January 21 2024

President Donald Trump returned to New Hampshire Saturday to rally a large crowd of supporters in Manchester.


Frank Luntz said: "The Trump rally in Manchester is packed. Lines stretched 4 blocks before doors opened... by far his biggest rally since Iowa."


South Carolina Rep. Russell Fry: "There's a reason why President Trump, in South Carolina -- in Governor Haley's former state... she has fourteen endorsements compared to Donald Trump's one hundred."


South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster: "New Hampshire is for Trump, South Carolina is too. We'll see you at the finish line."


Highlights from President Trump's speech:


President Trump: "Three days from now, we're going to win New Hampshire, and then we're going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden, and we are going to make America great again."


President Trump: "Since 2016, you and I have been in this battle side-by-side... The Washington Swamp has done everything in its power to take away your voice—but this Tuesday, it is finally YOUR TURN... to speak LOUD AND CLEAR."


President Trump: "[Nikki Haley] has made an unholy alliance with the RINOs, the Never Trumpers... globalists, the radical left communists... they want to get liberals and Biden supporters."


President Trump: "Perhaps worst of all, Nikki Haley is backed by the Deep State and the Military Industrial Complex because they know she is a globalist."


President Trump: "Nikki stabbed the Republican Party in the back by siding with Barack Hussein Obama against the Trump travel ban, which kept us safe."


President Trump: "We're also dominating Crooked Joe Biden in the general election. We're up eight points over Biden in the new Rasmussen poll... while Nikki Haley is getting clobbered in that poll."


President Trump: "So if you want to save America, then this Tuesday, January 23rd, you must vote for a man named Trump."


President Trump: "Upon taking office, I will terminate every open border policy that Biden and the Biden administration put on and begin the largest deportation operation in American history."


President Trump: "The next Trump economic boom will begin on November 5th, 2024...and we are going to bring America together through unprecedented success!"

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