October 23 2023

President Donald Trump spoke before a massive crowd in Derry, New Hampshire Monday afternoon.


President Trump's speech came shortly after he signed up for the New Hampshire presidential primary in person in Concord.


New Hampshire's Secretary of State asked President Trump to write down a message for New Hampshire voters. President Trump said he had a "simple message," which was, "vote for Trump and solve your problems."


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: "I will end Joe Biden's inflation disaster and we will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world."


President Trump: "A vote for President Trump is a vote to secure the border and it's a vote to keep radical, Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. On day one, I will immediately restore and expand the Trump Travel Ban."


President Trump: "I will shut down Iranian energy and I’ll unlock American energy like never before, and we will once again make the Iranian dictatorship very poor and we are going to make the American people very rich."


President Trump: "Joe Biden's speech was a grotesque betrayal of Israel and a confused mess of neocon warmongering and America last lunacy...pushing conflict abroad and distracting from his many disasters at home."


President Trump: "I make this promise to you, as president I will restore peace through strength."


President Trump: "Crooked Joe is not feared, he's not respected, and he's regarded by our enemies as a joke."


President Trump: "I will immediately reinstate all sanctions on the murderous Iranian regime."


President Trump: "Unlike Joe Biden, I will stand with our friend and ally the state of Israel 100 percent...and unlike Crooked Joe, I will fully support Israel's mission of ensuring that the terrorist group Hamas is defeated, dismantled, and permanently destroyed."



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