October 15 2023

Good evening,


Just two weeks ago, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said "the Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades." Sullivan couldn't have been more wrong, and American leaders clearly took their eyes off the ball.


Just a week after his comments, 30 Americans were killed in a Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Sullivan was asked about his comments on Meet the Press, and instead of acknowledging that he was wrong, Sullivan got defensive.


If Sullivan were honest, not only would he admit that he was wrong, but he'd acknowledge that the Biden administration's policies are funding terrorism.


The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that "Iran has made around $80 billion from its illicit oil sales since the Biden administration took office and relaxed sanctions on the hardline regime, cash that has helped Tehran keep its terror allies like Hamas afloat."


Hamas likely even benefited from Biden administration aid. Biden gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinians despite internal warnings that there is a "high risk" the cash would benefit Hamas. 


There are also troubling ties developing between the Biden administration and Iran. For example, a senior Pentagon official was recently alleged to have been a member of an Iranian-run propaganda network that reported to Iran's foreign ministry. Meanwhile, Biden's suspended envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, once called for the U.S. to engage with the terrorist Hamas and Hezbollah organizations.


Rep. Michael McCaul said on Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures that he's "getting a little too nervous with this coziness between Iran and this administration...I would view it as an infiltration or opening of the gates of Iran into our government."


President Donald Trump kept Americans safe by standing up to the terrorist regime in Tehran. He imposed crippling sanctions and assassinated Qasem Soleimani. MAGA Inc's latest ad highlights how the choice is clear for America in 2024 -- Biden's weakness that breeds chaos or President Trump's strength that inspires peace.


Taylor Budowich,

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc.


Americans are suffering under Bidenomics:


  • Biden has not gotten inflation under control. Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that prices are up 17.1 percent on average since January 2021.
  • The Messenger recently highlighted how Biden's inflation crisis is impacting Americans using a Missouri woman's Walmart receipts comparing the price of food from late 2020 to today.
    • "A pound of turkey breast went from $3.14 to $6.72, a 114% increase"
    • "A 4-pound bag of sugar went from $1.58 to $3.12, a 97% increase"
    • "A pack of bacon went from $11.98 to $16.48, a 38% increase"
    • "A standard bottle of honey went from $6.88 to $10.97, a 59% increase"

President Trump is both dominating Republican primary polling and general election polling:


  • An Emerson College poll released this past week showed President Trump leading Joe Biden in Pennsylvania by nine percent. Trump had 45 percent support, while Biden trailed with 36 percent.
  • A Messenger/HarrisX poll released this past week showed President Trump leading Joe Biden nationally 45 percent to 41 percent.
  • An Iowa State University/Civiqs poll found President Trump with a dominant lead among likely Iowa Republican Caucus-goers.  
    • Trump 55 percent, DeSantis 17 percent, Haley 11 percent, Ramaswamy 5 percent
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