January 26 2024

America's national security is at risk because of Joe Biden. Just today, Joe Biden weakened America's energy industry and the administration revealed 19 individuals on the terror watch list were caught trying to enter the country in December. America can't survive four more years of Joe Biden.


  • Biden continues to have no control over the radicals in the Democrat Party and during a Tuesday speech in Virginia, Biden was heckled and called "Genocide Joe."
  • On Thursday, Joe Biden visited Superior, Wisconsin where he spoke incoherently Joe Biden later posed for a picture at a bar with his hard hat on backwards
  • A Gallup survey released Thursday showed that "President Biden’s average job approval rating during his third year in office was the lowest of any U.S. president since President Carter." 
  • It must be tough for White House staffers to work for such an unpopular president so on Thursday night, White House chief of staff Jeff Zients planned a "morale-booster party." Radical pro-Hamas elements in the Biden administration responded by issuing a statement calling for a "ceasefire" and a boycott of Zients' party.
  • On Friday morning, Joe Biden sided with TikTok influencers and environmental extremists and paused all pending approvals of Liquid National Gas (LNG) export terminals. Twenty-five U.S. senators responded in a letter that noted that Biden's decision will empower countries like Russia and Iran.
  • On Friday afternoon, Fox News' Bill Melugin reported, "CBP officially reports 302,034 migrant encounters in December, the highest month ever recorded. CBP also reports Border Patrol arrested 19 people on the FBI terror watchlist in December, bringing the total to 50 arrests for fiscal year 2024 so far."
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