November 26 2023

Good evening, 


I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving. There are several stories driving the news this week.


A recent Washington Post report has brought to light the White House's efforts to partner with TikTok creators for promoting positive spin about President Joe Biden's economic mismanagement, as well as their collaboration with social media platforms to counter what they deem to be "misinformation."


This comes as Biden's failures illustrate a contrasting record on a defining political issue: the economy. Under President Donald Trump, most Americans experienced an increase in disposable income, but under Biden, about 60% are facing income declines. Adding to these concerns, The Wall Street Journal reports a worrying trend of rising credit card delinquencies, suggesting Americans are nearing their financial limits.


On the political front, Senator Tom Cotton remarked on Fox News that the ongoing situation with American hostages in Gaza wouldn't have occurred under President Trump, highlighting his administration's tough stance against Iranian threats. With Trump, America was respected.


Furthermore, recent polls by Politico and others indicate a shift in the political landscape, with Trump leading Biden in several swing states and betting markets. As the Iowa Caucuses draw near, Trump's dominance is evident and MAGA Inc. will continue to work to expand our political movement.


Taylor Budowich, 

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc. 


The White House is trying to censor social media posts about Biden's economic disaster.

  • A recent Washington Post report revealed that the White House "is working with TikTok creators to tell positive stories of Biden’s economic stewardship, while also working with social media platforms to counter misinformation."
  • Americans are fed up with Bidenomics and the Biden team is worried. The White House, for example, tracked a viral online video about a $16 McDonald's order of a burger, fries, and Sprite, according to the Washington Post.
  • The Washington Post report higlighted data that showed Americans got wealthier under Trump, and are now earning less under Biden.
    • Washington Post: "In fact, from 2015 to 2021, more than half of the country saw their disposable income increase relative to the prior year. But with inflation and the disappearance of covid aid, that number has flipped. In 2022, at the same time voters soured on the economy, close to 60 percent of people saw their income decline relative to last year, according to Matt Bruenig, founder of the People’s Policy Project, a think tank that supports expansion of the welfare state. "
  • Bidenomics has failed and it's only getting worse. The Wall Street Journal just reported that "American Borrowers Are Getting Closer to Maxing Out." The WSJ report noted that credit card delinquencies are rising at more than twice the typical rate: "The average rate of 30-day-plus delinquency across the five big lenders jumped 0.16 percentage point from September to October, above the typical seasonal jump of 0.06 point, according to Goldman’s tracking."


Sen. Tom Cotton on American hostages in Gaza: 'This would have never happened under Donald Trump'


  • Sen. Tom Cotton said on Fox News Sunday that the continued captivity of American hostages in Gaza "would have enver happened under Donald Trump."
  • Sen. Cotton said, "After Donald Trump directed the killing of Qasem Soleimani in Iraq, Iran's terrorist mastermind, Iran pulled in its horns for the rest of the Trump era. The way to stop these attacks is not to be fearful and hesitant and cautious in our response, but massive retaliation that makes it clear we will not tolerate these attacks on Americans."


Politico: "The polls keep getting worse for Biden"

  • Politico: "November started with New York Times/Siena College polls showing Trump ahead in four of the six swing states, but more indicators of Biden’s electoral peril soon followed. The president’s standing in head-to-head matchups with Trump is falling: Among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden’s position is worse than their previous polls in all but two of them."
  • Politico: "The state-level data are just as striking: In addition to those New York Times/Siena polls, within the last week and a half, other surveys have shown Trump ahead by 8 points in Arizona and 5 points up in Michigan."
  • Data compiled by RealClearPolitics shows President Trump currently has a 9-point lead over Joe Biden in the betting markets and is clearly favored to be America's next president.


The DeSantis campaign admits it has to "catch up" to Trump in Iowa

  • There are just 50 days until the Iowa Caucuses. President Trump will be in Iowa on Saturday at two different commit-to-caucus events.
  • Ron DeSantis' campaign admitted reality in a press email on Sunday and highlighted a report saying that DeSantis is fighting to "catch up" to President Trump in Iowa.
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