November 12 2023

Good evening, 


On CNN Sunday, Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler was asked what his message is to those struggling to make ends meet, and responded, "That's precisely why we need another four years to finish the job."


Oh, okay. So, Biden has utterly failed during his nearly three years in office, but voters should reward him with four more years? That's quite the pitch.


Fortunately, Americans aren't buying what Biden is selling. Three different sets of swing state polls released in the past week (New York Times/Siena College, Emerson College, and Bloomberg/Morning Consult) all show President Donald Trump ahead of Joe Biden in battleground states.


Taking a look at Bloomberg/Morning Consult's poll of voters in Georgia, a whopping 74 percent of voters said the economy is going on the wrong track in the U.S. When asked who do you trust to handle the economy, 52 percent of voters said Trump, while just 32 percent said Biden. 


Voters don't want to give Biden "another four years to finish the job" of destroying America. 


Taylor Budowich, 
CEO, Make America Great Again Inc.


President Trump will put America's veterans first:

  • President Trump spoke about his agenda to prioritize America's veterans during a rally Saturday in New Hampshire. 
    • President Trump: "I will also make it a personal mission to completely eradicate veterans' homelessness in America...On day one, I will sign an executive order to cut off Biden's spigot of money for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens and we will redirect a large portion of the savings to provide shelter and treatment for our own homeless veterans...Crooked Joe puts bureaucrats first and illegal aliens first. I will put veterans first and America First, every single time."
  • President Trump signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act in 2017 that gave the VA more power to fire bad employees.
    • Mark Lucas, then the executive director of Concerned Veterans for America, said, "Veterans have been waiting for this day for years. Until today, the VA Secretary has not had the necessary authority to discipline or fire bad department employees quickly. This historic bill is a significant step forward in the fight to correct the toxic VA culture and get veterans a step closer to the care they deserve."
  • Biden has fought to reinstate and give backpay to fired VA employees. 
    • President Trump said on Saturday that instead of wasting millions of dollars on backpay for bad VA employees, he will "ask Congress to take every penny of that money and finally build a brand new state-of-the-art full-service V.A. hospital right here in New Hampshire."


Politico and The Hill: Trump's opponents can no longer make the "electability" argument:


  • Politico: "A small drumbeat of polling showing Trump’s enduring strength has turned into a cacophony. And in the wake of polling from the New York Times and Siena College, which found Trump beating Biden in five battleground states — and a CBS News/YouGov poll that showed Trump leading Biden nationally — Republicans once skeptical of Trump’s viability in a general election are beginning to come around."
  • The Hill: "Trump’s massive lead in polls deals blow to rivals’ electability case"
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