November 19 2023

Good afternoon, 


President Donald Trump is in Texas today visiting with the brave men and women combating illegal immigration. President Trump is joined by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who will be endorsing him. Gov. Abbott recognizes that no president has done more than Donald Trump to secure our border.


The visit to Texas follows President Trump's rally with supporters in Fort Dodge, Iowa where he laid out his plan to "terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration."


I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving with the ones they love. Here's what you need to know going into the week.


Taylor Budowich,

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc.


DeSantis Campaign Pollster: Trump Is Dominating The Primary And Beating Joe Biden

  • NBC News released a poll on Sunday that showed President Donald Trump beating Joe Biden in a general election match-up and leading the Republican primary field by 40 points. 
    • The poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, which is the pollster for the DeSantis campaign.
  • It's the first time an NBC News poll has shown Trump beating Biden. NBC News' polling analyst Steve Kornacki said on Meet the Press: "First time in more than a dozen polls we've seen a result like this."
  • The poll found that President Trump is leading Joe Biden among voters ages 18-34 by four percent.
    • Kornacki said, "This could be a massive sea change."
  • The poll also showed that just 33 percent of Americans approve of Biden's foreign policy and that his approval rating is 40 percent, the lowest Biden "has ever measured in our poll," according to Kornacki.


Former Biden White House Communications Director Claims That Biden's Policies Have Been Good For The Middle Class


  • Biden's former communications director Kate Bedingfield claimed on CNN's State of the Union that Biden has a record of "expanding power for the middle class, raising wages."
  • Let's take a look at Biden's actual record: 
    • A recent New York Times editorial from financial analyst Karen Petrou noted that "wage growth outpaced inflation for most of the Trump years," but "inflation soared and has stayed high for most of Biden's term." 
    • SoFi recently published an analysis that said, "Inflation has outpaced wage growth since 2021...This has resulted in negative nominal wage growth for the average American. In other words, your paycheck simply isn’t going as far."
    • The Heritage Foundation found that "Average real weekly wages dropped 5% from January 2021 to mid-2022, and they've flatlined since."
      • At the same time, the cost for gasoline soared 47.9 percent, the cost for baby formula increased 28.9 percent, and the cost for home heating oil increased 75.5 percent.
  • A recent Marquette Law School poll found that voters trust President Trump over Biden on the economy by a 21-point margin.


A not-so-happy birthday gift from Politico Playbook to Joe Biden. 


  • It's Joe Biden's 81st birthday tomorrow. Here's what he and his aides woke up to Sunday morning in Politico:
    • "If you haven’t heard, the Democratic Party is full of anxious people right now. They’re worried about swing-state polls showing JOE BIDEN losing to DONALD TRUMP. They’re worried about voters panning 'Bidenomics' even as the economy seems to be improving."
    • "Some argue that neither Biden nor his team have effectively communicated a reelection plan, a second-term governing vision or a clear argument against Trump."
    • "By the numbers: In the latest set of brutal polls for Biden, EPIC-MRA finds him losing to Trump by 5 points in Michigan. And an NBC survey clocks his national approval rating at a record low of 40% — including a 15-point plummet since September among young voters — and losing to Trump for the first time ever in their polling."


Ron DeSantis claims that Democrats are "going very easy on" President Trump


  • Ron DeSantis made the ridiculous claim on CNN's State of the Union Sunday that Democrats are "going very easy on [President Trump] right now."
    • Apparently, it's "going very easy" on your political opponent when you weaponize law enforcement to indict them on bogus charges and attempt to take them off the ballot with ridiculous lawsuits. 
  • DeSantis has been getting desperate as of late with his attacks on President Trump. On Saturday, he claimed President Trump's constitutionalist Supreme Court picks weren't conservative enough.
    • The Trump Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade, ended racist college admissions, protected gun rights, and struck down Joe Biden's unfair student loan forgiveness program. 
    • "I think that Donald Trump has done a better job appointing judges to both the U.S. Supreme Court and the Appeals Court than any other president in my lifetime, including one of my heroes Ronald Reagan," Ron DeSantis said during a 2018 gubernatorial debate. 
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