January 14 2024

President Donald Trump held a rally in Indianola, Iowa before a large crowd of supporters on Sunday.


CBS reporter Olivia Rinaldi wrote, "Trump’s last rally today before the Iowa Caucus is absolutely packed."


Even Frank Luntz wrote, "It’s the most attended event of this final #IowaCaucus weekend."


President Trump stressed the importance of Iowans getting out to vote tomorrow, Monday, January 15th. "Brave the weather and go out and save America... this is really about saving our country," President Trump said.


President Trump unveiled two new endorsements of his re-election campaign at his rally Sunday. Wisconsin Rep. Derrick Van Orden and former Presidential candidate and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum endorsed the 45th President in Indianola.


Gov. Burgum said, "Under President Trump, America was safe and prosperous. And tomorrow, when you caucus, you have an opportunity to send a message to the nation... Donald J. Trump will make America great again."


Rep. Jim Jordan spoke at the rally and said: “That’s what this is all about, is putting someone back in the White House who did so much, who did what he said he was going to do… President Trump projects the strength that you need in a Commander-in-Chief.”


Highlights from President Trump's speech: 


President Trump: "Tomorrow, January 15th, I need each and every one of you to get out and vote... We have to set the stage for November."


President Trump: "I stand before you today as the only candidate who is up to the task of saving America from every single Biden disaster, starting on day one."


President Trump: "The Washington swamp has done everything in its power to take away your voice, but tomorrow is your time to turn on them and... speak your mind... We're going to take this country back. We're going to make it greater than ever before."


President Trump: "So if you want to save America from Crooked Joe Biden, you must go caucus tomorrow... You can't sit home!"


President Trump: "Nikki and Crooked Joe are both backed by warmongers and left-wing globalists... who crave to destroy the MAGA movement."


President Trump: "I'm working for you and [Nikki Haley] is working for... people that don't necessarily love our country... She's got some really bad money behind her."


President Trump: "[Nikki Haley] even said illegal aliens were not criminals."


President Trump: "As soon as I take the oath of office, I'll terminate every open border policy of the Biden administration and begin the largest deportation operation in American history."


President Trump: "And unlike Ron and Nikki, we will always protect Medicare and Social Security for our great seniors. We are not going to hurt our seniors.”


President Trump: "In New York City last week, American schoolchildren were kicked out of class so that the school could be turned into a migrant camp... Biden puts America last. I put America first."


President Trump: “Under the Trump Administration, you were better off. Your family was better off. Your neighbors were better off. Your communities were better off. And our country was better off.”

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