October 09 2023

President Donald Trump gave a powerful speech in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire on Monday, where he condemned America's enemies and pledged to put America First while Crooked Joe Biden hid from the public.


President Trump's visit to New Hampshire comes amid a flurry of polls showing him with a dominant lead in the Granite State.


Here are some highlights:


President Trump: "When I was your President, we had peace through strength, now we have weakness, conflict, and chaos. The atrocities we are witnessing in Israel would never have happened."


President Trump: "As President, I will once again stand strongly with the State of Israel, and we will cut off the money to the terrorists on Day One and reimpose the travel ban on terror-afflicted countries."


President Trump: "To bring down the energy costs for New Hampshire families, I will immediately rescind every Green New Deal catastrophe of the Biden administration--and we will drill, baby, drill."


President Trump: "On Day One, I will repeal Joe Biden's insane electric vehicle mandate."


President Trump: "I will implement rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure. We will regain energy independence."


President Trump: "Under my leadership we had no inflation and the 30-year mortgage rate was at an all-time low...The typical family has lost over $7,400 in annual income with Crooked Joe in the White House."


President Trump: "On my first day back in the White House, I'll terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and begin the largest deportation operation in American history."


President Trump: "[Biden's] a corrupt politician, he's grossly incompetent, and he's the worst president in the history of our country."

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