- and that is Donald J. Trump."


Florida Representative Michael Waltz on Biden's disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal: "[President Trump] is going to release all the tapes, all the video... He will drive accountability for their loss. No one's been fired to date. Donald J. Trump gets in, we're going to clean house at the pentagon and the deep state." 


Florida Senator Marco Rubio: "I'm going to be honest with you, sometimes I say, 'why is this guy doing this? He had a great life. He didn't need to be in politics'. There's only one reason why someone like him would be in politics, with all of these hassles... because he loves out country and he wants to save it from people that want to destroy it."


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: “With the help of everyone here tonight, we’re going to win this state in November. We’re going to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House. We’re going to put America first and we are going to, quite simply: make America great again.”


President Trump: "Instead of keeping out terrorists, Joe Biden has allowed thousands and thousands of terrorists to pour in."


President Trump: “Biden’s illegal aliens are driving up rent, food costs, healthcare costs, taxes and more.”


President Trump: “As part of [my] tax cuts, I’ve announced that I will eliminate taxes on tips for restaurant workers, hospitality workers and anyone else that gets tips — no more taxes on tips!”


President Trump: “If I was president, the Afghanistan disaster would never have happened, Ukraine would never have happened…Now we have Russian warships and nuclear subs…60 miles off the coast of Florida…that’s only because Biden’s weakness is putting us in grave danger.”


President Trump: “If you want to save America, I’m asking everybody to go to to make a plan to vote either by mail, early, in person or on Election Day. Just vote!”

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June 14 2024

Biden’s Week In Review

Joe Biden's weakness was obvious on the global stage at the G7 this week. At home, America saw the consequences of having an inept president in the White House, as it was uncovered that several terrorists were released into the country by the Biden administration.


  • MAY INFLATION REPORT: Since Crooked Joe took office, prices have risen by an unaffordable 20.1%; however, the price of essential expenses has skyrocketed even higher than overall prices since January 2021: Unleaded gasoline costs 55.3% more, auto insurance is 51.7% more expensive, the cost of car and truck leases is up 46.1%, eggs are 40.1% more expensive, electricity bills are 29% higher, baby food and formula costs 28.4% more, pet food costs 23% more, and the cost of both groceries and rent payments are 21.2% higher.  
    • According to data from the United States Congress Joint Economic Committee, the average American household has lost $25,920 in purchasing power since Biden took office.


  • BORDER CRISIS: CBS News reported Tuesday that 8 illegal immigrants from Tajikistan were arrested after it was uncovered they had ties to ISIS. These terrorists took advantage of Joe Biden's open border.
    • CBS: "A senior Department of Homeland Security official tells CBS News the eight migrants arrested by ICE crossed the U.S. southern border without proper documents and were subsequently released into the U.S. with notices to appear in immigration court."
    • The New York Post reported that one of the illegal immigrants was caught on a wiretap "talking about bombs."


  • Even CNN knows that Joe Biden's open border crisis is putting Americans at risk. On Monday, CNN reported on Tren de Aragua, a criminal gang from Venezuela, that is "infiltrating the US."
    • CNN: "What some Venezuelan immigrants in Florida and other states have told CNN is that they are already beginning to see in their communities the same type of criminal activity they fled from in Venezuela."
    • A record number of Venezuelan illegal immigrants have entered the country under Joe Biden.


  • Biden rounded out the week with a disastrous appearance at the G7 conference in Italy, leaving foreign media baffled at the deteriorating state of the president: “the worst he’s ever been.” Biden looked lost and had to be rescued by other world leaders and attacked reporters for not asking about pre-approved topics.
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June 12 2024

Poll: Trump Leads Biden By 8 Percent In Arizona

President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden by 8 percent in Arizona, according to a new poll released by the AARP.


Trump 45 percent

Biden 37 percent

RFK Jr. 11 percent

Jill Stein 3 percent

Chase Oliver 0 percent



The poll found that President Trump is leading Biden both with voters ages 18-49 and with voters over the age of 50. 

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June 12 2024

Poll: PA Voters Say They Were Better Off Under Trump

President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in Pennsylvania, according to the latest Marist Poll


Marist found that Pennsylvania voters say they were better off during the Trump presidency.


Marist: "A majority of Pennsylvania residents think they and their families were better off during Trump’s presidency (54%) than during Biden’s term (43%). Nearly identical proportions view Trump’s presidency (54%) as superior to Biden’s (45%) in terms of the impact it has had on the country."


The poll also found Joe Biden underperforming among black voters with just 68% support. 

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June 11 2024

BREAKING: Biden Admin Released Suspected Terrorist Into The Country

New York Post: "Six Russian nationals suspected to have terror ties to ISIS have been arrested in a co-ordinated sting operation spanning Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia, The Post can exclusively reveal.


Two ICE sources confirmed to The Post they arrested the six people, who hail from Tajikistan, over the last week after the FBI contacted the agency to warn them.


Part of the investigation featured a wire tap which revealed one of the now arrested individuals was talking about bombs, the sources said.


'Remember the Boston marathon [bombing]? I’m afraid something like that might happen again or worse,' one of the sources told The Post.


The target who was subject to the wiretap was previously released by federal authorities at the southern border with a court date next year, however it has since emerged he has potential ties to ISIS, sources said."

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June 10 2024

Cheesecake Factory Prices Are Out Of Control Under Joe Biden

"This viral post might be a parody, but Bidenomics is no joke. Prices at the Cheesecake Factory have ballooned under Joe Biden." -- Alex Pfeiffer, spokesman for Make America Great Again Inc. 



Dec. 2020



Original Cheesecake




Eggroll Sampler




Thai Lettuce Wraps




Crusted Chicken Romano




Bang-Bang Chicken and Shrimp




Smokehouse B.B.Q. Burger




Warm Crab Dip



21.3%, archived from December 5, 2020., archived from June 10, 2024 (Last updated November 23, 2023).

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March 05 2023

MAGA Inc. Sunday Note

The CPAC Straw Poll made it clear that President Trump is the choice of conservatives to lead the Republican Party in 2024. 


President Trump won the straw poll with 62 percent support -- more than triple Ron DeSantis’ share of the vote (20 percent).  As Politico reported, “No Republican departed CPAC with more glory than former President Donald Trump.”


President Trump has a bond with conservatives because he stood up on their behalf against entrenched Washington interests. They want him back in the White House to finish the job.  As President Trump told the crowd at CPAC Saturday, “We are going to complete the mission. We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. We are going to make America great again."


Taylor Budowich

Head of MAGA Inc.



Coverage of CPAC: 


Breitbart: Donald Trump: ‘We Are Never Going Back to the Party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, and Jeb Bush’


Semafor coverage of MAGA Inc’s reception at CPAC: “Trump goes after DeSantis on Social Security at CPAC”


Politico: “Trump ties a ribbon on the most MAGA CPAC yet”


New York Post: “Trump wins CPAC straw poll as Republican 2024 frontrunner in a landslide”


Washington Times: “Trump trounces competitors in annual CPAC poll of presidential candidates”


Washington Times: “What about Ron? CPAC attendees frown on Fla. governor challenging Trump for presidential nomination”


Newsmax: Trump to CPAC: In the 'Battle of Our Lives' to Rescue US, Party


Fox News: Trump overwhelmingly wins CPAC's Republican primary straw poll with DeSantis coming in a distant second


Human Events: I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION: Donald Trump delivers vintage America First CPAC speech


Highlights from President Trump’s CPAC address:


"In 2016, I declared, 'I am your voice.' Today I add: I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” Trump declared


President Trump made it clear that he is the only choice to fight back against the Deep State because he will not back down. 


Trump: “At the end of the day anyone else will be intimidated, bought off, blackmailed, or ripped to shreds. I alone will never retreat."


Trump: “Our enemies are lunatics and maniacs. They cannot stand that they do not own me... and they will never ever control me, and they will never ever, therefore, control you!"


Trump outlined his policies for a second term that will save America.


President Trump: “We are never going back to a party that wants to give unlimited money to fight foreign wars that are endless wars, that are stupid wars."


President Trump reiterated his support for baby bonuses to start a new baby boom. 


The speech also focused on cleaning up the mess Biden has caused at the border. President Trump called for the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.


Trump: “When I am back in the White House, the very first reconciliation bill I sign will be for a massive increase in border patrol, and a colossal increase in the number of ICE deportation officers.”


President Trump outlined his plan to keep China financially accountable for the pandemic it unleashed.


And as our trade deficit hits an all-time high under Joe Biden, President Trump reminded CPAC that he “smashed the false idols of the free trade fanatics."



Praise for President Trump’s CPAC address:


Charlie Kirk: “Epic speech from President Trump. A bold vision for the future, vintage America First, law and order, election integrity, and ending the endless wars.   ‘I am your retribution.’ MAGA 2024”


Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX):  “GREAT SPEECH by President Trump. He is the LEADER of our conservative movement and the LEADER of the Republican Party. TRUMP 2024!!”


Kari Lake: “Only ONE President has taken on the establishment in Washington.   That President is Donald J. Trump.   I can’t wait for him to get back into the White House to do it again!”


Darren Beattie: “Trump's CPAC speech one of the all time greats, certainly in top 10”

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February 19 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, February 19, 2023

I hope you are having a great Presidents' Day Weekend with the ones you love. 


President Trump continues to tower over the Republican field. Several polls this week show Trump with a double-digit lead over the field.


President Trump’s continued dominance over the field is because Republicans recognize that there is no “Trumpism without Trump.” Gavin Wax Mario explains this in a piece in Townhall this weekend that I recommend you read.


“The personal, emotional relationship between Trump and his base cannot be understated. Without Trump as the candidate in 2024, at least a million of his supporters will stay home and refuse to vote Republican. They hate the system, know how they are being screwed, and rightly believe that most politicians in both major parties should be given the boot. They only trust one candidate: Trump,” Gavin writes. 


“These voters are the forgotten men and women of this country; they put Trump in office in 2016, and losing them will assure losses in any election moving forward. If Trumpism disappears, the Republican Party will fall back into the Bush-era neoconservatism of old.”


We’re already seeing an attempt to revert to the failed Bush-era policies with the candidacy of Nikki Haley. While Haley claims to represent a “new generation,” the reality is she's just another career politician who is only in it for herself. She should listen to her own comments from the 2020 Republican convention, “Donald Trump has always put America first, and he has earned four more years as president.”



Taylor Budowich

Head of MAGA Inc. 



As President Trump demonstrates true crisis leadership with his visit to East Palestine, OH, the Biden administration faces intense criticism for its mishandling of the situation: 


  • In stark comparison to the Biden administration’s failure to provide information, testing, and support following the February 2nd train derailment and subsequent toxic chemical fire, President Trump announced that he would be visiting East Palestine: “The people of East Palestine need help. I’ll see you on Wednesday.” 
  • After President Trump announced he would be visiting East Palestine, and two weeks after the initial derailment and fire, the Biden administration reversed its decision and decided they would, in fact, provide FEMA support to the impacted community.  
  • Residents of East Palestine are voicing their frustration with the Biden administration’s weeks-delayed response and complete lack of communication. 
    • Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg didn’t even publicly address the disaster until ten days after the train derailed and caught fire, releasing hazardous and toxic chemicals like vinyl chloride into the soil, air, and water. 
  • Federal officials continue to claim that testing “has not detected any levels of health concern in the community,” even as residents complain of headaches, throat irritation, and skin rashes.  EPA Administrator Michael Regan insists the “water is safe.” He should take Senator JD Vance’s advice and drink it. 
    • Peter DeCarlo, Associate Professor of Environmental Health at Johns Hopkins University, told Martha Raddatz on ABC’s This Week that “we just don’t have the information we need to understand what chemicals may be present. The monitoring equipment that [the EPA is] using to determine things that are safe doesn’t give us chemical specificity, it doesn’t tell us what chemicals are present, it just says they’re below some level.” 
    • “There’s plenty of chemicals,” DeCarlo continued, “that can be created from that fire that can be toxic at much lower levels.” 


Americans continue to suffer under the Biden economy


  • Household debt hits a record high.
    • CNN: “Total US household debt hit a record $16.9 trillion during the fourth quarter, an increase of $394 billion, or 2.4%, from the prior three-month period, according to the Fed’s latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit… Credit card balances increased nearly 6.6% to $986 billion during the quarter, the highest quarterly growth on record, according to New York Fed data that goes back to 1999. Year over year, credit card balances grew 15.2%.”
  • Americans are falling behind on their car payments.
    • WSJ: “Some 9.3% of auto loans extended to people with low credit scores were 30 or more days behind on payments at the end of last year, the highest share since 2010, according to an analysis by Moody’s Analytics.”



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February 12 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, February 12, 2023

Happy Sunday,


In the week following Joe Biden’s jumbled State of the Union address, the White House continues its attempt to sell the lie that Americans are better off under Biden than under President Trump.


It is a lie that even the mainstream media cannot stomach. A whopping 71% of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track. Additional polling from last week confirms America’s profound dissatisfaction with Joe Biden’s leadership—his own party doesn’t want him.


Biden’s failure as Commander-in-Chief continues to coalesce around our nation’s response to Chinese incursions into our airspace. Following the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, this latest insult to our national sovereignty is additonal proof to our enemies that it is acceptable to challenge America with Biden in charge. President Trump understood that projecting American strength was paramount to promoting peace and cooperation. We desperately need that leadership again.


Taylor Budowich

MAGA, Inc.


The Biden administration continues to lie about the State of Our Union:

  • There is no talking point that exists to convince Americans that they are imagining the economic hardship they face, despite spin from the Biden White House.
  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
  • A recent ABC/Washington Post poll found that 41 percent of Americans “say they are not as well off since Biden became president…the highest level since Post-ABC polling first asked the question in 1986.”
  • A CBS/YouGov poll shows 62 percent of Americans expect the economy to decline next year.
  • President Trump: "Over the past two years, under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our southern border. Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children. Savage killers, rapists and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave. And under Biden, the murder rate has reached the highest in the history of our country. Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century."
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders, providing the Republican response to the SOTU: “President Biden inherited the fastest economic recovery on record, the most secure border in history, cheap, abundant and home-grown energy, fast-rising wages, a rebuilt military, and a world that was stable and at peace. But over the last two years, Democrats destroyed it all.”


President Trump this week outlined an Agenda47 plan to both restore American energy independence and get inflation under control:

  • President Trump will revoke all unnecessary federal regulation that restricts domestic energy production, remove the U.S. from the flawed and pro-China Paris Climate Agreement, and swiftly approve new energy infrastructure projects.
  • Biden’s war on American energy levied a tax on everything we purchase—higher energy prices mean higher costs in transportation and in food production.
  • Nine in ten U.S. voters support increasing domestic energy production.


Biden’s response to Chinese incursions of our airspace undermines America’s strength on the world’s stage:

  • On ABC’s This Week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer attempted to defend the Biden administration’s response to allowing a Chinese spy craft unprecedented surveillance of our nation’s interior.
    • Chuck Schumer: “The first balloon, there was a much different rationale, which I think was the appropriate rationale. We got enormous intelligence information from surveilling the balloon as it went over the United States."
    • George Stephanopoulos: “But didn’t the Chinese get enormous intelligence as well?"
    • Chuck Schumer: “Well, they could have been getting that anyway."
  • The Biden administration disbanded an anti-Chinese espionage program started by President Trump, paving the way for these unacceptable incursions.
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February 05 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, February 5, 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, February 5, 2023

Joe Biden will deliver his third State of the Union this week. 

Biden’s speech on Tuesday will be full of spin claiming that he is a success, but if you ask Americans, they do not think the state of the union is positive. A CBS poll shows that 68 percent of Americans believe things are going “badly” in America today.

Will Tuesday’s speech just be full of canned applause lines or will Biden address any of the nation’s problems? 

Will Biden address the drug overdose crisis sweeping the nation? Maine, for example, set a drug overdose death record in 2022 – it beat the previous record set in 2021. Biden has failed to secure the border and protect American communities. 

Will Biden call for peace in Ukraine as President Trump has done? The war continues to slog on with no end in sight, as we inch closer to nuclear war.  

Finally, will Biden offer any relief to Americans at the pump? Doubtful. Gas prices remain higher than they were a year ago.  Under President Trump, America became the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. Joe Biden, instead, turns to autocrats like Venezuela’s Nicholas Maduro for oil and encourages Americans to buy electric Hummers that cost more than $87,000. 

Taylor Budowich

Head of MAGA Inc.


Despite the best efforts of Democrats and their allies in the media, Americans recognize Biden is failing:

  • Many are viewing Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday as the opening salvo of his 2024 re-election campaign—one that even Democrats don’t want. 
    • A new NBC poll found that “two-thirds of voters have reservations or are very uncomfortable with the idea of Biden running for a second term.” 
    • A recent ABC/Washington Post poll found that “among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents…58 percent say they would prefer someone other than Biden as their nominee in 2024.” 
  • Sec. Pete Buttigieg painted a falsely positive image of the economy on CNN’s State of the Union. Buttigieg claimed that “usually, when employment is that low, inflation is going up. Right now, inflation is going down along with unemployment.” 
    • Inflation was still at 6.5 percent in December 2022, outstripping any increases in Americans’ wages. In that same month, the annual increase in wages was only 4.6 percent. Wages grew at an even slower rate in January 2023, at 4.4 percent compared to a year ago. 
  • No matter what Biden and his surrogates may say, the economic reality facing many Americans today is painful and bleak. 
    • A recent ABC/Washington Post poll found that 41 percent of Americans “say they are not as well off since Biden became president…the highest level since Post-ABC polling first asked the question in 1986.”  
    • A CBS/YouGov poll found that 62 percent of Americans expect the economy next year to be in decline.

Biden lets Chinese surveillance balloon traverse the whole nation

  • Sen. Marco Rubio, vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CNN that a spy balloon flying over these many American states is “unprecedented.” Sen. Rubio added, "It's not a coincidence this happens leading up to the State of the Union address...It's not just the balloon, it's the message they're trying to send the world, that we can do whatever we want and America can't stop us."
  • Two former national security advisers to President Trump – John Bolton and Robert O’Brien – both told Fox News that they are unaware of anything like this happening during their time in the Trump administration.
  • Forget the balloon, tens of millions of Americans carry around a Chinese surveillance app on their phone – TikTok. President Trump called for TikTok to be banned in 2020. He was right. Biden revoked this executive order and yet even Democrats now acknowledge that Trump was correct that TikTok has no place in America.
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January 29 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 29, 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 29, 2023

Good Evening!

President Trump kicked off the 2024 Republican primary with visits to New Hampshire and South Carolina. Trump spoke at the New Hampshire Republican Party’s annual meeting and unveiled his South Carolina leadership team, before stopping for ice cream and meeting supporters.

Trump’s speeches were well received, with talk radio legend Michael Savage praising President Trump’s South Carolina speech as “electrifying.” Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote that Trump “sounds amazing” and is “fired up.”

What struck me most was a line President Trump delivered in New Hampshire. He said, "I'm more angry now and more committed now than I ever was." It was powerful, it was authentic, and it's the kind of fire that will propel President Trump back to the White House.

Our nation is suffering because of the failures and incompetence of career politicians who are putting their own interests ahead of the interests of America. This is what drove President Trump to run in 2016 and it's the same fire that's fueling his campaign today. 

He has never been stronger, and we are ALL more confident and committed than ever before --- 2024 can't come soon enough! 

Taylor Budowich 



President Trump delivers policy-focused speeches in New Hampshire and South Carolina:

  • Trump attacked Biden’s incompetence that has put us on the “brink of World War 3 in Ukraine.” Trump called for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.
  • Biden has dismantled the effective immigration policies President Trump put in place and Trump vowed in New Hampshire that “within hours of my inauguration, we will restore every border security measure of the Trump presidency."
    • President Trump recognizes the importance of not only border security, but interior enforcement. He said in South Carolina that we “have to remove a lot of people very, very fast” as murderers and rapists have illegally crossed our border.
  • President Trump is determined to combat the influence of the Chinese Communist Party and told the crowd in Manchester, NH that his administration will “force China to sell any current holdings in the United States that puts our national security at risk."
  • Politico reported that the "loudest applause lines during Trump’s speech in NH" included his plan to eliminate federal funding for schools that push critical race theory or left-wing gender ideology.
    • Trump said in South Carolina that “we’re going to defeat the cult of gender ideology, and reaffirm that God created two genders called men and women.”

President Trump is rolling out a forward-thinking and bold series of policy platforms to restore America once again to greatness: 

  • In his plan to save American education, President Trump announced that he will: 
    • Adopting merit pay and abolishing tenure for K-12 teachers 
    • Enshrining a parental bill of rights that promotes curriculum transparency and school choice  
    • Greatly reducing bloated school administrative positions 
    • Allowing the direct election of school principals by parents 
    • Cut federal funding to any school that promotes radical critical race theory, gender ideology or any form of inappropriate content 
    • Identify and fire “the radical zealots and Marxists in the Department of Education” that are poisoning our school systems 
    • Direct a civil rights investigation with the Department of Education into race-based discrimination in schools 
    • Vigorously pursue any potential freedom of religion violations 
    • Incentivize states and school districts to adopt pro-parent and student reforms with preferential funding for: 
  • Fentanyl, meth, and heroin are pouring across our completely open southern border that is controlled by the Mexican drug cartels. The vicious, inhumane cartels have declared war on the men and women of America, and the death toll is rising to over 100,000 victims a year. President Trump announced that once he is back in the White House, he will wage war against the cartels and end their terrible rein over our southern border. 
  • While cities like Washington, D.C. are passing bills that release hundreds of violent criminals back onto the streets, patriots are being held as political prisoners. D.C.’s new bill slashes penalties for carjackings, robberies and for felons committing gun crimes. It also makes violent criminals eligible for release. President Trump called on Congress to send a resolution to Joe Biden’s desk rejecting this weak-on-crime bill. America needs a president who will stand for law and order. 
  • President Trump announced his plan to destroy the insidious influence of the Chinese Communist Party within the United States by enacting “aggressive new restrictions on Chinese ownership of any vital infrastructure in the United States, including energy, technology, telecommunications, farmland, natural resources, medical supplies, and other strategic national assets.” 
  • President Trump will order the construction of a missile defense shield to protect our nation from nuclear and hypersonic weaponry. He understands that unmatched American strength will promote global peace. 
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January 22 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 22, 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 22, 2023

Good Evening!

President Trump continues to dominate the polls while Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents spirals out of control. The FBI searched Biden’s Wilmington home on Friday and found additional classified documents. CBS reports that the Justice Department is considering more searches.

Biden’s presidency is in crisis and America is suffering because of it. 

Reuters polling shows Biden’s approval rating is near the lowest of his term. Americans are tired of Biden’s inept administration that fails to deliver relief from inflation and stop the invasion across our southern border. America's enemies continue to reap the benefits of Biden's pathetic presidency.

President Trump, meanwhile, continues to roll out his bold and prosperous agenda for America's future. This past week, Trump released his plan to limit the Chinese Communist Party’s influence in our country. Additionally, Trump urged Republicans to focus budget cuts on wasteful programs, while protecting Social Security.

Finally, the media is desperate to divide the Republican Party, however, their attempts to sow division will fail. President Trump, who leads every recent poll by significant margins, will be the Republican nominee and he will unite America around his proven record of leadership and putting America first. 

Taylor Budowich 



FBI search uncovers more classified documents at Biden’s home:

  • FBI agents conducted a search of Joe Biden’s Delaware home on Friday and found even more improperly handled classified documents. 
  • The White House has not been transparent about the Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.
    • Biden spokesman Ian Sams was unwilling to tell MSNBC how many classified documents the Justice Department has found.
    • When asked why the administration sat on these discoveries until after the election, Biden responded that “there’s no there, there.” 
  • This is a serious issue for Joe Biden. As the Article III Project’s Mike Davis wrote at Newsweek, “Biden compromised our national security through his carelessness and brazen law-breaking.”
    • Davis noted: “As a matter of clarity, let's contrast Biden's theft of classified documents with Trump's lawful handling of presidential records. As the commander-in-chief under our Constitution, the president of the United States has the absolute power to declassify records as he sees fit. In addition, under the Presidential Records Act, a departing president can take a personal copy of any of his presidential records—classified or not. The vice president is afforded neither of these privileges.”
  • Polling shows a majority of Americans believe Biden was inappropriate in his handling of documents.
  • Hunter Biden—currently under his own federal investigation over his taxes and overseas business dealings—listed the Wilmington address where many of the documents were found has his permanent residence. He potentially had access to this classified information, while being in business with America's adversaries.  

President Trump continues to dominate in polling:

  • Poll after poll continues to show that President Trump is Republicans’ top choice for the 2024 nomination.
    • Harvard-Harris poll -- Donald Trump: 48 percent, Ron DeSantis: 28 percent, Mike Pence: 7 percent,  Nikki Haley: 3 percent
    • YouGov -- Donald Trump: 46 percent, Ron DeSantis: 27 percent, Mike Pence: 6 percent, Nikki Haley: 3 percent
    • Morning Consult – Donald Trump: 48 percent, Ron DeSantis: 31 percent, Mike Pence: 8 percent, Liz Cheney: 3 percent, Nikki Haley: 2 percent
  • President Trump is also besting Biden in head-to-head polling. The Harvard-Harris poll has Trump at 46 percent and Biden trailing at 41 percent.
    • Breitbart’s coverage of the poll noted that “Former President Donald Trump has opened a clear lead over President Joe Biden.”


Terrorists continue to cross Biden’s open border as Trump urges Republicans to target the depletion of our social safety net by illegal immigrants, and not Social Security: 

  • Fox News’ Bill Melugin reported Sunday that there is a surge of terrorists crossing the border. There already have been 38 individuals on the terror watch list caught crossing the border since October. For comparison, in Fiscal Year 2019 – there were 0 terror watch list suspects caught crossing the border.
  • Biden has failed to secure our border and criminals from across the globe are attempting to cross. Biden just set another embarrassing record with nearly 252,000 illegal immigrant encounters on the border in December. Breitbart reported that "this represents the largest single-month report in U.S. history.”
  • President Trump not only understands that border security, like a wall, is necessary to repel criminal immigration, but that we must also remove the “pull” factors that bring criminal immigrants here. In a video last week, Trump urged Republicans not to cut Social Security and instead focus on the “the mass releases of illegal aliens that are depleting our social safety net and destroying our country.”
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January 15 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 15, 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 15, 2023

Good evening!

Biden’s mishandling of classified documents finally has many of his allies in the press admitting what has been obvious to us all. Biden is incompetent and puts our national security at risk. Not only did Biden have no authority as vice president to declassify documents, but he kept them in the same Wilmington home that Hunter Biden resided in. That means national security secrets were stored in the residence of a business partner of the Chinese Communist Party.

Taylor Budowich 



Even more classified documents have been found at Joe Biden’s home and office after he removed them the Obama administration: 

  • White House lawyers admitted on Saturday that a fourth batch of classified documents had been found at Biden’s private home and office. 
  • This discovery followed White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's announcement to reporters that "lawyers had finished searching for classified documents."
  • The classified documents were discovered in a closet at the University of Pennsylvania's Biden Center in D.C., and at Biden’s home in Wilmington.
  • Hunter Biden—currently under his own federal investigation over his taxes and overseas business dealings—listed the Wilmington address where many of the documents were found has his permanent residence. He potentially had access to this classified information. 
  • The Department of Justice has known about the documents since before the 2022 election, and only now has Merrick Garland bothered to inform the public and appoint a special counsel. 
  • Joe Biden downplayed the seriousness of his alleged crime, insisting that it was fine because some documents were locked in his garage next to his Corvette: “It’s not like it’s sitting out in the street.” 

Unlike President Trump, Biden’s handling of classified documents is likely against the law: 

  • Biden was the vice president when he left office with classified documents that he brought to his China-funded think tank and home garage. Unlike presidents, vice presidents have no authority to declassify documents. This discrepancy shows the FBI’s double standard in how they’ve handled the respective cases.
    • House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said on CNN’s State of the Union: "My concern is how there’s such a discrepancy in how former Pres. Trump was treated — by raiding Mar-a-Lago, by getting the security cameras, by taking pictures of documents on the floor, by going through Melania’s closet — versus Joe Biden."
  • Unlike President Trump, Biden did not keep documents in a secure location. Mar-a-Lago has Secret Service protection. Vice presidents only keep Secret Service protection for six months after leaving office, meaning that for over 2 years his Wilmington home did not receive such protection. Even CNN’s Jake Tapper acknowledged Sunday that Biden’s Wilmington Corvette garage is not an ideal place to keep our nation’s secrets. 
    • "That does not look like what a secure location would be,” Tapper said on State of the Union. 

Even Joe Biden’s allies are admitting he was reckless with documents and has not been transparent: 

  • CBS News' Ed O'Keefe said on Face the Nation that the Biden White House "clearly had a problem this week...especially because you have a president who made campaign and day one promises of transparency, and they weren't kept here."
  • ABC’s Jonathan Karl said, “The White House says it is committed to transparency, but the first batch of documents was discovered on November 2nd, just days before the midterm elections, and the public didn't learn of it until this week — and only after reporters started asking."
    • Biden is still refusing to tell the public who has visited his Wilmington home.
  • Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said on ABC’s This Week that it is possible Biden jeopardized national security with his handling of classified documents.
  • Even the Associated Press is acknowledging this reveals Biden is incompetent. “But an excruciating week of awkward disclosures and the appointment of a special counsel to investigate classified records found at his Delaware home and a former office dating to his time as vice president is beginning to strain his claim to competence.”
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January 08 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 8, 2023

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 8, 2023

Good evening!

After a week of spirited debate, House Republicans are ready to start the 118th Congress. Thanks to President Trump, Republicans united to back Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is finally visiting the border. His visit to the border this week is not about what he will witness, but instead, what he won’t. 

 In the days leading up to his visit, law enforcement and local officials scrambled to clear out migrant camps and beautify the streets—a practice that’s common for third world dictatorial nations, not America. 

In 2009, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s wife, Suzanne, visited the new campus of The American University in Cairo. In the weeks leading up to her visit, streets were swept, the homeless were relocated, palm trees and shrubs were planted, and curbs were painted. Through her eyes, Egypt was beautiful and well kept. Yet, the reality was Egypt was burning, she just wasn’t allowed to see it.

Joe Biden’s visit to America’s southern border is no different. Instead of facing down our nation’s immigration crisis that his policies have created, he is ignoring it.

Taylor Budowich 



Biden’s border policies embolden the cartels, while Trump has a plan to fight them:

  • The Mexican drug cartels are causing havoc in America and in Mexico. The drugs they traffic kill tens of thousands of Americans and fund their bloody war against the Mexican government.
  • Instead of combatting the cartels, Biden has empowered them. The head of the Border Patrol Union called Biden the “cartels’ best friend” and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told Biden in a letter, “your open-border policies have emboldened the cartels, who grow wealthy by trafficking deadly fentanyl and even human beings.”
  • President Trump, on the other hand, has released a bold plan to combat the violent drug cartels. President Trump wants to unleash the U.S. military on the cartels and designate them as foreign terrorist organizations. He promises to destroy the cartels just like he dismantled ISIS.
  • Congressman Michael Waltz praised President Trump’s plan on Sunday Morning Futuressaying, “President Trump just rolled out a plan to go after the cartels and I think he is absolutely right."

President Trump Finalizes Speaker Deal: 

  • Kevin McCarthy was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 118th Congress, thanks to President Trump’s intervention.
  • In the minutes following the vote, several GOP insiders took to Twitter to reveal that President Trump played a crucial role in closing the deal that included key concessions to ensure that the American People are, once again, running the People’s House.
  • The newly-elected Speaker thanked President Trump for his help after the vote, adding that “I don’t think anybody should doubt his influence.”
  • In the hours that followed the vote, central figures on both sides of the deal confirmed that President Trump’s involvement was vital to crossing the finish line.
    • Rep. Jim Jordan: “This doesn’t get done without the support and leadership of President Trump.”
    • Rep. Byron Donalds: “[Trump] has played a good part in this.”
    • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: “[Trump’s] role was huge…America is about to see the most conservative Republican Speaker of the House that they have seen in decades.”
  • "The 'Speaker' selection process," President Trump stated, "as crazy as it may seem, has made it all much bigger and more important than if done the more conventional way."
  • President Trump’s leadership once again succeeded in ensuring that the concerns of the American people are not forgotten—both the Republican Party and our nation are stronger today because of this deal.


Biden finally visits the border, and migrant camps are finally cleared:

  • Biden has finally decided to visit the southern border. The crisis, apparently, can no longer be ignored. However, Biden will not face reality. The Washington Examiner noted: “Days before President Joe Biden visited El Paso, Texas, this afternoon, local and federal authorities began clearing out migrant encampments.”
    • One local reporter said, "One woman did tell us that yes, she has seen city employees out here cleaning the area in preparation for President Biden's visit."
  • The border is a disaster because Biden rolled back President Trump’s successful policies. As Congressman Jim Jordan noted on Fox News Sunday, “The numbers during President Trump were so good on the border." There are many other facts you should know about.


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December 18 2022

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, December 18, 2022

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, December 18, 2022

Good evening, 

Border communities are preparing for absolute chaos at the border this week, while Biden twiddles his thumbs and ignores the impending crisis. 

The end of Title 42 on Wednesday could mean an estimated 18,000 illegal immigrants will cross the border every single day. This deluge will overwhelm border towns. 

President Donald Trump instituted the use of Title 42 to keep Americans safe, and unfortunately radical liberals have succeeded in ending the program. President Trump was dedicated to securing the border. CNN’s Jake Tapper said on State of the Union that for “whatever reason” the border is worse now under Biden than Trump – that “reason” is Trump is no longer in office, something MAGA Inc. is committed to correcting.

The information below will prepare you to counter the leftist lies about the border this week. 

I hope you have a Merry Christmas with the ones you love.

Taylor Budowich 



Democratic senator hopes Americans just don’t care about the border crisis:

  • Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown said on Meet the Press that he doesn’t hear “a lot about immigration from voters except from people on the far-right.”
    • Polling shows that immigration is a top concern for voters. The most recent Gallup polling shows that 60 percent of Americans "personally worry about illegal immigration."
    • The border affects voters of all political persuasions as the drug crisis does not discriminate. The Washington Post recently reported: “From 2019 to 2021, fatal overdoses surged 94 percent, and an estimated 196 Americans are now dying each day from the drug — the equivalent of a fully loaded Boeing 757-200 crashing and killing everyone on board."
  • President Trump has always prioritized securing the border and protecting Americans. An open border means jobs taken away from Americans, more crime, and more overdoses. 

This week we will see a border surge unlike anything before:

  • Border expert Todd Bensman likens the coming surge to a Category 5 hurricane.
    • Bensman: “Still, this pandemonium of 7,000-9,000 illegal crossers caught every single day, 200,000-plus every single month for two years straight, is just a Category 3 hurricane on the mass migration-scale.  A Category 5 is barreling down on the United States with the scheduled December 21 lifting of 'Title 42,' the one last real impediment to a next-level crisis far beyond, not just the American experience, but that of every nation in the developed world.”
  • Estimates for the number of illegal immigrants crossing daily post-Title 42 range from 14,000 to 18,000 a day. That could mean up to 6.4 million illegal immigrants crossing in a year. This would completely overwhelm our nation’s hospitals, schools, and communities. 
  • Border crossings have surged under Biden’s weak policies. Fox News Sunday highlighted that border crossings in October 2022 were up 411 percent from October 2019. 

At least some Democrats acknowledge this is a crisis, while the White House claims Biden has done the “necessary work”:

  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom has said the system “will break” after Title 42 ends and that there “is no question in my mind we are not prepared.”
  • Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar said that the Biden administration is not “listening” to Border Patrol agents and border communities.
  • The White House, meanwhile, does not live in reality. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted this week that Biden has “done the work” necessary to secure the border. This is a laughable lie. Biden has incentivized illegal immigration by ending deportations based on immigration status.
  • President Trump stands up for border communities and Border Patrol agents. Even Democrat border mayors have acknowledged that Trump secured the border.
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December 11 2022

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, December 11, 2022

MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, December 11, 2022

Good evening,

This weekend, Democrats from the White House and Congress attempted to downplay the worst prisoner release deal in modern history. Administration officials and Biden’s lackeys regurgitated talking points on the Sunday shows and tried to convince Americans that this prisoner swap would not incentivize our country’s enemies. 

As our southern border remains open and unsecure, RINOs in Congress propose mass amnesty. It seems as if Washington politicians will do anything to avoid reinstating President Trump’s border solutions. The American people, as always, will pay the price for D.C.’s disinterest.

Unsurprisingly, the legacy mainstream media continues to ignore the shocking revelations from Twitter’s internal document release. The files show how liberal activists at the social media giant suppressed President Trump and his supporters to influence the 2020 election. 

The information below will arm you in defense of what will surely be another week of liberal media gaslighting.  

Taylor Budowich



Biden’s weakness undermines American strength on the global stage as the “Merchant of Death” gets swapped for a basketball player:

  • Viktor Bout, also known as Russia’s “Merchant of Death,” was released in exchange for Brittney Griner, an American basketball player who was arrested for drug possession while living and working in Russia.
  • Bout was serving a 25-year sentence after being convicted of conspiring to kill Americans and providing weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles, to groups including terrorist organizations.
  • Preet Bharara, the Democrat who prosecuted Bout during the Obama administration, acknowledged to Meet the Press that the trade was "asymmetric" and that Bout is a "dangerous man."
  • Administration officials John Kirby (National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications) and Roger Carstens (Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs), who were both involved with the prisoner swap, danced around questions about whether this trade incentivizes bad actors to use Americans as bargaining chips.
  • Adam Schiff implied to CBS that Putin deliberately released Brittney Griner over Whelan to “roil America,” while also admitting that this swap incentivizes hostage taking—did Joe Biden take Putin’s bait?
  • Joe Biden abandoned imprisoned marine Paul Whelan:
  • John Kirby on ABC’s This Week said that he only realized “last week” that there was “no chance” to release Whelan.
  • Roger Carstens on CNN’s State Of The Union said that there “was no opportunity” to bring Whelan home.
  • Whelan himself has said that he does not "understand” why he has not been freed.
  • Families of hostages currently detained in Iran joined CBS’ Face The Nation on Sunday to express their frustration with the Biden administration:
  • Hannah Shargi, daughter of imprisoned American Emad Shargi, stated that Biden has not met with “hostage families.” She noted that she lives in Washington, D.C., and is willing to meet at any time.
  • Ariana Shargi expressed that Joe Biden has “no good reason not to meet with us…We’re Americans.”
  • They also voiced their disappointment that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did not know about their family’s case when asked.
  • During his time in office, President Trump freed 56 hostages and detainees from more than 24 countries without surrendering American security—that is what peace through strength looks like.
  • President Trump has the expertise and a proven playbook to protect innocent American lives both at home and abroad. We cannot afford Biden’s weak leadership when our national security is at stake.


Joe Biden and his RINO allies propose mass amnesty as our southern border remains completely open:

  • Border crossings already surged to record highs because of Joe Biden—as the end of Title 42 approaches, border communities are preparing for the worst. Amnesty will reward millions of illegal immigrants for breaking the law and encourage more to cross.
  • Arizona Sen. Krysten Sinema told CNN's Jake Tapper that the federal government is failing to secure the border.
  • Even as 2.6 million unknown migrants are expected in 2023, Biden is deporting 71 percent fewer criminal illegal immigrants than President Trump.
  • Under President Trump, our border was as secure as it has ever been.
  • President Trump built over 400 miles of the world’s most advanced border wall and illegal crossings plummeted over 87 percent where the wall was completed.
  • He instituted the Migrant Protection Protocols, or the “Remain in Mexico” policy, to safely return asylum seekers to Mexico while they await hearings in the United States.
  • President Trump also ended the dangerous practice of “Catch-and-Release,” which let untold numbers of illegal immigrants to disappear into our nation’s interior.
  • President Trump must return to the White House to re-implement his border strategy before more American lives are put at risk by terrorists, traffickers, and the cartels.


Liberal media remains silent on the shocking discoveries revealed in internal Twitter documents:

  • CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS once again devoted zero airtime this week to the bombshell revelations coming from Twitter.
  • The documents prove that liberal activists at Twitter censored and suppressed the sitting President of the United States of America to influence an election. This is an unacceptable attack on the voice and votes of the American public.
  • Files released Friday night show that "executives were looking for any excuse to ban President Donald Trump."
  • Elon Musk says it is "unequivocally true" that Twitter employees interfered in the 2020 election and censored President Trump.
  • Documents released on Saturday outlined "how Twitter executives twisted the platform’s rules with the intention of blacklisting" President Trump.
  • According to the documents, Twitter staff and executives “took extraordinary steps to suppress” the Hunter Biden laptop story as first reported by the New York Post.
  • Other emails show Joe Biden’s campaign and the DNC successfully petitioning Twitter staff and executives to remove tweets and suppress accounts.
  • Full knowledge of the details of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led nearly 10 percent of Biden voters to abandon him—more than enough to flip the election in the six swing states won by Biden (AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, and WI).
  • 45.1 percent of Biden voters said they were unaware of the corruption scandal surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden.
  • One in six Biden voters would have abandoned him if they had known about one or more of eight major news stories suppressed by Big Tech and the mainstream media in the 2020 election.
  • In May 2020, President Trump signed the Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship that made it “the policy of the United States to foster clear ground rules promoting free and open debate on the internet.” It ensured that no federal tax dollars financed online platforms that restricted free speech.


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