January 17 2024

President Donald Trump rallied with supporters in Atkinson, New Hampshire on Tuesday.


Vivek Ramaswamy joined President Trump on stage and urged New Hampshire to support President Trump in the Republican primary. "I am asking you to do the right thing and to vote for Donald J. Trump as your next president, because we don't have a lot of time," Ramaswamy said.


Ramaswamy called out Nikki Haley and said, "If you want to cut Social Security, you want to cut Medicare, you want to cut veterans' benefits so we can fork over more money to Ukraine...vote for Nikki Haley."


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: “It’s time for the Republican Party… to unify, come together and move forward as one team. We have to beat Crooked Joe Biden.”


President Trump: "You think Biden when he's sleeping, he is turning and twisting and sweating in bed thinking about how to get his farmers taken care of? He just goes out like a light. Me, I twist and turn thinking about how we're going to make our country rich as hell again."


President Trump: "[Biden's] a crooked guy. He's the worst president in the history of our country. He's the most corrupt president in the history of our country. And frankly he's the most incompetent president—you're going to end up in World War III with this guy."


President Trump: “I stand before you today as the only candidate who is up to the task of saving America from every single Biden disaster.”


President Trump: "Starting on day one of my new administration, I will quickly end Joe Biden’s inflation catastrophe by stopping his wasteful spending, terminating his Green New Scam...and tapping the liquid gold."


President Trump: "Nikki Haley supported a brutal 23 percent national sales tax."


President Trump: "The next Trump economic boom will begin on November 5, 2024."


President Trump: "I will make the Trump tax cuts permanent and we will deliver more tax cuts, tax credits, regulation cuts for New Hampshire workers"


President Trump: "Nikki Haley...is counting on the Democrats and liberals to infiltrate your Republican primary."


President Trump: "If [Nikki] wins, Biden wins and if Biden wins, New Hampshire cannot win."


President Trump: "The Democrats are supporting [Haley] because she's easy to beat."

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