November 18 2023

Ron DeSantis made the ridiculous claim Saturday that President Donald Trump's constitutionalist Supreme Court picks are not conservative enough.


The Trump Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade, ended racist college admissions, protected gun rights, and struck down Joe Biden's unfair student loan forgiveness program.


The new Ron DeSantis should meet the old Ron DeSantis. 


"I think that Donald Trump has done a better job appointing judges to both the U.S. Supreme Court and the Appeals Court than any other president in my lifetime, including one of my heroes Ronald Reagan," Ron DeSantis said during a 2018 gubernatorial debate.


DeSantis on Justice Amy Coney Barrett: "@realDonaldTrump  made an outstanding choice for the U.S. Supreme Court in Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who has had an exemplary legal career & been a terrific judge. She will apply the law of the Constitution faithfully & serve as an inspiration to millions of our fellow citizens."


DeSantis on Justice Brett Kavanaugh:  "Look, this guy is a top-flight intellect, he’s got an impeccable pedigree…I think the President made a good choice.”


DeSantis on Justice Neil Gorsuch: "If you created a nominee from scratch with the goal of filling Scalia's large shoes, such a nominee would look a lot like Neil Gorsuch."'

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